[Great Qin Zulong received the first level of Spirit Martial Technique! ] 】

[Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist received the first level of Spirit Martial Technique! ] 】

[The master of the Shifting Flower Palace received the first level of the Spirit Martial Technique! ] 】

[The World Society helped the Lord receive the first level of Spirit Martial Techniques! ] 】


Looking at Ye Hao's words, the chattering masses did not have any hesitation, and quickly went to collect the Spirit Martial Technique.

Before, because everyone had the talent of cultivating immortals, they were not in a hurry to have a spiritual root before.

Whether it is an artificial acquired spirit root, or relying on elixirs and innate spirit fruits to change one's life against the sky and give birth to an innate spirit root, it will cost a huge price.

Without enough points, they simply could not purchase immortal cultivation treasures that obtained spirit roots.

It's different now!

1 point!

They only need 1 point to be able to obtain the spirit root, which is simply a no-cost transaction.

Chat groups can get 10 points per day.

This is simply a spiritual root picked up for nothing.

Da Qin Zulong: "Thank you Da Xian, Da Immortal 666." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Thank you Daxian, Daxian 666." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Thank you Daxian, Daxian 666." "

The chat masses were completely convinced by Ye Hao, and even directly stuck the bug of the chat group.

It is simply to let everyone give a spiritual root to the chat group.

The head of the Huashan Sect: "Thank you for the gift of the Great Immortal, from today onwards, the belief immortal of the Huashan Sect is the Great Immortal, and it will definitely be offered incense every day." "

Yue Buqun only felt that Ye Hao was too against the sky, as long as he knelt and licked successfully, he would directly take off on the spot.

Heaven and Earth Society's chief helmsman Chen: "From today onwards, all temples and halls with Daming will enjoy incense offerings. "

Chen Jinnan also made a decision, when he re-established Daming, all Taoist temples must believe in Daxian, otherwise, all of them will be demolished.

Immortal Cultivator: "Keep trading." "

Ye Hao's mind turned, and he did not refuse the incense offering.

"Since you let me enjoy the incense offering, you shouldn't restrict me from entering your world, right?"

"You can't always talk about giving me incense offerings, in fact, you don't even give me permission to enter your world."

Ye Hao said darkly.

What he really fancy is not the incense offering, but the permission to enter other worlds at will.

Once he encounters danger in the fairy world, he can enter the world of other group members at any time to hide.

"In the future, I will appear a few times in the Luding Ji World or the Xiaoao Jianghu World, and it will definitely spread in the chat group."

"At that time, they may also choose to build a temple for me and open the permission to let me enter their world."

Ye Hao's real goal was to get each group member to give him the right to freely enter and exit the world.

"Without this method, it is impossible to rely on my own beauty, right?"

Since Zhaoyue traded a thousand points with him and let him guide cultivation, Zhaoyue opened his permission to enter and exit the peerless double pride world at any time.

Ye Hao could see that as long as he was willing to sacrifice his beauty, the peerless Shuangjiao World would completely become his back garden, ensuring that he had a safe evacuation place when he encountered a threat in the Xian Xia World.

Immortal cultivator: "@天地会陈总舵主, a Essence Cleansing Pill, the Five Elements True Technique of cultivating to the peak of the Qi Refining Realm, 1,000 spirit stones, is it in line with your heart?" "

Ye Hao had other plans in his mind and did not delay the normal transaction.

Immortal cultivator: "@咏春叶师傅, a Essence Cleansing Pill, the Five Elements True Technique cultivated to the sixth layer of the Qi Refining Realm, 500 spirit stones, is it in line with your heart?" "

Immortal cultivator: "@移花宫主, I will instruct you to cultivate today." "


Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Thank you Great Immortal!" Kneel to the Great Immortal! "

Chen Jinnan rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then was ecstatic.

The Five Elements True Technique for cultivating to the peak of the Qi Refining Realm!

Coupled with the Essence Cleansing Pill, he would be able to immediately become a cultivator at the first level of the Qi Refining Realm.

With such strength, he can become the number one powerhouse in the world of Lu Ding Ji.

The Great Immortal also gave him 1,000 spirit stones, and he could continue to improve the realm of immortal cultivation on the basis of refining qi.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Thank you Tai Sin for kneeling for Tai Sin!" "

"I spelled it right this time!"

Ye Man's face turned red, he waved his fist, and couldn't help but hold the machine gun to shoot at the sky, and the excitement in his heart was like turning the river and the sea.

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "I will go back to bathe and change clothes now, and wait for the great immortal." Happy JPG. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "??? "。

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "??? "。

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "??? "。

Heaven and Earth will be the helmsman of Chen: "I always feel that something is wrong, but unfortunately, I dare not say it." Dog Head Saves Life ·JPG"

Master Wing Chun Yip: "We just had a bloody battle, there is blood on our bodies, and I feel very reasonable to invite the Moon Palace Master to bathe and change clothes and wait for the Great Immortal." Dog Head Saves Life ·JPG"

Da Qin Zulong: "@天下会帮主, why didn't you make a deal?" "

Ying Zheng did not dwell on this issue, he also wanted Luna God, Tian Yan, Xiaomeng, and Shao Si to do this, but there were some strange abnormal behaviors of Xiongba.

It was normal for Yue Buqun not to trade, after all, he only received a reward of 200 points.

Hero is rewarded with 3,000 points.

Not having the first time to trade with Daxian is too abnormal.

At this time, the world of wind and clouds.

The first floor of the world.

"Am I trading Immortal Cultivation Resources? Or is it a trading deduction? "

Xiongba's brows furrowed, pacing back and forth in the hall, falling into an incomparable entanglement.

Watching the others in the chat group trade immortal cultivation exercises and spirit stone elixirs, he was also extremely hungry.

He has 3,000 points rewarded, which is as much as Chen Jinnan's, that is, he can trade the same immortal cultivation resources as Chen Jinnan.

That was the Five Elements True Technique that could cultivate to the peak of the Qi Refining Realm, a Essence Cleansing Pill, and 1,000 Spirit Stones.

"If I can mobilize 100,000 disciples of the World Association to participate in the mission this time, the point reward I get may not be as good as that of Ying Zheng, and I will have at least 10,000 points."

Xiongba was very hesitant.

Daxian said that the water of the Fengyun World is very deep.

That is, in addition to the Sword Saint, other strong people are hidden.

In this case, he definitely did not dare to make any big moves in the Fengyun World.

If there is a group mission like 'Kill Through the Dynasty' next time, he can only bring his three apprentices at most.

No matter how much he did, he was afraid that the news would be exposed and attract the attack and killing of the strong.

"It's better to deduce the heavenly machine, otherwise, I always feel that there is a big stone pressing on me, making me bind everything I do."

Xiongba hesitated for a long time, and finally made a decision.

He desperately wants to know what his world hides, and why is it so deep for him?

Knowing what is hidden, he can plan later.

If there is really any strong enemy, he can eliminate them one by one.

[The World Society will help the master send an exclusive red envelope to the immortal cultivator. 】

The world will help the lord: "Great Immortal, I want to know my future destiny, and there is more information about my world." "

Da Qin Huanzheng: "No wonder, you are hesitating to trade immortal cultivation resources, or deduce the heavenly machine." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Master Chen: "I remember that the Great Immortal said that the world of the Xiong Gang Lord is very deep, I don't know what is hidden, and I am very curious. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Very curious +1." "

The chatting masses came one after another, waiting for Ye Hao's reply.

Immortal cultivator: "I feel that you still don't deduce the heavenly machine, I'm afraid that after you know it, I won't be able to sleep at night in fear." "

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Chat masses: "??? "。

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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