
"Zhao Gao!"


Daqin World, dressed in a black uniform, wearing twelve crowns on his head, is sitting in front of the imperial case, his face is gloomy as water, his eyes are cold, like the breath of ice for ten thousand years, murderous explosion, wanting to devour all directions.

Died of the Second King of Great Qin?

Died three years after his death?

Great Qin has reached the peak in his hands, the six countries have been destroyed, dominating the world, there are millions of elite Qin troops, fierce generals like clouds, counselors like rain, who else in the world can compete with Great Qin?

In Ying Zheng's opinion, even if you rule Daqin with a dog on a leash, you won't die in three years, right?

As a result, because of Zhao Gao, Li Si, and Hu Hai, Daqin collapsed in three years.

Moreover, Hu Hai even brutally executed more than 20 brothers and sisters.

Even after his death, hiding his death and making his body rot and stink was simply dehumanizing.


Ying Zheng spat out two words coldly, and the murderous intent contained in them made the entire hall cold.

He already had a decision in his heart, and anyone who supported Qin II's ascension to the throne, he would kill them all.

"Nope! Can't be so cheap for them! "

"Come, immediately transform a prison, fill it with dead abalone, seal and ferment it for several months, it will be of great use."

Ying Zheng gave the order instead.

Heaven and Earth Association Chief Helmsman Chen: "Daxian just said that our future outcome seems to be very miserable, shivering. "

Chen Jinnan suddenly reacted, his face changed drastically, and his forehead sweated slightly.

Li Xunhuan's fate naturally goes without saying.

Now the end of Qin Shi Huang's reign is also in front of them.

Will his fate also be so miserable?

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "Shivering JPG." "

The world will help the Lord: "Shivering JPG." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Shivering JPG!" "

The chatting masses no longer had the intention of ridiculing Ying Zheng, and there was also a trace of panic in their expressions.

If it was just Li Xunhuan and his own miserable fate, they would still be lucky.

After all, Daxian had said before that his deduction technique might not be accurate.

However, after hearing about the fate of Ying Zheng, they only felt a cold breath welling up from their hearts.

They all knew a little history, and knew that Ye Hao's deduction was very correct, and they knew better than they knew.

In Daqin at that time, who would have known that the fate of Daqin and Yingzheng would collapse like this.

Although they are all stormy figures in their respective worlds, they are either high above or dominate the martial arts.

However, how can it be compared with the reign of Qin Shi Huang, who ruled the world and created a great unification?

Thinking of their unknown dark fate, their bodies couldn't help but shiver, their faces became a little pale, and an unknown fear surged into their hearts.

Daqin Zulong: "@所有人, let's exchange history, maybe we can know our fate in advance." "

The world will help the lord: "In my world, there was the Qin Dynasty, more than a thousand years ago. "

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "Is it so clever?" The Qin Dynasty in my world was also more than a thousand years ago. "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Chen: "The Qin Dynasty was in my world more than 1,800 years ago. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "In my world, the historical dynasty order is the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, the Wei, Jin, the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Sui and Tang Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, and I am from the Ming Dynasty. "

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "@小李飞刀, the historical order of my world is also the same, and the dynasty I am in is also the Ming Dynasty. "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "It seems that the dynasty I am in should be the latest, the dynasty I am in is the Qing Dynasty, and after the fall of the Ming Dynasty, the barbarians entered the Central Plains." Angry JPG"

Great Qin Zulong: "Barbarians can also enter the Central Plains?" The emperor of the Ming Dynasty is really waste! "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Daming expelled the Tatars and restored the orthodoxy of the Han people, how could it be taken away by barbarians again?" "

Li Xunhuan was extremely shocked and shocked, and even a little unacceptable.

The most glorious achievement of the Ming Dynasty was to drive out the Tatars and recreate Kyushu.

He really did not expect that the Ming Dynasty would be robbed of the world by barbarians.

