"You get 35,000 points."

"You get 3,000 points."

"You get 2,000 points."

"You get 1200 points."

"Kill through the dynasty mission, I myself got 50,000 points, chat mass trading 41200 points, a total of 91200 points."

In addition to Xiongba, Li Xunhuan, Zhang Sanfeng and Yue Buqun, the other four in the chat group chose to trade with him as soon as they gained points.

[Xiao Li Feidao sent an exclusive red envelope to the immortal cultivator. 】

Xiao Li Feidao: "Great Immortal, can I trade some of the Immortal Cultivation Exercises first, such as the cultivation method of the Five Elements True Technique Refining Qi layer?" "

Xiao Li Feidao: "In addition, can the immortal cultivation exercises we traded be given to others to cultivate?" "

Li Xunhuan was extremely nervous and apprehensive.

[Wudang Centenarian Teacher sent an exclusive red envelope to the immortal cultivator. 】

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Great Immortal, can my points be traded for a pill that heals my third disciple?" "

At this moment, Li Xunhuan and Zhang Sanfeng also sent the points over.

They are clearly hesitating to think about their deals.

[Immortal Cultivator].

[Points: 118574. 】

[Realm: Jiedan Realm Three Layers (0/40,000). 】

[Exercises: Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique. 】

[Spell: Ten times the Instant Kill Technique (0/10,000.] 】

[Alchemist: Yipin (0/10,000.] 】

[Danfang: Condensing Qi Pill (Perfection), Essence Cleansing Pill (Perfection), Zhuling Pill (Perfection). 】

"Raise the realm!"

Ye Hao did not hesitate to collect the red envelopes of Li Xunhuan and Zhang Sanfeng, and then glanced at the points that had skyrocketed again, without any hesitation, and said.

【Ding-dong! Deduct 40,000 points, the fourth layer of the Jiedan Realm (0/50,000). 】

The fourth layer of the Jiedan Realm!

【Ding-dong! Deduct 50,000 points, the fifth layer of the Jiedan Realm (0/60,000). 】

The fifth layer of the Jiedan Realm!


Ye Hao sensed that his mana was several times stronger again, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Most of the Linghe Sect's Jiedan Realm elders are only in the early stage of the Jiedan Realm.

After a while, he will be able to become the strongest in the Linghe Sect.

With his strength realm, as well as the ability of the chat group to cover the aura of the heavenly machine, he could freely enter and exit the Linghe Sect and directly whitewash the various resources of the Linghe Sect.

Da Qin Zulong: "@修仙者, Daxian, is Li Xunhuan's kind of trading method okay?" If I could, I would also like to trade some of the content of the Five Elements Truth. "

Immortal cultivator: "@大秦祖龙, your trading points are almost half of Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Sanfeng trades things, you can choose two of them, I don't know if it is in line with your heart?" "

Immortal cultivator: "Or I'll give you other immortal cultivation resources again." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Yes!" Accord with! I chose the Five Elements True Technique and the 50,000 Spirit Stones. "

Without any hesitation, Ying Zheng agreed and made a choice.

He remembered very clearly the four cultivation treasures that Zhang Sanfeng traded last time.

The Five Elements True Technique that can cultivate to the peak of the Foundation Building Realm!

50,000 spirit stones!

The cultivation experience of ten Foundation Building Realm cultivators!

Second Grade Gathering Spirit Array!

He originally thought that he could only trade exercises that had reached the initial level of cultivation to the Foundation Building Realm, so he wanted to trade part of the Five Elements True Technique.

Wait until he earns points later and can trade the rest.

Now let him choose from the items that Zhang Sanfeng traded, it was naturally a huge surprise, but there was a complete version of the Five Elements True Technique.

Add 50,000 spirit stones, and he will be able to cultivate immortals.

"Thank you Daisen~"

Standing not far away, Ying Zheng paid homage to Ye Hao one after another, even with his heart, he couldn't help but show a strong smile, and his emotions were extremely excited.

Exercises that can cultivate to the peak of the Foundation Building Realm!

Once he cultivates to the Foundation Building Realm, he can obtain a lifespan of two hundred years, and if he cultivates to the peak of the Foundation Building Realm, maybe the lifespan can be extended to three or four hundred years.

With three or four hundred years, he can obtain a huge number of points even if he only relies on check-in points.

