The world of storms.

The first floor of the world.


Although Xiongba had already sat on the chair in advance, looking at Ye Hao's words, he still trembled and collapsed directly from the chair.

"Emperor Shitian actually lived for nearly two thousand years?"

A cold breath rushed straight to the heavenly spirit cover, making his soul pale, his face instantly turned pale, and his eyes scanned the shadows around him in horror.

Every time he looked at the shadow of a place, his heart was pounding, for fear that Emperor Shitian would suddenly come out of it.

Although Ye Hao did not say what realm Emperor Shitian had reached, Xiongba could definitely be very powerful, much stronger than him.

Even in the martial arts world, an existence that has lived for nearly two thousand years, relying on long years, has definitely grown to a very perverted height and reached the level of inhumanity.

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, how can this self-proclaimed god live for nearly two thousand years?" "

Ying Zheng was also taken aback, but he was more concerned about the reason why Emperor Shitian could live for more than a thousand years.

If they can, when they are strong enough, can they enter the world of domination, directly suppress Emperor Shitian, and grab the method of Emperor Shitian's immortality.

If they directly obtain immortality, by constantly doing tasks in the chat group, wouldn't they be able to obtain massive points and exchange them for massive immortal cultivation resources.

It is very possible to become immortals in the future.

Xiao Li Feidao: "It's terrifying, no wonder the immortal said that the water of the world is a little deep for Xiongba, but now it is really deep, and there is a great white shark hidden inside." "

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "I rely on!" I was still a little envious of the high boundaries of the world where the Xiong Gang Master was located, and I could easily cultivate to the Innate Realm and the Grandmaster Realm, but now I don't envy it at all. "

Yue Buqun couldn't imagine how terrifying it would be if there was an old monster in the Xiaoao Jianghu World who had lived for nearly two years.

Moreover, this old monster also likes to play with sentient beings, calls himself a god, and completely puts himself above all sentient beings, and I am afraid that he does not care about the lives of ordinary people.

He felt that what Daxian said was very reasonable, if there was such an old monster in his world, he would not sleep well every day.

Now that Xiongba, Bu Jiaoyun, and Nie Feng have become Emperor Shitian's toys, this kind of feeling like a man's back, even if the heart is big, the midnight may be woken up often.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "Great Immortal, can you tell us about what happened to Emperor Shitian?" So curious! How did he survive these nearly two thousand years alone, and what did he do? "

The world will help the Lord: "@天地会陈总舵主, can you open the world permission for me, I want to stay in your world for a while, I swear, absolutely do not interfere in anything." "

The world will help the Lord: "If you break your oath, the sky will strike thunder." "

Xiongba endured the huge fear in his heart and quickly contacted Chen Jinnan.

He regretted dying!

After the group mission of Lu Ding Ji World was over, Chen Jinnan gave everyone the permission to enter Lu Ding Ji World.

As a result, Xiongba directly returned to the Fengyun World with his three apprentices.

Chen Jinnan discovered that Xiongba left the Luding Ji World, and naturally closed Xiongba's permission to enter the Luding Ji World.

Only in Ye Hao's situation, Chen Jinnan dared to let other group members enter his world, otherwise, there would be too much hidden danger.

Especially a strong man like Xiongba can kill him silently.

The world will help the master: "I brought Qin Shuang, Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng into the mission world, and I feel that I may have been discovered by Emperor Shitian. "

The world will help the lord: "Maybe Emperor Shitian is already staring at me in the dark, and may catch me at any time and want to get the secret of my body." "

The whole person of the hero became suspicious, in addition to fear, that is, fear.

He finally understood why Daxian said that he couldn't sleep at night after knowing the heavenly machine.

Thinking that Emperor Shitian might have been hidden in the Tianxia Society, silently watching him, Xiongba felt his scalp numb, and his sweaty hairs were upside down.

Xiongba now has only one idea, hurry up!

You can't stay in the world anymore.

Because you can be killed at any time.

Xiongba does not consider himself a rival to Emperor Shitian.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "I really want to know the life experience of Emperor Shitian." "

Zhang Sanfeng was also very curious.

Immortal Cultivator: "Since you want to know, I will tell you about Emperor Shitian." "

Immortal cultivator: "Emperor Shitian is actually a person during the Qin Dynasty, and his real name is not actually Emperor Shitian." "

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

Qin Dynasty?

Great Qin Zulong: "Could it be that Emperor Shi Tian is the Qin Shi Huang who dominates the world?" "

Ying Zheng was a little excited.

Although he is the Qin Shi Huang of other worlds, at least it proves that in the world that can live forever, Qin Shi Huang still has a chance to live forever.

Master Wing Chun Ye: "No, is it true that Emperor Shi Tian is the Qin Shi Huang of another world?" "

The rest of the chat group was also shocked.

The immortality of a stranger in the Fengyun World and the immortality of the Fengyun World and the immortality of the Fengyun World are completely two feelings.

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "It seems that His Majesty has hope for immortality!" "

Yue Buqun also hurriedly patted his.

Now it seems that in addition to Daxian, the number two person in the chat group is Ying Zheng.

In particular, Ying Zheng dared to dispatch tens of thousands of troops into the Luding Ji world, which shows that Ying Zheng has absolute confidence in the control of his own world, and he is not worried about the crisis that may be caused by exposing his immortal yuan.

Immortal cultivator: "During the Qin Dynasty, because Qin Shi Huang wanted to live forever, he invited the heavenly priests to look for the elixir of immortality, Xu Fu was invited, and after studying numerology, he deduced that the phoenix, one of the four great beasts, existed in the world. "

Immortal cultivator: "He relied on the soldiers and horses of Daqin, and finally succeeded in capturing it through hard work, using phoenix blood with various rare medicines to refine the elixir of life." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Hahaha..." Originally, I saw that it was said in history that Xu Fu deceived Qin Shi Huang, and Xu Fu still wanted to kill him, it seems that Xu Fu in other worlds still has some skills. "

Zhao Gao, Li Si and Hu Hai were imprisoned by him without hesitation in a cell full of dead abalone.

Xu Fu was also imprisoned next door by him.

Originally wanted to execute Xu Fu, but now it seems that Xu Fu still has some skills.

Immortal cultivator: "Because Xu Fu could not resist the temptation of immortality, he comforted himself, saying that in order to save Cangsheng, he would not let the tyrant Qin Shihuang live forever, and swallow the elixir himself. "

Immortal cultivator: "Afterwards, lest Qin Shi Huang learn about this and suffer the scourge of killing, he lied that Dongdu went to Fusang to find the elixir, and obtained 3,000 boys and girls from Qin Shi Huang, and fled without a trace." "

Ye Hao's eyes were playful, and Ying Zheng was happy too early!

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

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