"Hong Chengzhu, Zu Dashou, and Yang Guozhu obey the order!"

On Songshan City, Ghost Guzi did not wait for Hong Chengzhuo to answer, and directly took out a holy decree that had already been written and glanced at everyone.


Without any hesitation, Hong Chengzhuo, Zu Dashou and the others knelt directly on the ground.

In particular, the generals who were sent by Li Xunhuan from Jinzhou City to Songshan City knelt on the ground trembling.

They flew all the way.

"Emperor Chongzhen has already been crowned Princess Changping, and from today onwards, Princess Changping will be the new Emperor of Daming, what objection do you have?"

Ghost Guzi did not rush to read the holy decree, but first said about changing the emperor.


The supervisor on the Songjin front, Zhang Ruoqi looked sycophantic~flattering, and wanted to say something.


The head was directly cut off by Wei Zhuang's sword and fell - on the ground.

What a lot of nonsense!

"There is no objection from the ministers!"

Hong Chengzhuo, Zu Dashou and the others were screaming, and quickly bowed down.

"The main force of the Qing army has been eliminated, and Zu Dashou led Guan Ning Iron Horse into Shengjing to transport grain, grass, gold and silver back."

"Hong Chengzhuo led the border army back to Beijing to wait for the dispatch."

Oniyako briefly said the contents of the holy decree.

"Let's go to the next stop!"

Xiongba once again set his sights on Li Xunhuan.

The main forces of the eight flags have been resolved.

However, the capital of the Qing Dynasty, Shengjing, is still there.

This is definitely a worthy target.

"It's really a group of fairy-like characters."

It wasn't until Ghost Guzi, Donghuang Taiyi, Xiongba and the others were all sent away by Li Xunhuan that Hong Chengzhuo, Zu Dashou and others dared to stand up from the ground, and Hong Chengzhuo looked in awe and said.

He finally understood why the 110,000 Qing troops killed each other until the whole army was destroyed?

It turns out that there are these ghost-like characters who are secretly manipulating all this.

"The Empress ascends the throne, and the world is prosperous! Wei Chen swore allegiance to Her Majesty the Empress. "

Zu Dashou's heart was shocked, but his face was extremely excited and hot.

Not to mention that Princess Changping became the empress, now it is Donghuang Taiyi, Oniyako and others who put a stone to say the emperor, and he also followed to pay respects.

What's more, Princess Changping is also a royal family, as for whether it is male or female, does it matter?

"We have all undergone such a big change on our side, I wonder what kind of situation the capital is?"

Hong Chengzhuo said leisurely.

The original Daming had reached the point of life and death, and as a result, a shocking reversal occurred.

Outside the customs, the main force of the 110,000 Qing army was completely destroyed.

Those beings who were like ghosts and gods rushed to Shengjing.

Even without looking, he was able to easily guess what would happen.

Now these people have put Princess Changping on the throne, and in order to make Princess Changping sit on the throne, the killing in the capital is probably even more ferocious than outside the pass.



"Si Li eunuch Cao Huachun embezzled five million taels of silver, one hundred and twenty thousand taels of gold, and 1,200 good fields to pour three tribes!"

"Zhou Yanru, the head of the cabinet, embezzled seven million taels of silver, eight hundred and fifty thousand taels of gold, and 14,000 taels of good land!"

"Zhang Pu, the second assistant of the cabinet, embezzled three million taels of silver, two hundred thousand taels of gold, 5,000 taels of good land, and the three tribes of Yi!"

After Xiongba, Donghuang Taichi, Oniyako and others left, as soon as the Zen Grand Ceremony ended, the Caishikou of the capital became the focus of the whole city.

Not to mention ordinary officials, even the chief assistant of the cabinet, the eunuch of the ceremony, such a powerful person in the world, the whole family was pushed to the vegetable market and beheaded.

Moreover, the voice resounded throughout the capital under the transmission of the master of the shadow secret guard.

In addition, the gold and silver jewelry of the gold fire cavalry and the armor-piercing soldiers of a hundred battles were all moved to Caishikou.

A Jiugao sat in the middle, looking unbearable at the beginning to firm later.

Ying Zheng stood in front of the stage and constantly gave orders to kill.

He was not tired at all, and even kept a faint smile.

Because, these are points.

