Great Qin Zulong: "Damn, this Xu Fu really deserves to die, when Xu Fu goes back, he will definitely let him taste eighteen kinds of torture." "

Ying Zheng's deep and cold face was distorted at this time, and he directly pulled out the Tianwen sword on his waist and slashed wildly at a boulder.

Lose face!

It's a shame!

He also thought that the Fengyun World's Ying Zheng really obtained the elixir of immortality, and even had a little bit of glory.

After all, the history books of Chen Jinnan, Li Xunhuan, Zhaoyue and others in the world record that Qin Shi Huang's quest for immortality and immortality all failed.

It was as if no matter what world he was in, Qin Shi Huang was destined to be immortal.

"Xu Fu, you dog thief!"

With the scheming of the government, the city government couldn't help but scold at this time.

Xu Fu couldn't refine the elixir of immortality, and in order to survive, it was enough to deceive Qin Shi Huang.

Xu Fu of the Fengyun World had obviously refined the elixir of immortality, and even deceived Qin Shi Huang.

Could it be that no matter what world he was in, Qin Shi Huang was destined to be unable to live forever, and he would still be deceived by Xu Fu?

Master Wing Chun Leaf: "This sudden turn of Tai Sin almost flashed to my waist. "

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "Emperor Shitian definitely wants to live forever, and he actually said that he took the elixir of immortality in order to save the genius Cangsheng, and if he didn't know, he thought it was poison, what a hypocrite." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "I always feel that the head of Yue said that Emperor Shitian is a hypocrite and strange, but Emperor Shitian is indeed very shameless." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Your Majesty is strong, this is a complete accident. "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "I can't imagine that there are phoenixes in the world of the Xiong Gang Lord, and I don't know what the other four great beasts are." "

The chatting masses did not expect that it was not Qin Shihuang who lived immortally, but the person who was tricked into taking away the elixir of life.

Although the phoenix was deduced by Xu Fu according to numerology, it was the Qin army and the Qin state masters who captured the phoenix.

The precious medicinal materials for refining the elixir of immortality must also be provided by Daqin.

Qin Shi Huang of the Fengyun World was deceived too badly!

Immortal cultivator: "After Xu Fu took the elixir of immortality, he not only lived immortally, but also obtained a certain immortal body. "

Immortal cultivator: "Hundreds of years later, Qin Shi Huang has been dead for a long time, and Xu Fu secretly returned to the Central Plains from Fusang. "

Immortal cultivator: "Xu Fu's cultivation talent and understanding are actually average, but in the long years, he drew on the strengths of hundreds of schools and began to join the martial arts sects in different capacities, using thousands of years to learn the strengths of ten thousand martial arts, and created his own peerless martial arts sacred heart technique. "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Learn the strength of ten thousand martial arts in a thousand years? "

Yue Buqun's eyes were almost glaring, extremely red, and he couldn't wait to turn into Emperor Shitian.

At this moment, he also had a huge obsession with immortality.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Is this the benefit of immortality?" It's so against the sky. "

Li Xunhuan couldn't help but marvel.

The message revealed in one short sentence is really terrifying.

A thousand years!

The head of ten thousand families!

The Sacred Heart Technique created by this foundation is absolutely beyond imagination.

Great Qin Zulong: "This is the benefit of immortality!" You must live forever. "

Huan Zheng touched the Xiu Immortal Jade Jane and the storage bag in his arms, and the heat in his heart was like an erupting volcano, blazing hot in the sky.

The rest of the chat group was no better, and they were all stunned by Ye Hao's short words.

Immortal cultivator: "During this period, he also changed his name to Emperor Shitian, once became the master of the martial arts alliance, and also ascended the throne of the Ninth Fifth Supreme, chasing the deer in the world, and also met countless women who made him unforgettable. "

Immortal cultivator: "After thousands of years, the continuous death of relatives and friends has made Emperor Shitian's temperament increasingly deformed, and he began to provoke martial arts disputes through various means and play with all sentient beings...

With Ye Hao's introduction, all the chatting masses were preoccupied, even Xiongba temporarily forgot his fear, and was all immersed in Emperor Shitian's life experience.

Emperor Shitian's life relies on the blessing of time, which is simply open, too brilliant, too magnificent.

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "I'm so envious and jealous!" It turns out that the immortal life is so against the sky. "

Yue Buqun couldn't wait to take his place.

Di Shitian's life experience was too rich, far beyond his imagination.

Almost all the power and wealth in the world have been experienced by Emperor Shitian.

Great Qin Zulong: "It is indeed correct to pursue immortality, a sinister villain like Emperor Shitian can grow to such a height by relying on thousands of years, if you give it a thousand years, you will definitely be able to build Great Qin into the greatest empire." "

Huan Zheng clenched his fists, and his will for Xiu Xian became more and more firm.

The existence of Emperor Shitian is the best example.

Emperor Shitian's life experience clearly told him the great benefits of immortality.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Emperor Shitian This is in the long years, the Dao heart collapsed, such an existence is too dangerous, Xiong gang master, you must be careful." "

The world will help the Lord: "Whoever wants to exchange with me, we open each other's access to each other's world." "

The world will help the master: "If you suppress Emperor Shitian, maybe you can obtain the method of refining the elixir of immortality by Emperor Shitian." "

Xiongba is completely dead.

He was originally full of fear of Emperor Shitian, but now that he had listened to Ye Hao's introduction, he deeply understood the horror of Emperor Shitian.

Use thousands of years to learn the strength of ten thousand martial arts, and create a peerless and unique martial arts sacred heart technique!

No matter how confident he is, he will not think that the three-point return to vitality can be compared to the Sacred Heart Technique.

What's more, what terrifying level would Emperor Shi Tian, who had cultivated for nearly two thousand years, reach his skill?

He just wants to fool a group member now, let him enter each other's world, and develop indecently for a while.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Emperor Shi Tin is completely invincible in the world of the Gang Lord. "

Ye Man shook his head repeatedly, his heart swaying.

He felt that Di Shitian's life experience was even more legendary than some of the small talking books he had seen.

Immortal cultivator: "Emperor Shitian is not invincible, a hundred years ago, Emperor Shitian was actually almost killed by a person. "

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "??? "。

Xiao Li Feidao: "Could it be that there are other people who have obtained immortal bodies through the four great beasts, and who are longer alive than Emperor Shitian?" "

Li Xunhuan couldn't help but jump his eyelids one after another, and he only felt dry mouth

If this is really the case, the water of the Fengyun World is simply bottomless.

Immortal cultivator: "This person who almost beat Emperor Shitian to death, there is no immortality, he is a true martial arts wizard, he has been in retreat for more than twenty years, and he has created his own Xuanwu True Gong." "

Immortal cultivator: "He fought with Emperor Shitian for three days and three nights, Emperor Shitian was almost killed, relying on his immortal body to get away with it, and since then, Wu Invincible has become his nightmare." "


After reading Ye Hao's introduction, the chatter crowd all gasped, looking extremely shocked and shocked.

This Wu Invincible is also too against the sky, right?

With decades of cultivation, Emperor Shitian who has cultivated for more than a thousand years has even almost killed Emperor Shitian?

What kind of earth-shattering secret is the Xuanwu True Skill he created?

What realm has Wu Invincible reached?

Immortal cultivator: "Li Xunhuan's previous guess is also correct, in addition to Emperor Shitian, there are indeed immortals in the world where Xiongba is located. "

Immortal cultivator: "There is also an existence that has lived for more than three thousand years. "

The world will help the Lord: "...

This is not the world I know!

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