Huashan Pai Yue is in charge: "The level of the Immortal Dao realm is more than the level of the humane realm, the higher the realm, the more time it takes to cultivate, even if we have the help of the Great Immortal and the chat group, if we want to break through to the Great Luo Golden Immortal level, I am afraid it will take hundreds of millions of years." "

As for the higher realm quasi-saints, saints, Yue Buqun no longer had any ideas.

As the higher the realm of strength, the greater Yue Buqun's awe became.

The more you know, the more you know about the powerhouses of the Immortal Dao realm, not to mention the Daluo Golden Immortals who can be eternal and immortal and leave the Great Luo Dao Fruit in the river of time.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "According to the information we know now, if there are not enough opportunities, even the most ordinary Earth Immortals may need tens of thousands of years to improve their strength. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Which of those great cultivators in the Qin Yu world who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years, let alone the cultivators of the immortal realm above. "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "As long as we keep cultivating hard, almost everyone is immortal now, and I believe the future is absolutely endless." "

The canteen Gao Yao: "I very much disagree with the words of 09, the flood world I entered before, many golden immortals, Taiyi golden immortals have lived a few calamities, that is trillions of years, they have not broken through to a higher realm." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "I actually agree that even if you live immortality, if your understanding is not enough, if you don't have enough chance and chance, after reaching a certain level, I am afraid that it will be difficult to improve your strength." "

The chattering masses used to think that as long as they lived forever, their strength would definitely become stronger and stronger in the future.

However, as their own strength increased, some of their strength reached the Transformation God Realm, and some even reached the Combined Body Realm and crossed the Tribulation Realm, and they all felt more and more that their cognition was extremely wrong.

Moreover, they also learned about the difficulty of cultivating in the Immortal Dao realm in the various inheritance texts uploaded by Ye Hao.

In the Flood Desolation World, the innate gods and demons such as the Styx Old Ancestor, Zhen Yuanzi Great Immortal, and Kunpeng Demon Master, which is not qualified and talented, are all supreme.

Even so, their strength may not change in the hundreds of millions of years they have cultivated.

As for the stronger saints such as Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi Tianzun, and Tongtian Sect Lord, their strength has hardly changed since they became saints.

These saints also had no idea about breaking through to a higher realm.

What are the qualifications and talents of Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi Tianzun, and Tongtian Sect Leader?

Pangu Yuan God is transformed into a heaven-opening merit, and the first form is the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and his talent is also the top existence in the entire Flood Barren World.

Even saints such as Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi Tianzun, and Tongtian Sect Lord were full of confusion about the future path, let alone them.

Even with the help of Daimmortal, they could buy almost sky-defying goods in the Points Mall that they could imagine, or even beyond their imagination.

But their innate qualifications are too poor, they do not have any special bloodlines, they do not have any special physiques, and they are completely ordinary people.

Reincarnator: "Invitation Moon Palace Master, the Great Immortal doesn't seem to be bubbling, I don't know what the Great Immortal is doing now?" "

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "Curiosity +1." "

Xiahou Swordsman: "Not only has the Great Immortal not bubbled up for a long time, but even the chat group has not invited new group members for a long time." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Daxian may be in retreat, it is very normal to retreat for several chaotic eras." "

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "The Great Immortal has been exploring the Endless Void recently. "

In the Eternal Continent, who was admiring the world tree above the sacrificial path and opening up the great universe, he replied.

Since refining the Heavenly Immortal Fruit of the Perfect Great World and directly breaking through to the True Immortal Realm, she entered the Eternal Continent and slowly digested and adapted to her rapidly improving strength.

Later, after Ye Hao made a move to eliminate the hidden dangers that might be brought about by swallowing the Heavenly Immortal Fruit, Zhaoyue did not return to the Peerless Shuangjiao World again.

At this time, she is the true immortal realm of the perfect big world, and a wisp of breath emitted at will can make the entire world collapse, and a drop of blood can turn the entire world into nothingness.

With her current realm of strength, staying in the peerless double pride world is like going to prison.

"Ding-dong! New people join the chat group! "

At this moment, the prompt of the group system sounded.

"Ding-dong! Killer Wolf joins the chat group. "

"Ding-dong! The witch joins the chat group. "

"Ding-dong! Ye Hei joined the chat group. "

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Xiao Li Feidao: "??? "。

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Is it so clever?" Just said that no one joined the chat group, and now there are three group members at once. "

Guo Jing: "Ye Hei? Do you have a classmate named Pang Bo, and your ex-girlfriend is Li Xiaoman? Do you still know me? "

Guo Jing saw a familiar name from the nicknames of the three newcomers at a glance.

When he escorted Ye Hei and his party into the Big Dipper Star Domain through the Nine Dragon Coffin, he was deeply impressed.

Ye Hei: "You know me?" "

Earth, Ye Hei was still immersed in the strange existence of joining the martial arts chat group, and found that the person nicknamed Guo Jing in the chat group seemed to know him.

Guo Jing: "I sent you to the Big Dipper Star Domain, do you remember?" "

Ye Hei: "Big Dipper Star Domain? What is this place. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Xiao Li Feidao: "? 100?? "。

Master Wing Chun: "??? "

Space station navigator: "Really don't know us anymore?" Are you still on Earth now? "

Ye Hei: "Of course I'm on Earth, I'm not on Earth, where else can I be?" "

Ye Hei was puzzled.

Reincarnator: "I feel that there may be another possibility, Ye Hei is indeed Ye Hei, but the world he is in may be a parallel world." "

Reincarnator: "Ye Hei, you have to be careful, if nothing else, there may be crossers, reborns, system owners and the like in your world." "

Zheng Zhao, who has the most experience, reacted at the first time.

Reincarnation: "The chat group once posted a group mission, and in the world we entered, there was also a person named Ye Hei. "

Reincarnator: "He has classmates Pang Bo, Li Xiaoman, Lin Jia, Zhou Yi and others, who chose to gather after you graduated, the place was Mount Tai, and then there was an accident, and he took the Nine Dragons coffin to the Big Dipper Star Domain." "

Reincarnator: "That Ye Hei's world is normal, according to my speculation, there may be accidents and variables in the world you are in, maybe there will be a person who knows the plot and crosses into your world." "

Ye Hei: "??? "。。

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