"Does that really work?"

Cao Xiuxiu urged her magic weapon weakly, very suspicious.

The previous joint attacks hit the guardian array in the core area of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, and only a layer of subtle ripples rippled on top of the formation.

"What if I don't?"

"Whether it works or not, at least after going back, there will be an explanation to the elders." "

"We have all joined forces with the other four factions, and all of us have attacked the Guardian Array in the core area of the Elixir Mountain Range together, and we have done our best. "

Fang Qinglian said in a low voice.

She looks more feminine than Cao Xiuxiu, her body is more petite, her skin is as delicate as snow, cherry vermilion lips, melon seed face, and her face is pure, giving people an urge to protect.

"I know that people want to give up, even if they give up now, what can they do?"

"There is no chance elsewhere in the Elixir Mountain Range. "

"Let's make a last-ditch effort. "

Long Ao was still hot-blooded and had no intention of giving up.

"Look at my trick!"

Long Ao shouted, and the mana urged.

Lingyun Sect's stunt, Lingyun sword technique!


The sword technique of the Lingyun sword technique has not yet been urged, and the golden sword condensed by the Instant Killing Dafa has been breathed.

The second-grade spirit sword in Long Ao's hand instantly turned into nothingness, blooming with unimaginable brilliant golden light, like a sun composed of golden sword qi, capable of destroying the sky and the earth.

The disciples of the Five Great Immortal Cultivation Sects turned pale and could hardly move, as if they had lost control of their bodies.

They all felt that an unimaginable sharp sword qi was hanging above their heads, which could fall at any time and destroy their shapes.

"How is it possible, how can this Long Ao have such a strong trick?"

"This is definitely not the mana power of the peak of the Qi Refining Realm, far beyond ordinary Jiedan Realm elders, and even more terrifying than the last time I saw the palm sect strike 06. "

"Impossible, the Guardian Array of the Elixir Mountain Range is not allowed to carry such a powerful hole card at all. "

Fortunately, the Elixir Mountain Range is exhausted, otherwise wouldn't we all be destroyed by Long Ao?"

"What is the identity of this Long Ao, how can there be such a strong hole card, could it be the son of which elder of the Lingyun Sect?"

The disciples of the five great immortal cultivation sects were all shocked, and looked at Long Ao with an extremely shocked and shocked expression.

Long Ao is really not simple!

He was able to violate the operating rules of the Guardian Array of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range and enter the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range with such a terrifying sword qi.

Could it be that behind Long Ao there was a Yuan Infant Realm powerhouse, or even a powerhouse of the Transformation God Realm?

"Tear and pull~"

A sound that seemed to be the space being torn apart sounded, which shocked the spirits of the disciples of the five great immortal cultivation sects, and their eyes quickly turned to the guardian array in the core area of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.


Everyone looked at the place where the golden sword qi attacked in shock, their pupils shrank sharply, and they directly gasped.

The golden sword qi actually penetrated from one side of the guardian array in the core area of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range to the other side in an instant.

This is a four-rank spirit array!

Even if it has not been repaired for thousands of years, it definitely maintains the power of a certain fourth-grade spirit array.

This dragon was proud and there was at least one powerful sword cultivator of the Yuan Infant Realm!

"Click!", "Click!", "Click!"

At this moment, a sound like glass shattering sounded, and the special energy shield formed by the guardian array in the core area of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range appeared on it, and then another crack appeared.

After a while, it was already covered with dense cracks.


The guardian array in the core area of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range shattered under everyone's surprised gazes.

They can enter the core area of the Elixir Mountain Range!

However, at this moment, no cultivator dared to move.

Everyone's eyes flashed with deep worry and fear.

After Long Ao emitted the terrifying golden sword qi just now, there was no damage at all, and his mana did not fail.

So does Long Ao still have one, or even a few golden sword qi as a hole card?

If there were any top-notch elixirs in the core area, would Long Ao kill them all?

"That golden sword qi was emitted by me?"

Long Ao looked confused and looked at his right hand in a trance.

That's it!

Just with a flick of his finger, a golden sword qi flew out, smashing the four pins of the spirit array.

Too strong!

"Is it the sword qi that is sealed into my body by which senior of the sect, or which sword master appreciates my kendo talent, and the sword qi sealed in my body?"

Long Ao's heart was numb, shocked, and joyful.

"What's in the core area?"

Ye Hao, who was hundreds of miles away, was as stable as Mount Tai, motionless, just looking at it from a distance.

He didn't quickly fly over because the formation guarding the core area was broken.

The formation is broken, is there any danger hidden inside?




After Ye Hao saw the situation in the core area clearly, he faintly knew the reason why the Spirit Medicine Sect was destroyed.

In the center of the core area, there is a strange spirit tree that is thousands of feet tall, the bark is like black dragon scales, the leaves are like golden dragon whiskers, and there are nine blood-colored strange fruits the size of laurel circles.

Blood Dragon Tree!

A very peculiar spirit root that can grow blood dragon fruit when watered with dragon blood.

If the Terrans swallow it, they can obtain the physique of the human dragon, and their lifespan will increase greatly.

This blood dragon tree of the Spirit Medicine Sect actually grew nine blood dragon fruits, indicating that the Spirit Medicine Sect had hunted more than one demon beast with the bloodline of the dragon clan.

However, there was still not enough dragon blood watered at the beginning, and the blood dragon fruit completely took a long time to ripen.

Similar to Ye Hao's guess, thousands of years ago, a Yuan Infant Realm elder of the Spirit Medicine Sect accidentally discovered a dragon blood seedling.

