Ye Hei: "Did you really meet a person named Ye Hei in another world?" Even his classmate is called Pang Bo? Lin Jia? "

Ye Hei was obviously a little unbelievable.

If what these people in the chat group said was true, wouldn't it mean that in other worlds, there was another him?

The most outrageous thing is the speculation of the group member called the reincarnation.

The reincarnation person actually guessed that in his world, there were variables, which could be traversers, may be reborn, and may even be system owners.

[Guo Jing posted a video. 】

Guo Jing: "This video is a video I took when I met Ye Hei. "

Guo Jing also knew what a huge shock they said for the new members.

However, with two examples of Ying Zheng and two heroes in front, these old group members were not too shocked by the appearance of a new Ye Hei in the chat group.

[The graphic designer posted an image. 】

Graphic designer: "This is a photo I took of Ye Hei. "

"Is it really exactly like me?"

"Even Pang Bo, Lin Jia and the others inside are exactly the same."

"Could it really be that besides me, these people in the chat group have also contacted other Ye Hei?"

Ye Hei wavered.

Although there is some suspicion that the video may be composited, he has just joined the chat group, and these people in the chat group can accurately synthesize videos related to him through just a name?

In the entire Great Xia Kingdom, there are not ten thousand people named Ye Hei, but eight thousand.

How could everyone in the chat group instantly lock him from thousands of people named Ye Hei through a single name.

The world will help the Lord: "This is definitely great news for you." "

The world will help the lord: "That Ye Hei in the other world, he has the Desolate Ancient Holy Body, and he will become a super strong person in the Sacrificial Dao Realm in the future'. "

The world will help the lord: "If nothing else, I am afraid that you will also be able to become a strong person in the sacrificial realm in the future." "

The hero is filled with endless envy and jealousy.

He really knew too well the horror of sacrificing the powerhouse of the Dao Realm, sacrificing the Supreme Dao, burning the rules and order, and destroying the ancient and modern future.

It can even reflect the resurrection of an era with supreme power.

Without relying on chat groups, Ye Hei had such terrifying potential.

Now joining the martial arts chat group, with the help of the points mall, Ye Hei is completely likely to surpass the sacrificial path.

And what about him?

Whether or not he can break through to the quasi-immortal emperor level in the future is a huge unknown.

According to Xiongba's understanding, in the realm sea of the perfect world, there are many incomparably ancient immortal kings, surviving for more than one era.

Even so, these immortal kings were still far from breaking through to the quasi-immortal emperor.

Even if he now has an immortal lifespan, he feels that if he wants to reach the Perfect Great World Immortal King level, or even the True Immortal level, the time he will need is probably hundreds of millions.

Reincarnator: "Don't say it! "

Reincarnator: "If there is a traverser in Ye Hei's world, then this traverser is likely to seize Ye Hei's chance, if he is unlucky, Ye Hei does not grow to a specific height at a specific time, and is likely to fall." "

In Zheng Zhao's view, the world of shading heaven that the chat masses entered before should be the source world, which is most in line with the original historical monuments.

Now this Ye Hei who joined the chat group, the world he is in, there is a great possibility that unknown changes have occurred.

It may even be a very dramatic change, with far-reaching implications.

If a traverser crosses into the Heavenly Heaven World, he will definitely find a way to seize the opportunity in Ye Nei's life.

If this traverser is hostile to Ye Hei again and secretly strikes against Ye Hei, it will be a great crisis.

Ninth Uncle: "Don't be so pessimistic, maybe it's a normal world, there are no variables." "

Ninth Uncle: "Now that Ye Hei has joined the chat group, even if there are variables in his world, he can easily suppress it." "

Ninth Uncle didn't think that there was any golden finger, which was more huge than when they met the Great Immortal.

In today's points mall, the goods are packed with everything, only what they can't imagine, and there is no Daxian who doesn't have.

And points are not too difficult for them to get.

According to Ye Hei's original trajectory, it would take at least hundreds of years, even thousands of years, for him to break through to the Great Emperor realm.

With hundreds of years, even thousands of years, the points Ye Hei has accumulated are enough to buy a very heaven-defying commodity in the points mall and help Ye Hei break all kinds of shackles.

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "It's a pity, the Great Immortal hasn't bubbled up for a long time, otherwise, you can let the Great Immortal help you deduce your life." "

Huashan Pai Yue is in charge: "In this way, you can know in advance whether your world is really variable." "

Qin Shi Huang: "Unfortunately, Ye Hei's world is not a novel or film and television in Zheng Zhao's world, otherwise, with the original plot comparison, it may be easy to find out whether there are variables and who are variables." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Even if there is no comparison of the original historical trajectory, as long as you are patient, I believe you can find some abnormalities." "

Heaven and Earth Association Chief Helmsman Chen: "Now Ye Hei is a member of the chat group, with the heavenly machine of the chat group, you only need to be careful in a specific place, and in other places, you don't have to worry at all." "

The words of the chatting masses not only made Ye Hei confused, but also made the other two newcomers in the chat group confused.

Are these topics really something that martial arts chat groups can discuss?

They felt that the topics discussed by these old people in the chat group were even higher than the Xiuxian chat group.

Ye Hei: "Who is the Great Immortal?" "

Ye Hei asked a very crucial question.

In the mouths of the chatting masses, Daxian is a very anti-heavenly, taboo existence creation.

If what the chatter said is true, Daxian can really help him deduce his life and find out possible variables, which is definitely of great help to him.

Otherwise, there is a traverser in his world who may know the plot, or even a traverser who knows the plot and has a system, and he simply can't sleep.

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "The Great Immortal is the eternal drop god. "

Graphic designer: "Daisen is the supreme deity with boundless power. "

Space station navigator: "The great immortal has great powers, mighty powers, and strength is a taboo existence in all heavens and realms." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Emperor Hongwu: "The great immortal knows everything and can do everything." "

Da Qin Zulong: "You three newcomers only need to glance at the points mall to be able to recognize the Great Immortal Power. "。

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