Qing army marshal's tent.

"Hahaha, His Majesty is really wise and wise, with 110,000 soldiers and horses, he easily surrounded the 130,000 soldiers and horses of the Ming army, and we won this time."

"Hehe, I feel like I can add a few hundred more slaves."

"You are really frogs at the bottom of the well, you don't understand anything, do you know what army of the Ming Dynasty is about to be surrounded and annihilated by us? Nine-sided elite, the last elite force of the Ming Dynasty. "

"Once the elite army of the Nine Sides is destroyed, the Ming Dynasty will no longer have any power to stop us, and we can gallop through the Central Plains to our heart's content."

"Shhh~ Central Plains! There is simply countless wealth, women, slaves there, so how many slaves must be robbed? How many women? My house can't hold it. "

The army guarding the tent of the Chinese army marshal is subordinate to the Zhenghuangqi, and all of them are the henchmen of Huang Taiji.

At this time, they were elated, their eyes shining in the direction where the Central Plains was located.

As for the places of Songshan City and Jinzhou City, they have long been out of sight.

As long as people with a little military common sense can understand that the Ming army in these two military towns will collapse even if it is not completely destroyed.

If Jinzhou is broken, the Ningjin defense line will also be completely torn apart by the Qing army, and the difficulty for the Qing army to enter the customs is reduced too much.

The Qing army and the Ming army fought too many times, and they were very aware of the strength of the Ming army, and there was no army in the Central Plains that could stop the Qing army.

By that time, every time they attacked Daming, they would be able to bring back endless wealth and slaves.

As a concubine of the Emperor Taiji lineage, Zhenghuangqi naturally wants to enjoy the best piece of loot.

"Hack Emperor Taiji to death for me!"

"Emperor Taiji, you killed my mother and concubine, today is the day of my Dolgon's revenge140."

"Huang Taiji, you imprisoned my father to death, today, I will unload you in eight pieces."

"Emperor Taiji, I am your eldest brother, after you became the emperor, you have always regarded me as a slave, today, I will let you die without a place to be buried."

At this moment, inside the handsome tent, there was a roar full of hatred.

"What do you want to do, Dorgon, Dordo, Zilharan, and Daishan, do you want to kill the king?"

The Zhenghuangqi soldier who was originally laughing and laughing with hideousness in his smile, the smile on his face instantly froze, leaving only hideousness and killing intent.

Huang Taiji said that Zhenghuangqi was his diehard loyalist, and he was not wrong at all.

The Zhenghuang Flag was not the Zhenghuang Banner before, but Huang Taiji changed their original flag color by changing the color of the flag without changing the Niu Lu.

They were previously subordinate to the Zhengbai Banner under the command of Emperor Taiji.

Once Huang Taiji dies, not Huang Taiji's son ascends the throne, they may become a positive white flag again, or even become a more inferior blue flag and red flag.


The handsome tent suddenly sounded an urgent trumpet.

"Quickly save Your Majesty! Kill the traitor! "

Nearly a thousand soldiers with yellow flags around them rushed straight to the marshal's tent, and the swords in their hands glowed with the light of Senhan.


The next moment, these soldiers with the yellow flag saw Huang Taiji, who was missing an arm and making a scream, and ran out of the marshal tent with a terrified expression.

Behind him, Dolgon, Dordo, Zilharang, and Daishan, all with hideous faces, chased Huang Taiji with murderous intent.

At the same time, the subordinates of the four desperately stopped Haoge, Yue Tuo, (addd) Ao Bai and other close followers of Emperor Taiji.


Under the terrified looks of the soldiers of the Yellow Banner, Dolgon, Dorduo, Zilharang and Daisan directly hacked Huang Taiji to death.

"The Great Clearance is over!"

At the moment before Huang Taiji's consciousness was blurred, only this thought remained in his mind.

"Kill them for me!"

The eyes of the soldiers who were facing the yellow flag were red.

The wealth that was about to arrive was gone.

Now even the wealth and status that have been obtained will be shaken.

Not to mention the other banner masters such as Dorgon, Dordor, Zilharang, and Daishan, now they will kill whoever kills Huang Taiji.

"Rush out! Then dispatch soldiers and horses to strangle all the soldiers and horses with yellow flags and yellow flags! "

Dorgon exclaimed, his eyes a little dull.

It is a pity that at this time, the yellow-flagged soldiers, who were hot-headed and completely covered by hatred, did not care at all.

"Good! I will go to lead the Zhenghong Banner, and I must kill all the demons of Huang Taiji. "

"The Ming army is no longer worried, just kill these lackeys of the Emperor Taiji!"

"Hahaha, then kill it all! I'm happy to be white. "

Daishan, Dodo, and Zilharang, as if afraid that the soldiers of the yellow banner would not hear, also responded loudly.

"Chop them into minced meat for me!"

