Elixir Mountains.

Internal area.

"Senior Brother Sun, how are you harvesting?"

Cao Xiuxiu looked confused, kicked a towering tree 100 meters high, and suddenly noticed Sun Yuande flying in the distance.

Sun Yuande was also a peak disciple of the Qi Refining Realm of the Linghe Sect, and he was much older than Cao Xiuxiu.


Sun Yuande's face was stiff, and if it weren't for Cao Xiuxiu's deep background, he wouldn't want to talk to the other party.

He is the top-grade spirit root of the second attribute, as long as he waits, he will definitely be able to get the Zhujidan given by the sect.

Why did he risk his life to participate in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range Trial, wasn't it to obtain some second-grade elixirs, increase his contribution, and let the sect send him the Foundation Dan earlier.

Immortal cultivation is one step first, one step at a time, and it is even more desperate with the sky.

If you can break through to the Foundation Building Realm earlier, then the hope of breaking through to the Jiedan Realm is greater.

Now, look for two days in the Elixir Mountain Range!

That's two days!

Found eight strains of one-pin elixir!

A genius disciple at the peak of his Spirit River Sect's Qi Refining Realm, risking his life just for these eight first-grade elixirs?

Does he lack this Yipinling "one four seven" medicine?

Sun Yuande felt that his luck during this period might have gone wrong and was not suitable for exploring treasure hunting.

"I only found some one-pin elixir. "

Sun Yuande's face was stiff, and he was embarrassed to say the specific number.

"Junior Sister Cao, what about you?"

Sun Yuande was curious,.

Cao Xiuxiu is the granddaughter of Elder Cao of the Sect's Jiedan Realm, and I am afraid that she knows a lot of secret information about the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

"I didn't get a single elixir. "

"I waited for an opportunity at the foot of a mountain and waited for two days, waiting for nothing. "

"Then I didn't wait and went back to look for the elixir, but I couldn't find anything. "

"How so?"

Cao Xiuxiu's fists were clenched tightly, gritting her teeth, and her delicate face was full of obscurity.

"That's good~"

Sun Yuande breathed a long sigh of relief and said in a low voice.

It seems that his luck should not be a problem, at least much better than Cao Xiuxiu's luck.

"Senior Brother Sun, what did you say?"

Cao Xiuxiu, who was immersed in anger, did not hear what Sun Yuande said.

"I mean, the high-level of the five great cultivation immortal sects have always been divided into two factions about whether there are a large number of precious elixirs in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range. "

"One faction believes that the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range is intact, and there is the foundation of the Spirit Medicine Sect inside, even if it costs a lot, it should try to break the formation that guards the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range. "

"The other faction believes that the mysterious powerhouse who destroyed the Spirit Medicine Sect in the first place has long taken away the creation in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range. "

"Coupled with the fact that no one has cultivated the elixir garden for thousands of years, with the exploration of the five major cultivation immortal sects every thirty years, the elixir has long been exhausted. "

Sun Yuande's face did not change color and said.

"It seems that the latter's guess is correct, and the elixir in the Elixir Mountain Range has dried up. "

Cao Xiuxiu: "???".

You opened your mouth before and said so much?

Worthy of being a senior!

"Junior Sister Cao, what do we do now?"

Sun Yuande took the initiative to ask Cao Xiuxiu and further changed the topic.

"With the current situation, searching for a single person is like finding a needle in a haystack, how about we gather our disciples and search for elixirs together?"

"When the Elixir Mountain Range is about to close, let's go to the core area again to see if there is a chance to get a chance?"

Cao Xiuxiu thought about it.

"Senior Brother Lu Han, how are you harvesting?"

"I don't want to talk right now. "

"Senior Sister Bai Qingqing, how are you gaining?"

"Do you want to get beaten?"

"Senior Brother Zhao Li is simply invincible, he actually found two second-grade elixirs, which is currently the biggest harvest of our Linghe Sect, right?"

"Junior Sister Fang Qinglian's harvest is also gratifying, one two-grade elixir, eighteen first-grade elixirs, the number can be called the largest in the Linghe Sect. "

More and more Linghe Sect disciples gathered together, and after knowing what the others had gained, they all looked confused.

At this time, they no longer had any chances.

If a person is unlucky, he can also have bad luck in a sect.

Then now there is only one conclusion, the elixir of the Elixir Mountain Range is really exhausted.

"How should we explain this to the sect?"

Cao Xiuxiu, Sun Yuande, and Lu Han, the leaders of the trial disciples of the Linghe Sect, felt numb in their scalps one by one.

The Spirit River Sect sent a total of three Jiedan Realm elders to escort them to participate in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range trial.

The degree of attention is obvious.