Being able to continue to trade a large amount of immortal cultivation resources from the Great Immortal, his strength can be improved again.

Immortality is no longer an illusion!

[The immortal cultivator sent an exclusive red envelope to the Great Qin Ancestral Dragon. 】

[Great Qin Zulong received the red envelope. 】


A gray jade Jane and a black storage bag appeared in Ying Zheng's hand.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Congratulations Your Majesty, this is the road to immortality." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Congratulations Your Majesty." "

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "Great Immortal Mercy, congratulations Your Majesty!" "


With Zhang Sanfeng's transaction before, the chat masses already had certain psychological preparations for the immortal cultivation resources obtained by Ying Zheng.

Instead, they were more concerned about Li Xunhuan's question.

They don't have the confidence to directly get tens of thousands of points like Ying Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng, and naturally they can't trade the Five Elements True Technique.

If they traded to low-level immortal cultivation exercises, and when their cultivation reached the peak, wouldn't they have to buy new immortal cultivation exercises again?

Moreover, they also have relatives and disciples.

They don't want to live alone, and in the end the whole world will have no relatives and friends.

Immortal cultivator: "@小李飞刀, of course, you can buy a part of the exercises first, you have traded 4,000 points, which can give you the exercises to cultivate to the first layer of the Foundation Building Realm." "

Immortal cultivator: "As long as you are willing, the immortal cultivation resources you trade can be used at will in their respective worlds." "

Immortal cultivators: "Under normal circumstances, only spirit roots can cultivate immortals, you are lucky, although there is no spirit root, but, because of the different rules of heaven and earth, your physique does not affect immortal cultivation." "

When Li Xunhuan got married, Ye Hao secretly checked the chat masses, as well as the qualifications of some people in the Xiao Li Flying Dao World.

The talent of these people in the martial arts world is similar to their talent for martial arts.

However, even if these people did not have spiritual roots and could not cultivate immortals, Ye Hao had found the perfect solution.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Great Immortal Mercy, kneel to Great Immortal!" "

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, I was almost paralyzed, and I was worried that I couldn't cultivate immortals if I didn't have a spiritual root." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "I can't imagine such benefits in the lower world?" Happy JPG. "

Because of Ye Hao's words, all the people chatting had smiles on their faces, and their hearts were also full of gratitude to Ye Hao.

At the same time, they were also taken aback.

Great Qin Zulong: "If there is no spiritual root in the immortal world, there is no hope of cultivating immortals at all?" "

Ying Zheng felt the cruelty of the Immortal Cultivation World.

Immortal cultivators: "You can artificially obtain the acquired spirit root, such as the instrument spirit root, the dan spirit root, or through elixir and heaven and earth spirit fruit nirvana, you can obtain the innate spirit root." "

As an existence that only possessed four attribute miscellaneous spirit roots, Ye Hao naturally checked the relevant information.

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, can we have a spirit root?" "

Ying Zheng felt that there was no spiritual root cultivation immortal, which was a little unprofessional.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "If people without spirit roots want to obtain spirit roots, the price should be very high." "

Zhang Sanfeng didn't care whether he had a spiritual root or not, he could cultivate immortals.

Although Ye Hao did not introduce the two costs of obtaining spirit roots, Zhang Sanfeng still felt a high-end aura.

Without a huge background, or a chance against the sky, people without spiritual roots basically have no hope of obtaining spiritual roots.

Unless possessing a spirit root can increase the speed or potential of immortal cultivation, he will not waste points to obtain a useless thing.

Immortal Cultivator: "If you want to obtain the spiritual root, it is very simple. "

Ye Hao couldn't help but upload a special exercise book that he had purchased in the Vientiane Building before.

[The immortal cultivator uploaded the first level of the Spirit Martial Technique. 】

Immortal cultivator: "This is a martial arts technique created by an immortal cultivator, who wanted to study the method of martial arts immortality, and as a result, only people with spiritual roots could cultivate." "

Immortal cultivator: "Spirit martial arts is also martial arts, you can use points to improve, only need 1 point, regardless of whether the chat group condenses the spirit root for you, it will transform your physique to resemble the physique with the spirit root." "

This was the method that Ye Hao was originally going to solve the spirit root for the chattering masses.

Chat masses: "??? "。

And this operation?

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