Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Compared with the world of the Xiong Gang Lord, the world of the old Dao is too ordinary. "

Zhang Sanfeng took a deep breath and allowed himself to recover from the huge shock.

Emperor Shitian, who has lived nearly two thousand!

Wu Invincible, who had almost killed Emperor Shitian after decades of cultivation.

There is an even more terrifying existence, which has lived for more than three thousand years!

Emperor Shitian who has been for more than a thousand years is so terrifying, and how terrifying the old monster that is more than three thousand years old.

The world will help the Lord: "Great Immortal, this is not water at all, this is the bottomless sea!" Cry·JPG"

At this moment, Xiongba really wanted to hold a headache and cry.

This is completely different from what I thought before!

Originally, he guessed that in the Fengyun World, there were many moves similar to Sword Twenty-Three.

Some of these moves are mastered by a low-key powerhouse, and some are mastered by a certain martial arts family, and such martial arts masters are a huge threat to him.

He didn't expect that there were old monsters hiding in his world that had lived for thousands of years.

Emperor Shitian used thousands of years of time to gather the strengths of ten thousand families to create a unique Sacred Heart Technique.

So didn't this old monster who has lived for more than three thousand years create peerless martial arts for himself in three thousand years?

How does this fight?

No matter how iron he is, he doesn't dare to collide with this immortal monster.

An unreasonable martial arts wizard like Wu Invincible, Xiongba feels that he can't produce one for thousands of years.

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Xiong gang master, don't say anything, you try to keep a low profile in your own world, it's really not okay, find a place where no one is hiding." "

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "Don't think about dominating the world's martial arts, this is simply hell-level difficulty, it's better to wash and sleep." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, is this immortal who has lived for more than three thousand years also related to the four great beasts?" "

Ying Zheng quickly asked the shadow secret guard to bring him a cup of tea, calming his chaotic and shocked mind, wanting to verify his guess.

Di Shitian, who had lived for nearly two thousand years, and the old monster who had lived for more than three thousand years were indeed scary and even trembling.

However, after all, not in their own world.

Ying Zheng quickly recovered from this emotion, and instead wanted to peek at the reason why the immortals in the Fengyun World could live forever.

Immortal cultivator: "This person who has lived for more than three thousand years is called laughing three smiles, because when he was young, he occasionally obtained the blood of the dragon turtle and lived forever." "

Compared with Emperor Shitian, Xiao Sanxiao is more lucky, maybe he directly encounters a seriously injured dragon turtle and directly lies down to win.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Great Immortal, didn't the other two Rui Beasts in the Xionggang Lord World create immortals?" "

Li Xunhuan was very confused.

Since Di Shitian was able to deduce the existence of the four great beasts through numerology, others would definitely be able to deduce it as well.

The world will help the Lord: "Great Immortal, don't worry, I can still bear it, even if there is a more ancient existence, I can accept it." "

Xiongba also did not sit on the chair, but directly lay on the ground in large characters.

It's a big deal!

It's useless to panic!

Immortal cultivator: "The other two Rui beasts are still alive, if nothing else, there should only be these two immortals in the world you are in." "

If it is a comic book world, how many immortals there are, Ye Hao is not clear.

In the TV series, before slaying the dragon, Emperor Shitian and Xiao Sanxiao were immortals.

"Wait a while and go to the Vientiane Tower again to purchase the cultivation method of the Heavenly Mechanic."

Ye Hao said darkly.

The heavenly machine he revealed to the group members is all plot on the script.

If he asks about the heavenly machine outside the plot, he can only rely on inference.

However, if he becomes a heavenly mechanic, it is different, he really has the ability to deduce the heavenly machine.

He definitely can't rely on the heavenly mechanic to deduce the heavens and realms, but he can deduce some heavenly machines through the faces of the group members, life context, and so on.

What's more, he can also enter the world of group members, and when the time comes, he will be able to secretly deduce, and he will basically be able to gain insight into the heavenly machine of this world.

If the group members let him deduce the heavenly machine again, then he is really deducing the heavenly machine, not completely relying on spoilers like now.

Great Qin Zulong: "@天下会帮主, I am willing to let you stay in my world for a while, but, in return, I also need to enter your world once." "

Ying Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up, there were still two Rui beasts alive, didn't it mean that there were still two immortal chances?

When he is strong enough, he can completely enter the Wind and Cloud World and hunt the other two Rui Beasts, so as to obtain an immortal body.

The world will help the Lord: "I consider it." "

Xiongba was a little hesitant.

If it was to enter the world of other people in the chat group, he would not hesitate to agree.

It's different!

Ying Zheng's strength is too strong, and the last time he participated in the group mission, he directly mobilized more than a dozen martial arts grandmasters.

In case Yingzheng had any other ideas about him, he was not an opponent at all and had no sense of security.

Immortal Cultivator: "The other two great beasts, one of which cannot make people immortal. "

Among the four great beasts, the fire unicorn is the most wavey, often running away and coming out to cause trouble in the world.

As a result, the fire unicorn was safe and sound.

If the fire unicorn can also make people immortal, with the strength of the fire qilin, I don't know how many times he was killed by Emperor Shitian.

"Fire Qilin!"

A flash of essence suddenly flashed in Xiongba's eyes, and a strange beast suddenly appeared in his mind.

When Ye Hao talked about the four great beasts, Xiongba remembered that he and the Nie Ren King had a battle at the Leshan Great Buddha, the fierce beast that bit the Nie Ren King and dragged him into the Lingyun Cave.

After all, the phoenix and the dragon turtle are both ranked among the four great beasts, and the fire unicorn is definitely among them.

However, when he thought that the fire unicorn had ravaged the world for so long, he was also alive and well.

Xiongba dismissed this speculation.

"No wonder the Fire Qilin has been able to live until now."

If the fire qilin can really make people immortal, if others don't say it, Emperor Shitian will definitely not let the fire qilin go.

With Emperor Shitian's character, I am afraid that other immortals will never be allowed to exist.

"The strength of the Fire Qilin should be similar to mine, can I catch the Fire Qilin and offer it to the Great Immortal as a mount?"

The hero was thrilled.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Great Immortal, Emperor Shitian, Wu Invincible, Xiao San Xiao, and those Rui Beasts, what realm are they?" "

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but ask.

It is impossible that these people are also martial arts grandmasters, right?

Immortal cultivator: "Above the Great Master, there is also the realm, that is, the realm of heaven and man, also known as the broken void. "

Immortal cultivator: "In some martial arts worlds, martial arts masters who have reached this realm are able to shatter the void and soar in the day. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "??? "。

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Heaven and human realm?

Shattered Void?

Soaring by day?

Can martial arts be so legendary?

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