Maybe the other Jiedan Realm elders of the sect and even the sect were waiting for the good news from them to pass back.

There was good news, because there were too few elixirs, and there was no big conflict between the Linghe Sect and other Immortal Cultivation Sects.

Now there are five or six hundred disciples gathered together.

If nothing happened after that, at least seven hundred, or even eight hundred disciples of the Spirit River Sect, would be able to walk out of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range alive.



At this moment, a group of disciples of the Lingyun Sect passed by not far away, and the two sides did not have the slightest saber rattling, but just glared at each other with a look of confusion.

The disciples of the Lingyun Sect are domineering, but they are not fools.

They also came to the same conclusion as the disciples of the Linghe Sect through the harvest of their own sect disciples.

The elixir in the Elixir Mountain Range has dried up.

For a few second-grade elixirs and some first-grade elixirs, the two sides launched a life and death battle, which was simply brainless.

"Such a big formation?"

When the fifth day of the opening of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, Ye Hao looked at the five major Immortal Cultivation Sect disciples gathered in the core area of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, and was slightly stunned.

One by one, they are sad, as if they have a deep hatred with some bitterness, is it necessary?

At present, the casualties of the various main factions are only a few dozen on average.

How nice!

Come in safely!

Get out safely!

"The time for the opening of the Elixir Mountain Range is generally five to seven days, and now there is no gain, we must fight in the core area. "

"Otherwise, when we return to the sect, we will be laughed to death by the other disciples of the sect. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

One of the leading senior brothers of the Lingyun Sect resounded in the sky, and he seemed very hot-blooded.

"That's right, you can't go back like this. "

"I still have a few years left to live, if I can't get the foundation building dan, there is no hope of impacting the foundation building realm in this life 0....."

"The sect wants us to bring back the fourth-grade elixir, even the ancient medicine, let's not talk about the fourth-grade elixir now, and the third-grade elixir has not been found. "

"Now that our five major factions have joined forces, I don't believe that we can't get a little chance from the core area. "

At this moment, the five great immortal cultivation sects were united in hatred, and many people had firm eyes, staring at the core area of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range with death.

"Attack! Everyone attacked the weak position of the formation deduced by Senior Sister Leng Yun of the Star Sect. "

"Take out all the hole cards, if you can't break the formation, what's the use of keeping the hole cards?"

"This is a four-rank formation, is our attack useful?"

"Since this is the place where the Spirit Medicine Sect once practiced, it is certain that the core area will also leave some opportunities for disciples. "

Thousands of Qi Refining Realm disciples attacked the Guardian Array in the core area in unison.

"The momentum and movement are very large, but unfortunately there is no use at all. "

Ye Hao, who was hiding in the shadows, shook his head.

He had been secretly observing the core area to guard the Great Array for a day, and for this reason, he had spent 1,000 points to upgrade himself to a first-class formation mage.

Deeply understanding that the power of the four-rank formation was not at all something that a group of Qi Refining Realm cultivators could shake.

Fortunately, the formation set up by the Spirit Medicine Sect was only a guardian formation and would not fight back.

Otherwise, the disciples of the Five Great Immortal Cultivation Sects would probably be wiped out.

"How about I try to attack secretly?"

After all, the formation that guards the core area has existed for thousands of years, without any maintenance, there must be some imperfections, and the power is absolutely greatly reduced.


Ye Hao quickly shook his head.

How could he do such a dangerous act as attacking the four-rank formation?

"There you have it!"

Ye Hao's gaze instantly locked on the disciple of the Lingyun Sect who had previously called for the five great immortal cultivation sects to join forces, and he had an idea in his heart. 5.0 A peak cultivator of the Qi Refining Realm, it seems to be called Long Ao.

There is only one word away from Long Aotian, maybe there is half a protagonist's life.

"Let's go~"

Ye Hao flicked his fingers, and a golden sword qi condensed by the Instantaneous Killing Dafa silently merged into Long Ao's body, and Long Ao couldn't detect it at all.

At the same time, Ye Hao also broke off his connection with that golden sword qi.

As long as Long Ao attacks the Guardian Array in the core area again, the golden sword qi will follow Long Ao's mana and attack the Guardian Array together.

Even if the golden sword qi attacked the Guardian Array and triggered any reaction, it had nothing to do with him Ye Hao.

"Still stay away!"

Ye Hao's figure hid on a mountain peak hundreds of miles away, his eyes watching the large array guarding the core area while watching the exit of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, ready to slip away at any time.

"Don't give up everyone, attack again together!"

At this moment, Long Ao's bloody and loud voice once again encouraged everyone, and his dantian's mana was continuously instilled into his second-grade spirit sword, aiming at the formation that guarded the core area.

A golden sword qi also quietly fell on the second-grade spirit sword, ready to move.

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