Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Ip Man said well, strengthen your original intention, I believe you can change the future." "

Tiandi Guild's chief helmsman: "We must trigger more group missions and get more points to improve our strength, so that we can have the ability to deal with all future difficulties." "

The world will help the master: "It seems that the group task was not triggered this time. Disappointment·JPG"

Da Qin Zulong: "If you have any difficulties in the future, you can ask Xu for help, and I can provide you with some masters, as well as some gold and silver jewelry." "

"Group mission?"

"I actually triggered a personal task?"

Ip Man's mind at this time was completely sounded by the prompt of the chat group, and he was extremely excited.

The task he triggered turned out to be a serial mission.

[Master Wing Chun posted a screenshot. 】

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Congratulations!" With this serial mission, you should be able to earn a lot of points in a short period of time. "

The world will help the Lord: "Your luck is too good, right? "

Xiongba's eyes were green.

Not just personal tasks, but also personal serial tasks.

Previously, when Ip Man uploaded the history of the Qing Dynasty, he triggered a group mission.

Now it's triggering another group mission.

He hasn't even triggered a group mission!

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Brother Ye, if you have mastered any method to trigger the group task, you must tell us." "

Yue Buqun was also extremely envious and jealous.

The first small task of the serial mission is a reward of 1000 points.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Thank you Daisen, thank you everyone, I have to prepare now, and then rush to the magic capital." "

Ye Man said and went straight offline.

He found a safe place, quickly swallowed the Essence Cleansing Pill, and then cultivated according to the content of the Five Elements True Technique.

At this time, the capital is the safest.


After breaking through to the Qi Refining Realm, Ip Man did not have any hesitation and returned directly to Ip Man's world.

He is going to leave for the magic capital!

With only a few years to go before the all-out war between Kyushu and Toei, he must rise as soon as possible.

He will never let the dark future come!

Xiao Li Feidao: "I also withdrew, try to stimulate the group mission." "

Tianxia Association Chief Helmsman Chen: "I need to deal with the aftermath now, I can't try to trigger the task for the time being, if the trigger group task is successful, remember to let us know." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Old Dao also leaves, tomorrow is my birthday banquet, everyone is welcome to participate." "

After seeing that Ip Man triggered a personal serial task, the rest of the chat group couldn't sit still and returned to their respective worlds.

Previously, Daxian had given them two clues to trigger group missions, and they needed to try them for themselves.

Even if you can't trigger an individual mission, being able to trigger a group mission is still a point reward.

"Go back!"

Ye Hao's heart moved, and he also returned to the fairy world.

"Senior, do you need anything?"

Ye Hao came to the Vientiane Building again, and as soon as he entered the Vientiane Tower, Zhao Lingkong looked excited and greeted him with a respectful face.

In his eyes, Ye Hao was not only a Foundation Building Realm cultivator, but also suspected of being a second-grade top alchemist.

Whether it was Ye Hao's spending power or alchemy level, he had the greatest potential among the customers he was familiar with.

Whether he can be promoted to the steward of the Vientiane Building depends entirely on Ye Hao, the God of Wealth.

"Buy a copy of the Heavenly Mechanic's cultivation method."

Ye Hao said.

Previously, he could only rely on spoilers for the plot, but now that he has become a heavenly mechanic, he can truly deduce the heavenly machine.

"Senior, the Heavenly Mechanic Master spied on the Heavenly Machine, and it is easy to be countered by the Heavenly Dao, which not only damages the Qi Luck Yuan God, but even reduces the life span."

Zhao Lingkong tactfully dissuaded and said.

In his opinion, Ye Hao's learning alchemy had already delayed a lot of cultivation time, and if he became a Heavenly Machine Master again, I am afraid that there would be no hope of breaking through to the Jiedan Realm in this life.

The strength cannot break through to the foundation building realm, and it is impossible to become a third-grade alchemist.

It may even be due to the revolt of the heavenly machine, the life yuan is greatly reduced, and it falls ahead of schedule.

He was really worried about the lifespan of his God of Wealth!

"I know."

Ye Hao was extremely calm and said.

He will not deduce the heavenly machine in the fairy world, he will only deduce the heavenly machine in the group member world.

Even if those martial arts world's Heavenly Dao rebelled, it would be difficult to cause any harm to Ye Hao.

"Yes, senior!"

Zhao Lingkong honestly took a golden jade Jane and handed it to Ye Hao.

[Immortal Cultivator].

[Points: 31574.] 】

[Realm: Fifth layer of Jiedan Realm (0/60,000). 】

[Exercises: Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique. 】

[Spell: Ten times the Instant Kill Technique (0/10,000.] 】

[Alchemist: Yipin (0/10,000.] 】

[Danfang: Condensing Qi Pill (Perfection), Essence Cleansing Pill (Perfection), Zhuling Pill (Perfection). 】

[Tianji: not into the product (0/1000). 】

Ye Hao couldn't help but read the content of the golden jade Jane, and in an instant his personal page had an extra column.

"Promoted to Yipin Tianjian."

Ye Hao ordered.

"Ding-dong! Deduct 1000 points, congratulations on becoming a Yipin Tianjian. "

[Tianji: Yipin (0/10,000). 】

Along with the prompts of the group system, Ye Hao found that he could faintly see a blurry mist above Zhao Lingkong's head.

His gaze turned to the other customers of the Vientiane Building, and he also found a similar blurry mist above his head.

"Bring me a spirit sword magic weapon worth about 1,000 spirit stones."

Ye Hao didn't have any thoughts of probing, his face remained unchanged, and he said.

He was not interested in the Heavenly Machinery of the Immortal World at all, and now he just wanted to honestly be a disciple of his Linghe Sect's outer sect.

It is better to live this ordinary calm life, and it will last forever.

"Ip Man gave him a red envelope of 1,000 spirit stones when he got married, and Zhang Sanfeng gave him a magic weapon worth 1,000 spirit stones on his birthday."

Ye Hao took a magic weapon called the Floating Cloud Sword handed over by Zhao Lingkong, put it in the storage bag, and turned to leave the Vientiane Tower.

"It's time to go to the peerless double pride world!"

More than 2,000 points were traded before and after the invitation moon, and he should also go to guide the invitation moon cultivation.

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators enter your world. "

The peerless double pride world, the invitation moon who had just finished bathing, his eyes were delighted, and he quickly looked at the mirror to see what was not perfect on his body.

She was dressed in a white pearl gauze robe, only a thin white belt tied on her willow waist, as if she might fall at any time, showing a delicate and charming body, and her skin was as crystal as white jade, which made people can't help but look away.

Her three thousand green silk fell to her fragrant buttocks, her legs were snow-white and slender, and her delicate facial features did not have a single flaw, delicate and noble, revealing a different kind of temptation.

"Sister, is there a problem with cultivation?"

Outside the crack of the door, Mercy Xing looked at the room with a worried face, overjoyed, as if expecting someone's arrival.

Zhiyue obviously said to go out yesterday, but as a result, he just entered the retreat room and did not come out for a day.

After coming out, he quickly bathed and changed clothes, dressed himself beautifully, the harshness and coldness of the past have long disappeared, only tenderness and amorousness.


At this moment, a white pillar of light appeared in the room under the shocked gaze of Mercy Xing, and a young man with a beautiful immortal appearance came out of it.

Mercy Star: "...

How could someone appear out of thin air?

That's good, sister is fine!

It should be that there is something wrong with her cultivation, and everything that has happened recently is an illusion that she sees.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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