Elixir City.

Inner city.

The cultivators of the five great cultivation immortal sects were divided into five camps, which could be described as distinct.

In the first five days of the trial in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, the atmosphere between the various sects was relatively peaceful, and some people even exchanged words.

However, with the arrival of the sixth day, the atmosphere instantly became solemn.

Everyone knew very well that although the five great cultivation immortal sects had reached an agreement, once the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range trial was over, no matter what happened in the trial, the various sects could not pursue their responsibilities.

In fact, in the historical trials of the Elixir Mountain Range, it was a common occurrence for the Five Great Sects to fight.

If it was just the casualties of some disciples, the major Immortal Cultivation Sects would not care too much.

Because, the killing between these disciples of the same realm suffered heavy losses, which was inferior in skill.

However, once an ancient medicine or even a fourth-grade elixir is discovered, then there will definitely be a big war between the major immortal cultivation sects.

"I wonder what elixir will be harvested in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range this time?"

Elder Liu Chuan of the Linghe Sect kept looking at the exit of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range with an expectant expression.

The time for the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range to open is five to seven days, and no matter what the Spirit River Sect harvests in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, they will come out.

"It would be nice if we could find ancient medicines!"

Elder Liu Chuan's heart was fiery.

Elixirs with a medical age of more than 10,000 years will undergo a certain transformation, which can at least extend the life of a cultivator in the Jiedan Realm for a hundred years.

He is now in the fifth layer of the Jiedan Realm, his lifespan is less than a hundred years, and his hope of breaking through to the Yuan Infant Realm is very slim.

If he can obtain an ancient medicine that increases his lifespan by a hundred years, he has a certain confidence to impact the Yuan Infant Realm.

The elders of the other Immortal Cultivation Sects were also eager to see the arrival of their own sect's trial disciples.

"It's our disciples of the Lingyun Sect, and many disciples have come back this time?"

At this moment, in the camp of the Lingyun Sect, several elders and a group of Foundation Building Realm level disciples looked first pleased, and then very puzzled.

I am afraid that the number of disciples returning from the Lingyun Sect is more than nine hundred.

This was a situation that had never been the case since the disciples of the Lingyun Sect participated in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

This doesn't look like a killing at all?

"How's it going?"

As soon as the disciples of the Lingyun Sect participating in the trial came out, they were surrounded by several elders of the Lingyun Sect, and quickly put away the storage bags of all the disciples participating in the trial to probe the situation inside.

The elders of other sects also used their divine sense to probe the situation.

"How come there is not a single one who has broken through to the Foundation Building Realm?"

As a result, a very abnormal phenomenon was discovered.

"What? Not a single fourth-grade elixir? Not even a third-grade elixir? Only a little second-grade elixir and one-pin elixir?"

Several Lingyun Sect Jiedan Realm elders were all stunned, looking incredulous.

Several of their cultivators of the Dan Realm were waiting for seven days, just for such a little first-grade elixir and second-grade elixir?

They went to a random place to hunt for treasure for seven days, and they didn't get more than that.

"The disciples of the Emerald Valley are back!"

"The disciples of the Jin Ding Sect are back!"

"The disciples of the Linghe Sect are back!"

The trial disciples returned one after another, and the elders of their respective sects were no longer polite, and directly put away everyone's storage bags and probed the elixir inside.

As a result, it far exceeded their expectations.

It's not that the gain is too big!

The harvest is too small!

Too small!

Simply trivial.

As a result, they also faced off at the exit for a few days like a fool, looking like they were about to kill each other.

Just to compete for these second-grade elixirs? First-grade elixir?

If today's events get out, the entire Immortal Cultivation World of the Zhao Kingdom will become the laughing stock of other countries.

"The Lingyun Sect's Dragon Pride has broken the defensive array in the core area, and there is not a single elixir, bare?"

Ye Hao, who was in the team and acted as a small transparent, could not help but beat violently when he saw Elder Liu Chuan's face.