The soldiers of the Yellow Banner were furious to the extreme, and their expressions became more and more hideous.

However, under the escort of Xiongba, Donghuang Taiyi, Ghost Guzi, Gai Nie and others, the four of Dolgon successfully escaped from the trap.

"We must take advantage of the white flag and the white flag that they do not react, and we will start first."

"They have four flags, and we are not opponents at all."

"They also want to surround and kill the yellow flag, and we join forces with the yellow flag."

The generals of the yellow flag were not only full of killing intent, but also anxious.

The four people of Dorgon, Dordor, Daishan, and Zilharang were too ruthless.

Not only hacked Huang Taiji to death in public, but now he also wants to destroy the yellow flag and the yellow flag, and give them no chance to surrender at all.

"Wait a minute, we have a red flag and a blue flag willing to help you."

Hao Ge and Yue Tuo also arrived in time and successfully became the commanders of the Yellow Banner and the Red Flag.

"What? Prince Rui, Prince Yu, Prince Zheng and Prince Li hacked His Majesty to death? "

"And, the yellow flag, the yellow flag, the blue flag and the red flag are coming at us?"

At the same time, the other four flags were also notified of the news by Ghost Guzi, Donghuang Taiyi and others as soon as possible.

Originally, they were still a little suspicious, and then their flag owner was covered in blood and was frantically chased and killed by the soldiers of the yellow flag.

"Kill! Kill them for me! "

"Fight with them!"

"Don't let any of these traitors of the king go."

"Emperor Taiji is the traitor who usurped the throne, and Dolgon is the heir of the Great Khan."

With the great masters of Ghost Guzi, Donghuang Taiyi, and Xiongba as megaphones, the soldiers on the entire battlefield can hear each other's shouts and scolding.

An hour!

Two hours!

Three hours!

The Qing army completely killed the red eye, and it was directly reduced from the original 110,000 horses to 30,000 or 40,000.

Some Qing troops finally came to their senses, and if they continued to kill like this, both sides were likely to die together and wanted to leave the battlefield.

"Hahaha, the little cubs of the yellow flag are going to escape, it is useless for them to escape, when we return to Shengjing, we will slaughter all their clansmen."

"The people with the white flag fled, and in one fell swoop, they killed all these traitors, and then returned to Shengjing to kill their people as well."

The Qing soldiers, who originally wanted to flee the battlefield, listened to such a shout, and suddenly, they were furious to the extreme, and they were madly killed again. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

These dog thieves are going to die forever!

Even if you die together, take each other with you.

"Qing Bing, is this crazy?"

At this time, the main commander of the Ming army, Hong Chengzhuo, and the deputy commander Zu Dashou, looked at the Qing army infighting in the distance with a look of confusion and ecstasy.


It's so ferocious!

The 110,000 army had been killed to several thousand, and the banner owners such as Dorgon, Dordor, and Haug were still desperately rushing to kill.

"Send troops!"

Hong Chengzhuo hurriedly ordered.

Although I don't know why the killing was so crazy, this was the best time for the Ming army to destroy the Qing army.

"Don't be in such a hurry!"

Hong Chengzhuo and the generals of the Ming army just wanted to attack, but found that their bodies could no longer move.

How could Ghost Guzi, Xiongba, Donghuang Taiyi and others allow the Ming Army to intervene for their own merit or contribution.

Luo Wangtian-level killers Cover Sun and Wei Zhuang have lurked in Songshan City and Jinzhou City respectively.

As soon as anyone in the two cities sent troops, they immediately controlled their commanders and generals.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

Hong Chengzhuo and the others could only watch the Eight Flags soldiers kill one soldier after another, and then they saw black dots flying towards Songshan City.

It was Oniyako, Donghuang Taiyi, Xiongba and others who flew over with Dorgon, Dordo, Hauge and others.

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

Hong Chengzhuo, Zu Dashou and the others looked at the people who were carrying a person, still easily flying dozens of zhang, and easily flying to the city wall, Ghost Guzi, Donghuang Taiyi, Xiongba and others, their expressions trembled.

"Everyone is together, right?"

Xiongba looked around excitedly, threw the Dolgon in his hand on the ground, and asked.

All eight flags are extinguished!

Now it's time for the next step.

Oniyako nodded gently, and also threw the Dodo, Haoge, Daishan, and others in his hand together.





Under the doubtful gazes of Hong Chengzhuo, Zu Dashou and others, Xiongba began to count down.

"Three points to the vitality!"

"Yin and Yang Mahamudra!"

"Across all directions!"

"Heaven and earth have lost their color!"

Suddenly, Dolgon, Dorduo and other high-ranking Qing army officials were directly shattered.

Only a large pit with a radius of tens of kilometers was left in place.

"What did you just ask?"

Xiongba was refreshed and asked Hong Chengzhuo with a smile on his face.

Hong Chengyu: ""...

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