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "The reason for the demise of the Ming Dynasty is difficult to say, when I gather the forty-two chapters of the Sutra and find the Qing Dynasty Dragon Vein and destroy it, I will definitely be able to reverse the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming." "

"Gather the forty-two chapters to find the Qing Dynasty Dragon Vein?"

"The chief helmsman of the Tianxia Association Chen should be Chen Jinnan of the Luding Ji World, and finally figured out the approximate identities of the members of the five groups."

Watching the chatting masses discussing history, Ye Hao did not speak again, but quietly peeked at the screen to obtain the identity information of everyone.

The world will help the lord: "The world I live in is somewhat different from your historical context, after five generations and ten kingdoms, there is no Qing Dynasty at all, there is no dynasty, it is the martial arts supreme who rules the world." "

"Martial Arts Supreme rules the world?"

Everyone was stunned.

The world in which the hegemon lives now has no dynasty to rule, not even a divided dynasty.

In their world, even in the most chaotic and dark times, there are emperors who reign supreme.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "Silently ask, what is the martial arts supreme?" "

The world will help the master: "The martial arts supreme is the supreme who unifies the martial arts world. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Jianghu martial arts is martial arts in rivers and lakes, the world is the world, how can the martial arts supreme dominate the world?" "

Li Xunhuan asked the question that everyone was confused about.

The world will help the master: "The world created by the old man will have three halls, 100,000 gangs, each of whom is at least at the level of the acquired realm, and now half of the world is already under the control of the old man." "

The world will help the lord: "Wait for the old man to make an appointment with the sword saint of Wushuang City and solve it, and then the old man will be the new martial arts supreme." "

Xiongba is very confident.

Before joining the chat group, he was not absolutely sure whether he could defeat the Sword Saint.

However, after joining the chat group, he relied on points to increase his strength from the Great Grandmaster Sixth Heaven to the Great Grandmaster Seventh Heaven.

Although it was only a heavenly realm improvement, it allowed him to step into the late realm of the Great Master.

He felt that he was already the strongest in the world, and even in the past, there were few people stronger than him.

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "The male gang lord is domineering!" "

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "Is this the power of the rivers and lakes is too strong to become the force that dominates the world?" "

Great Qin Zulong: "I never thought that the power of the martial arts of the rivers and lakes would grow to this extent." "

Ying Zheng couldn't help but think of the sons and daughters of the Daqin world, and some jealousy rose in his heart.

The power of the hundreds of families is also very strong, if they are made bigger and stronger, one day in the future, they may also become a force that influences the world like the martial arts of the Fengyun world, seriously threatening the imperial power.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Who is this sword saint?" "

Li Xunhuan was a little curious.

In a world where a martial arts grandmaster can be born, if he can be honored as a sword saint, his sword technique may reach an otherworldly terrifying realm.

The world will help the master: "It used to be a martial arts legend, but in a few days, it will be the moment when he will end, and there will be dry bones in the grave." "

When Ye Hao joined the group before, the reason why Xiongba did not speak for the first time was because he was writing a battle post, preparing to take the initiative to fight the Sword Saint and completely solve Wushuang City and dominate the martial arts of the world.

The World Society will help the lord: "@ Great Qin Zulong @ Shifting Flower Palace Lord @ Xiao Li Feidao @ Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord, when I fight with the Sword Covenant, I will broadcast the whole process live, so that everyone can see the terrifying strength of the martial arts grandmaster." "

Great Qin Zulong: "I wish the Xiong Gang Lord a great victory!" "

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "It seems that I want to prepare two parts of the money, and the purse will be drained by you." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "The Xiong Gang Master is going to become the new martial arts supreme!" "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Big guy 666, sit and wait to drink celebratory wine." "

The world will help the lord: "@修仙者, I hope that the great immortal can come to the celebration banquet." "

Xiongba was full of confidence, and did not put the sword saint in his eyes at all.

Immortal cultivator: "I feel that eating a feast is more likely." "

Everyone: "??? "。

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