The Spirit Medicine Mountain Range was the most important source of life-prolonging treasures obtained by the five major Immortal Cultivation Sects, and there was no one.

Even if the sect could afford to prolong life, it was not something that ordinary Jiedan Realm elders had the opportunity to obtain.

"How do I talk to the boss?"

According to the past practice, after the disciples who participated in the trial came out of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, these elders notified the sect as soon as they determined the harvest of the trial disciples.

However, now after counting the harvest, he really couldn't speak.

Even the three-pin elixir was not harvested.

"We're back!"

Elder Liu Chuan's face turned dark, and he flew onto the black flying boat.

The trial disciples of the Spirit River Sect also followed closely with strength.

The other Immortal Cultivation Sects also did not stop at all, and all left at the first time.

Staying in the Elixir Mountain Range only made them more uncomfortable.

"The sect hasn't been notified at this time, could it be that Elder Liu and the other sects have fought?"

The Linghe Sect, the head of the sect, and the elders were all waiting for Liu Chuan to send back the news. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Finding that Liu Chuan did not transmit the news at the first time, the head and the elders couldn't help but show a smile on their faces, looking very expectant.

It must be because of the distraction of the big war, and there is no way to notify immediately.

The elixir that can cause a big war is either a fourth-grade elixir or an ancient medicine.

"They're back?"

About two hours later, after the black flying boat appeared in the sky above the Linghe Sect, the head of the Linghe Sect and the elders couldn't wait to fly to the flying boat.

Thousands of disciples also walked out of their respective cave mansions after knowing that the disciples who had participated in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range had returned, and they couldn't help but look at it.

"'The disciples who participated in the trial this time don't know that the loss is not great?'

"I want to know now how many people have broken through to the Foundation Building Realm, and if there are too many, I will regret dying." "

"I wonder what the top elixir is this time, will there be an ancient medicine?"

The disciples of the Linghe Sect couldn't help but talk about it.

"What do you say, there is not a fourth-grade elixir, or even a third-grade elixir, and the Elixir Mountain Range is exhausted?"

The head of the Linghe Sect and the elders who flew to the flying boat with excitement were all stunned when they heard Liu Chuan's explanation, and the look of anticipation in their eyes instantly froze.

How could it be so pitted?

The disciples who participated in the trial flew off the flying boat in dismay, and soon the entire Linghe Sect fell into incomparable shock and shock.

The Elixir Mountain Range is depleted!

The gains of the Five Great Immortal Cultivation Sects were completely negligible.

That place of trials that constantly brought opportunities to the five great cultivation immortal sects every thirty years has completely become a thing of the past?

"It's finally over!"

After Ye Hao flew down from the black flying boat, he no longer paid attention to the Linghe Sect, which was caught in shock and noise, first entered his bamboo house, and then entered the peerless Shuangjiao world.

He needs to relax (Li Li Hao) a bit.

Although the participation in the trial is very rewarding, the spirit is always in a tense state.

The martial arts world is different, he is a truly invincible existence and can completely relax his mind.

"Daisen, you are back~attack"

Yueyue was dressed in a red gauze robe, wearing a white belly pocket, snow-white and delicate skin, clearly visible, her crystal round legs shimmered with white jade-like luster, and her plump and delicate body was vividly displayed in front of Ye Hao.

Seeing the familiar and longing figure, Yueyue directly pounced, a pair of bright eyes seemed to overflow water, and the voice was extremely coquettish.

About half an hour later, Mercy Xing, who came to her sister to say something, looked at the picture in the room and instantly felt that she was going to break again.

"It's still the martial arts world that is more comfortable!"

The next day, Ye Hao woke up refreshed and couldn't help but open the chat group.

The Elixir Mountain Range trial had seven days, the preparation time was two or three days, and there was no online chat group for almost ten days.

This is the first time he hasn't been in a chat group for so long.

I don't know what happened to the chat group.

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