World war!

This unfamiliar word is like a hammer hitting the heads of the chattering masses, making their eyes shine with Venus.

Among the chatting masses, Ying Zheng had experienced melee battles in many countries, and Daqin often fought one against six.

However, the Sengoku Seven Heroes are also from the same country, the Great Zhou.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Is this the future international situation?" It is necessary to consider not only the situation in neighboring countries, but also in all countries of the whole world. "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "This is the power of science and technology!" If it is the Qing Dynasty, or the Ming Dynasty, or even the previous dynasties, let alone the world war, I am afraid that the situation outside your own country is not clear. "

Chen Jinnan became more and more determined to develop science and technology.

"Ip Man's world is more technologically advanced than mine, and the weapon he used before should be the spear of his time, which is very powerful."

"I may be able to purchase weapons from Ip Man World on a large scale."

Chen Jinnan was very moved.

If he had an army formed by weapons in the Republic of China era, it would be very easy to sweep the world today, and there was no one in the world who was his opponent.

Huashan Paiyue is in charge: "In the future era, these countries are really fierce, dozens of countries are at war together, and the population is even billions, how many people will participate in a big war among them?" "

Yue Buqun shook his head repeatedly, with his imagination, he couldn't imagine how terrifying a big battle of this level would be.

Immortal cultivator: "Every world war in Ip Man's world is a disaster for mankind. "

Immortal cultivator: "Like the Battle of Verdun in the First World War, the strength of the Gallic state was about 1.14 million, and the Hans state was about 1.25 million, and at the end of the battle, Gaul lost 543,000 and Hans lost 433,000. "


Everyone in the chat group felt cold all over, and only felt that the world view was refreshed.

Before they still looked down on the Ip Man World, and the warriors couldn't even reach the Heaven Realm in the Ip Man World.

However, after listening to Ye Hao's introduction, they found that Ye Man's world was the most terrifying.

The destructive power of these state machines is too staggering.

Immortal Cultivator: "There was also a battle with greater casualties than the Battle of Verdun, the Battle of the Somme, the scuffle between the Hans and Gaul Kingdoms, and the Sunset Kingdom, and the end of the battle, with a total of about 1.34 million casualties in the three countries. "

Immortal Cultivator: "The Second World War was more advanced than the weapons of the First World War, the destructive power was more amazing, and the casualties caused were also greater. "

The scalp of everyone who chatted was numb, and they couldn't help but gasp.

Even if Ye Hao didn't say it, they could imagine it.

Each big war has more people, stronger weapons, shorter time, and more deaths.

Master Wing Chun: "Tai Sin, what should I do?" "

Ip Man's forehead was cold sweat, and his limbs were cold.

Casualties in other countries, he does not care.

He now wants to change the fate of Kyushu Country, but he doesn't know what to do.

The rest of the chat group, even the strongest Zhengzheng, fell silent.

This scale, this destructive thermal weapons war, is something they have never touched before.

Even if Ye Man, a person from the Republic of China era, his history class is not very good, and he does not know clearly.

Immortal cultivator: "Before the outbreak of all-out war, quickly become strong, when the time comes, one person is one country, one person is against one country, so strong that all countries are afraid, and you alone are the pillar of Kyushu Country." "

Master Wing Chun: "...

Daxian also thinks too highly of him!

Da Qin Zulong: "Da Xian is right, martial arts can't fight against thermal weapons, but we are now cultivating immortals." "

Ying Zheng instantly restored his fighting spirit!


Lao Tzu is now cultivating immortals!

What mortals are you afraid of?

Xiao Li Feidao: "Brother Ye, as long as you reach the Jiedan Realm, you can destroy a city with a wave of your hand, and then the whole world will be your decision." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, it is better to find a way to get more points and get more cultivation resources."

Tiandi Guild's chief helmsman: "Triggering tasks to get reward points is king. "

Looking at the words of the chatting masses, Ye Man's expression gradually calmed down, and his eyes became sharper.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "I am a martial arts practitioner, and when I encounter injustice, I must stand up, this is my original intention to learn martial arts." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Even if I cultivate immortals now, I will stick to my original intention. "

Ye Man's eyes became bright and attentive again, and there was no fear in his heart.

He encountered such a huge opportunity to join the chat group.

He also recognized the mysterious immortal in the chat group and had the opportunity to trade immortal cultivation resources.

With such an opportunity and such a help, what else was he afraid of?

"Ding-dong! Trigger special personal tasks, one person town and one country, the great hero, for the country and the people, you already know the disaster that the country will suffer in the future, how can you retreat? The eldest husband will rise to the challenge. "

"Ding-dong! Side quest, rush to the magic capital within ten days, put down the ring, make an appointment to fight the Dongying people, shout that I want to fight a hundred, defeat a hundred Dongying people at once, and reward 1000 points. "

At this moment, the prompt tone of the chat group sounded in Ye Man's ears.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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