Several Yuan Infant Realm elders of the Spirit Medicine Sect were terrified and ecstatic.

Once they cultivate a mature Blood Dragon Fruit, they devour it to obtain the human dragon physique, their lifespan will at least double, and the possibility of breaking through to the Transformation God Realm will be greatly improved.

However, the strength of the dragon clan is too strong.

If discovered, they will surely die.

So, after discussion, several elders of the Yuan Infant Realm secretly hunted some demon beasts with dragon bloodlines and began to nourish the blood dragon tree seedlings with dragon blood.

In the end, in the process of capturing a demon beast with the bloodline of the dragon clan, when an elder of the Elixir Sect captured a dragon of the Jiedan Realm, he did not know that this dragon of the Jiedan Realm had a father of the Transformation God Realm.

Moreover, this dragon of the Transformation God Realm was still secretly protecting his son from trials.

It can be imagined that this dragon of the Transformation God Realm directly pinched the elder of the Necromancer Medicine Sect.

Moreover, through the storage bag of the elder of the Spirit Medicine Sect, the identity of this elder was confirmed, and the Spirit Medicine Sect was directly destroyed.

The Spirit Medicine Sect was thus destroyed under the wrath of the Transformation God Realm Dragon. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The Dragon of the Transformation God Realm just thought that the elder of the Spirit Medicine Sect wanted to capture the dragon and domesticate it into a mount, and he didn't know that the Spirit Medicine Sect had secretly hunted many demon beasts with the bloodline of the dragon clan.

In addition, in order to protect the secret of the Blood Dragon Tree, the Spirit Medicine Sect spent a huge price to buy a five-pin spirit array to guard the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

Without careful probing, the Transformation God Realm Dragon did not discover the existence of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

Of course, it was also because the Transformation God Realm Dragon couldn't look at the Spirit Medicine Sect's family background at all, so he didn't bother to search.

He had only one goal, to destroy the Elixir Sect that wanted to enslave his son.

"Ah~ I'm not mistaken, that's the Blood Dragon Tree, the fruit of this Blood Dragon Tree in front of me is probably effective against the cultivators of the Yuan Infant Realm, right?"

"Look at the ground, all of them are dragon scale grasses, hundreds of plants, each plant has thousands of years old, completely satisfying the refining of the four-grade Creation Pill. "

"Hahaha chance, this is a really huge opportunity!"

"The Elixir Sect is really bold, they dare to hunt the demon beasts of the dragon clan's bloodline, no wonder they will be destroyed. "

"The entire core area is ordinary flowers and trees, birds, beasts, insects and fish, and it has become a treasure because of thousands of years of dragon qi nourishment. "

After the disciples of the five great immortal cultivation sects saw the situation in the core area, they all turned red in their eyes, gasped for breath, and revealed a cold murderous intent all over their bodies.

Great chance!

It is also a great danger!

In order to compete for the blood dragon fruit, dragon scale grass, and other heavenly materials and earth treasures nourished by dragon qi in the core area, today is destined to be a shocking slaughter.

Rivers of blood will be shed, and corpses will be strewn all over the field.

It would even become the most brutal killing since the Five Great Immortal Cultivation Sects discovered the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

The various sects may not even be able to get out alive even one percent of their disciples.

No one flinched, though.

Even the previous fears about whether Long Ao still had golden sword qi disappeared, and they were all occupied by ecstasy and greed.

Not to mention the rest, those hundreds of thousands of dragon scale grasses, thousands of years, even if they are not handed over to the sect, they are directly swallowed and refined in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

It is also able to increase their lifespan of 483, rebirth, and refine their spirits, and their qualifications, strength and lifespan have been greatly improved.

"Let me quell this killing~"

On the mountain peak hundreds of miles away, looking at the murderous disciples of the Five Great Immortal Cultivation Sect, Ye Hao sighed softly, and his figure disappeared in place.

With Ye Hao's speed, it was like a breeze sweeping away leaves, and in an instant, all the creations in the core area were collected by him in his storage bag.

Was it just an illusion?"

I just smelled the dragon qi, definitely not an illusion?"

"How did that all disappear?"

Did you do it?"

The thousands of disciples of the Five Great Immortal Cultivation Sects almost ran away directly, and their eyes were about to pop out.


Ye Hao's speed was extremely fast, and in an instant, he threw a consummation-level Ecstasy to every cultivator, and even the nearby demon beasts threw them a Ecstasy.

Let them completely lose part of the memory they just had.

"Long Ao broke the Guardian Array in the core area, take a look at what treasures are inside?"

Thousands of cultivators seemed to have gone back in time, and their memories returned to the moment before the Guardian Array was just broken.

Why is there nothing in there, bare?"

We broke the guardian array in the core area, and we didn't gain anything, how can we explain this to the elders?"

"Sure enough, I just said that the mysterious powerhouse who destroyed the Spirit Medicine Sect thousands of years ago, how could he not take away the most precious elixir of the Spirit Medicine Sect?"

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to have another Elixir Mountain Range trial in the future!"

Thousands of cultivators all lowered their heads, and even Long Ao, who was full of blood before, was also disappointed.

They didn't dare to imagine what they would say when they walked out of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range and saw the elders who greeted them?

"I saved the lives of thousands of cultivators!"

Looking at a group of thousands of cultivators who were completely murderous, looked sluggish, and could not fight again, Ye Hao nodded in satisfaction and quietly retreated.

Do good deeds, and he will not leave a name!.

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