Immortal cultivator: "There are actually two choices in your life. "

Immortal cultivator: "The first option is the simplest, with the immortal cultivation resources you traded this time, you will immediately be able to become a cultivator at the first level of the Qi Refining Realm, and you will definitely be an invincible existence in your world." "

Immortal cultivator: "As long as you don't listen to things outside the window and only live your own life, you can go to Sichuan, you can also go abroad to the country of bald eagles, maple leaves and other countries, and you can definitely live a life of people." "

As the only transcendent in the world of Ip Man, as long as Ip Man is not involved in the big war, he can definitely enjoy a luxurious life no matter where he is.

Xiao Li Feidao: "The world rises and falls, and it is the responsibility of the husband!" If such a choice is really made, I can only say that it is simply not human. "

If he chooses to live his own life in a peaceful era, Li Xunhuan is completely understandable.

However, Ip Man's era was the Republic of China.

Although Ip Man did not introduce much of the history of the Republic of China, Li Xunhuan could feel the humiliation in it.

The concession is a state within a state, even above the Republic of China.

In addition, many territories of Kyushu Country have been invaded by foreign countries, and all the people are living in misery, which can be called purgatory.

If you live in such a country, you obviously have the ability to contribute, but you don't care about it, how cold-blooded is it?

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Ip Man, you can make any choice, just hope that you can open the world authority and let the old way enter it." "

Over the years, the Yuan Dynasty has always wanted Zhang Sanfeng to surrender and even leave the position of national division.

However, he never wavered, and when he met Yuanbing, he only had one word to kill.

Once there is a chance to overthrow the Yuan Court, he will not hesitate to support it.

Although Ip Man is not a world with him, the people in Ip Man's world are also from Kyushu.

He is capable now and will absolutely sit idly by.

Great Qin Zulong: "The high-level of the Republic of China is also a waste, there is no blood, whether it is the concession or the Japanese army, there is no courage to break the cauldron and sink the boat and fight to the death." "

Zhao Jiao Lao Qin, go to the country together!

Blood does not drain, death does not cease!

Although the Republic of China lagged behind the Western powers and Japan in science and technology, if it really fought to the death, it would definitely not be as dense as it is now.

Master Wing Chun: "What about the second option?" "

Ye Man clenched his fists, his expression extremely firm.

Let him ignore the rise and fall of the country and live only his own life, he can't do it.

When he encounters injustice, he will definitely stand up.

Immortal cultivator: "On July 7, 1937, the Japanese army will launch a full-scale war, and Kyushu will fall to more than 1,500 prefectures in 26 provinces, covering an area of more than 6 million square kilometers. "

Master Wing Chun: "Fall of 26 provinces? "

Ye Man only felt cold, his eyes were dark, and his body was a little stumbling.

He was in 1934, when the Republic of China consisted of only 28 provinces and 2 places, and even if there were changes later, it meant that most of the territory had fallen, far beyond his previous expectations.

Not only defeated!

And it was a miserable defeat!

How could it have been so badly defeated?

Didn't that headmaster have an army of several million?


Or is it empty and gone?

Immortal cultivator: "At the end of the war, the Japanese army directly or indirectly caused more than 50 million deaths to the population of Kyushu, and more than 200 million people were affected. "


At this moment, not only did Ip Man's mind completely lose the ability to think, but the rest of the chat group was also buzzing in their heads, and there were only bloody numbers in their minds.




At this moment, everyone in the chat group finally understood why Ye Hao would say that Daqin could not help Ye Man change the fate of darkness.

This dark fate contains the fate of Kyushu Country.

More than 50 million deaths!

One can imagine how tragic the war was.

How miserable the defeat of Kyushu Country was!

The population of Daqin is more than 10 million, which is equivalent to Daqin being destroyed four or five times!

In the eyes of the ancients such as Zhang Sanfeng, Li Xunhuan, and Yue Buqun, a big war that caused hundreds of thousands of casualties was already a very terrifying war!

And now there are more than 50 million deaths.

If you count the casualties, what a terrible number.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "There are only more than 400 million people in the Republic of China!" "

Ye Man's fists were clenched white, his eyes were red, and his heart used endless killing intent, anger and powerlessness.

This is a war between countries, and the army is often millions of troops, or the army of thermal weapons.

There are warships, planes, tanks, artillery.

With the refining layer of qi, he could not influence this kind of national war at all.

Great Qin Zulong: "I!" When he went back, he sent troops to destroy Dongying! "

Ying Zheng directly couldn't help but burst into a foul sentence.

This small barbarian country has brought such great harm to Kyushu, and he must destroy a Dongying to soothe his emotions.

Daqin Zulong: "Daqin's army can't fight against the army of hot weapons, I can send assassins to help you, specifically assassinate the high-level and elites of Dongying, as long as you kill them, it can definitely cause a certain amount of chaos." "

If we say that during the Qing Dynasty, Ying Zheng dared to let the Qin army fight with the armies of the Western powers.

However, the weapons of the Republic of China, even if the elite such as the Golden Fire Cavalry and the Dragon and Tiger Cavalry collide with them, it is difficult to defeat.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Yes, the thermal weapons of the Ip Man world are very strong, but the people in their world are just ordinary people, and we can completely organize an assassination force at least the innate realm to secretly assassinate the high-level of Dongying." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "The high-level of the Republic of China is also waste, that is, the high-level who assassinated the Dongying people can only be blocked for a while, and cannot be stopped for a lifetime." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "You all think too simply, when you first started assassinating the Dongying people, they may not be able to react." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "When they guess that it was the martial arts masters of the Kyushu country who assassinated their high-level, they directly surrounded a city in the Kyushu country, if you don't stop, they will destroy a city." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "What do you say?" "

The reason why Zhang Sanfeng reacted the fastest was because he also faced such a problem.

If he assassinated an official of the Yuan Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty could not kill him, but they could threaten him with ordinary people.

The world will help the Lord: "What are you afraid of! If they kill, we will also kill, I don't believe that those high-level leaders in Dongying are not afraid of death, see who will be soft first. "

The hegemony is fierce and murderous.

Immortal cultivator: "You still have some inability to understand Ip Man's world, which is a world that is biased towards science, and they do not believe in extraordinary powers. "

Immortal cultivator: "If the countries of the world discover that the Kyushu Kingdom has the Innate Realm, the Grandmaster Realm, and the Great Grandmaster Realm, which are superhuman martial arts masters in their eyes, it will definitely cause an unimaginable huge sensation, as well as greed." "

Immortal cultivator: "The countries of the world will jointly attack the Kyushu country and force the Kyushu country to hand over the relevant cultivation methods by any means." "

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "Then we will start a war with the countries of Ip Man's world and assassinate their high-level together." "

In Yue Buqun's opinion, with their support, Kyushu Country was still able to hold on.

Immortal cultivator: "Except for Ip Man's world, your world has not fought a world war, right?" "

Immortal cultivator: "On September 1, 1939, Ip Man's World War II broke out in full force, and more than 2 billion people in 60 countries and regions were involved in the war. "

Immortal Cultivator: "Are you sure you can block it?" "

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "??? "。

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

World war?

More than 60 countries, more than 2 billion people in the big war?

Will the countries of the future era fight so cruelly?

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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