Flower Shifting Palace Master: "Great Immortal continues!" The concubine body will definitely not be as ungrateful as Long Xiaoyun, and will definitely remember the kindness of the great immortal. "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "As long as the Great Immortal commands, I am willing to go to the soup for the Great Immortal and die." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "I will definitely remember the kindness of the great immortal, if there is a violation, the sky will strike thunder." "

Everyone in the chat group was anxious and opened their mouths to guarantee.

Although they know part of the future, they only know a rough idea.

Even if he knew more detailed Li Xunhuan, he was extremely apprehensive at this time.

In addition to those dark destinies that Ye Hao said, are there any other dark futures?

Moreover, even if he plans to marry Lin Shiyin immediately, will the future really change?

For these people who come from the martial arts world, changing their fate is simply beyond imagination, and it is impossible to do it without gods and Buddhas.

Da Qin Zulong: "Everyone says that we will not forget the kindness of the Great Immortal, but with our ability, how can we repay the kindness of the Great Immortal?" "

The world will help the lord: "Qin Shi Huang is right, we can't let the Great Immortal keep paying, if we can't repay the Great Immortal all the time, what is the difference between being ungrateful." "

In the chat group, the more calm and realistic Yingzheng and Xionghe, the two insight into the key.

The Great Immortal needs them to go to the soup and die?

If the great immortals can't do something, even if they break their bones, they can't change anything.

[Heaven and Earth Society, Chief Helmsman Chen, sent an exclusive red envelope to the immortal cultivators. 】

At this moment, a red envelope suddenly appeared in the chat group.

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Kneel to the Great Immortal, 1,000 points are dedicated to the Great Immortal, the points can improve the strength, I hope it will help the Great Immortal a little." "

Chen Jinnan believes that the words of hegemony and victory are very reasonable.

Verbal gratitude has no meaning, they need to be shown with practical actions.

Points were his most precious thing, and he originally wanted to buy a copy of the innate level exercises from other group members.

Now he will use it to repay the kindness of the Great Immortal who informed him of his future destiny.

Although it is not as good as the Great Immortal Ender, it is the most precious thing he can take out.

Immortal cultivator: "@天地会陈总舵主, the points help me understand the supreme rules of the chat group, and I will accept these points." "

If the points are of no use to him, the chat masses may not be embarrassed to trade with him with the points in the future.

[The immortal cultivator received the red envelope from the Heaven and Earth Society's Chief Helm Master Chen. 】

Without any pause, Ye Hao directly accepted Chen Jinnan's red envelope.

The importance of 1,000 points to him is far beyond everyone's imagination.

[Immortal Cultivator].

[Points: 1009.] 】

[Realm: The fourth layer of the Qi Refining Realm. 】

[Exercise: The fourth layer of the Water Yuan Meridian (0/500). 】

[Spells: Spring Wind and Rain (366/1000), Gengjin Sword Technique (335/1000), Fire Control Technique (422/1000). 】

[Alchemist: Not in the product (122/1000). 】

"500 points can allow me to upgrade to the fifth layer of gas refining, and now with 1,000 points, plus the remaining 9 points before, only 91 points short, I can be upgraded to the sixth layer of gas refining."

"I only need to sign in for ten days, and after ten days, I will be able to ascend to the sixth layer of refining qi."

Ye Hao's heart was stirring, and he couldn't wait to sing a song.

In addition to improving strength, if the points are used to upgrade spells, he can raise any of the three spells to the level of perfection.

If it is used to upgrade alchemy, it can also reach a first-grade alchemist.

It's so cool to open and hang!

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Great, it's good that the points are useful to the Great Immortal." "

Chen Jinnan had secretly asked the chat group before, and points could not improve the realm of immortal cultivation.

He was really afraid that for his most precious points, he would not have any value for Ye Hao.

Immortal cultivator: "The chat group can only improve strength or skills, and there are still some shortcomings. "

Immortal Cultivator: "If you can't trade what you want in the chat group, you can also trade with me, I will trade fairly with you and give you what you need according to the points you trade." "

Immortal cultivator: "@天地会陈总舵主, since you gave me 1,000 points, as a transaction, I know that you have always wanted to know the location of the Qing Dynasty Dragon Vein, which is actually located in Luding Mountain, but it is not the Qing Dynasty Dragon Vein, but the place where the treasure was buried before the Manchus entered the customs." "

Ye Hao forcibly endured the idea of immediately upgrading the realm and began his real plan.

Without affecting his own personality, he wants to tempt everyone to take the initiative to trade with him with points under conditions that are difficult for everyone to refuse, so as to achieve his goal of monopolizing points.

The World Association Chen Helmsman: "Thank you Daxian!" Great Immortal Mercy! Kneel to the Great Immortal! "

Chen Jinnan's face showed ecstasy, and his expression was extremely excited.

Although there is no so-called Qing Dynasty dragon vein, this is a treasure buried before the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, and it is definitely worth more than one million taels of gold!

1,000 points is not enough to improve the strength of the innate realm.

In the Fengyun World, 10,000 taels of gold can make a Grandmaster-level expert work for himself.

In the world of Luding Ji, the value of the treasures of the Qing Dynasty is definitely ten times, a hundred times, or even more than the value of 1,000 points.

Daxian said that he would no longer help them, but when it came to trading, he was extremely generous and merciful, giving them a huge help far beyond the chat group.

"1000 points to trade the address of a dynastic treasure?"

Others were also stunned, and then extremely excited.

Since the resources obtained by Chen Jinnan with 1,000 points and Daxian trading are worth more than ten times and a hundred times more than the resources obtained by trading in the chat group, they can too.

The world will help the master: "Great Immortal, can our 1,000 points also be traded for this precious heavenly machine?" "

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, can points be traded to the method of cultivating immortals?" "

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "Great Immortal, can the points make any transactions with you?" "

The chat group completely boiled over.

Immortal Cultivator: "Of course. "

Seeing everyone's performance, Ye Hao showed a strong smile on his face and gave an affirmative answer.

Monopoly group points The first step, start!

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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