Great Qin Zulong: "Eat a banquet?" Could it be that the Xiong Gang can't fight the Sword Saint, moreover, it will hang up? "

Flower Shifting Palace Lord: "Could it be that the Sword Saint is the nemesis of the Xiong Gang Lord?" It seems that the dark fate of the gang lord is about to come. "

Heaven and Earth will be the chief helmsman of Chen: "The lord of the Xiong gang better give up the covenant battle, otherwise he will give away people's heads." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Gang master, let's slow down, your information may be a little inaccurate." "

Everyone no longer had any doubts about Ye Hao's words at this time.

The world will help the lord: "@修仙者, Great Immortal, is the strength of the Sword Saint still at its peak?" "

In the world of wind and clouds, in the first floor of the world, the face of the hero has changed drastically, and it is extremely gloomy.

"Could it be that if I fail to fight the Sword Saint, I will be directly killed by the Sword Saint? Become a laughing stock? "

Xiongba thought of Ye Hao's judgment before, and couldn't help but secretly guess.

Immortal cultivator: "The Sword Saint is no longer at the peak and may die at any time, but before he dies, the Sword Saint should realize the twenty-three swords." "

Immortal cultivator: "When the time comes, he will come out of the Yuan God and cast the sword twenty-three, which will form a special realm, making everything stop and let it be slaughtered." "

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Shivering, dare not speak." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "This is no longer a sword technique that mortals can perform, right?" It is worthy of being a sword saint! "。

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "This sword saint is also too strong, once you cast the sword twenty-three, unless you can break the realm, you will definitely die." "。

Great Qin Zulong: "I feel sorry for the Xiong Gang Lord, the Sword Saint is now the most dangerous time, you actually made an appointment with him?" Report that you voluntarily send heads. "。

At this moment, not to mention the hero, that is, everyone else felt a huge shock and felt that they had a new understanding of martial arts.

Genshin out of the body?

Let everything stand still and let it be slaughtered?

Is this the sword technique of the Sword Saint?

Is such a sword technique really a martial arts sword technique?

Is this really something that a martial arts master can do?

It's also too scary, too scary.

"Rip pull ~"

Xiongba's whole person was excited, and he couldn't help but shiver, and quickly tore the battle post in front of him to pieces.

The Sword Saint can't afford to mess with it!

The world will help the Lord: "Thank you Daxian for informing me!" "

Immortal cultivator: "Xiongba, the water of your world is deep for you." "

The world will help the lord: "Great Immortal, is there still a secret in my world?" "

Xiongba's body couldn't help but tremble again, and his forehead sweated slightly.

In addition to the bug powerhouse like the Sword Saint, is there a similar existence in his world?

"Fengyun World!"

Ye Hao ignored Xiongba's inquiry, his thoughts fluttered, and his eyes revealed endless heat.

The world where the other group members were located had almost no value to Ye Hao.

The world of Fengyun is different, not only there are, but also, there is more than one kind of treasure.

"In the Fengyun World, the Sacred Heart Technique of Emperor Shitian, and the Dragon Yuan of the Divine Dragon can all make people immortal."

"If I obtain the Sacred Heart Recipe, or the Dragon Yuan, and obtain the Immortal Body, I don't have to worry about the lack of lifespan, I can use unlimited time to obtain unlimited points, as long as I have enough points, I will definitely be able to step on the peak of the fairy world in the future."

Whether it was the Sacred Heart Secret or the Dragon Yuan, all of them were the treasures that Ye Hao was determined to get.

As long as he can live forever, he can sign in a huge number of points in chat groups by relying on his endless lifespan.

No matter how many realms there are in the Immortal World, he can use his points to upgrade to the highest level.

"The bait has been dropped, and when I have enough strength, I can close the net."

As long as you have the permission of the group members, you can enter each other's worlds.

Leave a suspense for Xiongba, once Ye Hao has absolute certainty to suppress Emperor Shitian or Shenlong, he will enter the Fengyun World through Xiongba.

Xiao Li Feidao: "I have a guess that since the sword saint can create a sword technique against the sky such as sword twenty-three, then the previous sages may have also created such a heaven-defying move, which may be mastered by some strong people." "

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "There is another possibility, there is a higher realm above the Great Master. "

Great Qin Zulong: "Can the realm above the Great Grandmaster be immortal?" "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "Is this the horror of the high-level martial arts world?" Shivering ·JPG. "

Immortal cultivator: "@天地会陈总舵主, you have been loyal to the Zheng family in your life, and in the end, you will die at the hands of the Zheng family, and the Zheng family will also surrender to the Qing Dynasty." "

Ye Hao once again spoiled the future fate of the group members, and suddenly, everyone came back to their senses, extremely nervous and apprehensive.

"Will the Zheng family surrender?"

Chen Jinnan, who had already been mentally prepared, also looked dazed at this time, and his eyes were empty.

Death at the hands of the Zheng family, he can still accept.

However, how could the Zheng family surrender to the Qing Dynasty?

They are the descendants of the national surname Ye Zheng Chenggong, how can they be so spineless?


Peerless double proud world, Yueyue couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of spit, I don't know when, she was already hiding in the bed.

Even so, she still felt a thick chill and malice.

Only she is left!

Immortal cultivator: "@移花宫主, you should meet a man you like, as a result, this man does not like you, likes a handmaid, you are crazy for love."

Immortal cultivator: "In the end, you were sucked dry of your internal strength, besieged by the right path of martial arts, unwilling to endure humiliation, and then committed suicide. "



When Ye Hao finished saying the deduction of the invitation moon, the entire chat group fell into a strange silence, and everyone was in a trance, afraid of the dark fate of the future.

Immortal cultivator: "I originally wanted to tell you more about the heavenly machine, but thinking of the cause and effect of Li Xunhuan and Long Xiaoyun before, great grace is like a great hatred, and getting something for nothing will make you slack, so I will no longer tell you about the future heavenly machine." "

Immortal cultivator: "You must learn to be independent and self-reliant, as long as you continue to become stronger through chat groups, I believe you can change your destiny against the sky and control your own destiny." "

If you want to continue to prostitute him in vain, it is absolutely impossible!!

Everyone: "??? "。


Keep talking!

You believe that we can change our lives against the heavens, but we don't believe it ourselves!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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