Can you be tired of earning points?

He is cultivating immortals!

As for the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen, he sat on the ground, his face pale, trembling, and in a trance.

If he had doubted the truth of Ying Zheng's words before, but looking at the gold jewelry that was constantly piling up, even if he was stubborn, he understood how ridiculous his vision was.

Daming has no money?

It's just that he and Daming's treasury has no money.

There are too many rich people in Daming!

"Speed up the raid of the house, and then Her Majesty the Empress will summon the world when she ascends the throne, and she will definitely reward the world, and give me at least 100 million taels to raid the house."

Ying Zheng ordered. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although Daming was on the verge of life and death at this time, most officials and wealthy businessmen believed that Daming would be able to survive for a few years.

Even if the rebels or Qing troops called, they had time to retreat.

Therefore, the capital at this time was much richer than when Li Zicheng attacked the capital later.

What's more, this time the raid on the house, and the cooperation of the shadow secret guard and the masters of Luo Net, easily tortured the hiding place of all the gold and silver jewelry.

"One hundred million taels?"

The Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen, who was paralyzed on the ground, heard this, his body trembled directly, his heart almost paused in fear, and his eyes looked at Huan Zheng in horror.

Just the corrupt officials in the capital can confiscate such a pair of gold and silver jewelry, so how many gold and silver jewelry can the corrupt officials of the entire Daming be able to raid?

Doesn't it mean that Daming is poor?

Where did so much silver come from?

"Your Majesty rest assured, according to the statistics of Shadow Secret Guard and Luo Net, the value of all the gold and silver jewelry in the family should be above 200 million taels."

0 ask for flowers

Zhang Handan, the leader of the shadow secret guard, hurriedly prayed and said.


Before Huan Zheng could speak, the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen, who was paralyzed on the side, almost stared out of his eyes, howled, and his body seemed to surge with infinite strength, jumping up directly from the ground.

At least 200 million taels?


He had never seen such a large number in his life!

"I'm going to hack them to death!"

Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen directly drew his sword and also wanted to join the raiders.

It's all his money!

It's all his money!

"Wait a minute!"

Huan Zheng hurriedly ordered people to stop the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen.

"Xu now appoints you as the minister of raiding the family, you can only raid the family by taking this appointment, otherwise you will sit here for Xuan."

There is no doubt about the government, Dao.

Whoever raids the house, he doesn't care.

However, the person who gave the order to raid the house must be him.

Any action that affects the earning of points is not permitted.

Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen: ".


Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen agreed without any hesitation.

Then, under the leadership of the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen, a group of armor-piercing soldiers of a hundred battles cut from the west of the city to the east of the city, from the east of the city to the south of the city, and from the south of the city to the north of the city.

I chopped for a day and a night without rest.

"It's a pity, I thought this mission was a persistent mission, and it turned out to be a day."

When Ying Zheng thoroughly sorted out the capital, he looked a little disappointed when he saw that the chat group actually showed the countdown to the task time.

If he is given another period of time, he can give Daming full control of the world again.

"Is the group mission almost over?"

In the Linghe Sect, Ye Hao was familiarizing himself with his newly purchased magic weapon, the Golden Sword, and his heart moved, and the Golden Sword instantly entered the world of the Blue Blood Sword and appeared in the sky above the capital

It's just a good time to do it in real combat!

The Jin Gang Sword is a magic weapon at the level of the Jiedan Realm, and its characteristics are hard and sharp.

Ye Hao's purchase of the Golden Sword was to fully cooperate with his instantaneous killing technique.

"Tenfold Instantaneous Killing Technique!"

In an instant, the space above the capital was directly cut in half, revealing a pitch-black void space, and from a distance, it seemed as if the firmament had been cut open.

The Jin Gang sword fell directly into Dongying Island, and in an instant, all the figures on Dongying turned into ashes.

The foreign enemies of the Ming Dynasty are not only the Qing army!

"Your Majesty the First Emperor, aren't we a martial arts chat group?"

Ah Jiu was stunned to look at the sky that was cut in half, and his voice trembled.

Can a martial arts master be strong to this extent?

"Isn't it normal for a great immortal in a martial arts chat group?"

Ying Zheng said with a smile.

"Didn't we tell you that we are all immortal cultivators?"

Ah Jiu: "Wan.

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