Chat groups.

The world will help the lord: "On the tenth day when the great immortal is not online, miss him!"

Da Qin Zulong: "On the tenth day when the Great Immortal is not online, miss him!"

Huashan Pai Yue is in charge: "The tenth day when the great immortal is not online, miss him!"

Ye Hao went to explore the dangerous place, and the chat group was not as active as before.

Xiao Li Feidao: "How many layers have you refined gas? I broke through to the second layer of gas refining today." Laughing JPG"

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Powerful, there is still one layer to catch up with the old man." "

Huashan Paiyue head: "Is it interesting to pretend so hard?

Yue Buqun's face turned a little dark, his talent in martial arts training was not comparable to these people in the chat group, and his talent for cultivating immortals was not comparable to these people in the chat group.

"I also refine Qi now, plus the martial arts realm has reached the innate realm, I don't know if I can win the wind and clear the sky?"

Yue Buqun was very entangled.

If he challenged Feng Qingyang to trigger the group mission, as a result, he did not fight, it would be miserable.

If you lose, there is no point reward.

In the future, I am afraid that it will be difficult to trigger the group mission that challenges the number one in the world.

"Wait for me to refine the second layer, and then challenge Feng Qingyang or Dongfang Undefeated. "

Yue Buqun felt that he was still holding his hand.

Great Qin Zulong: "A second-layer immortal cultivator who silently eats melons passes by. "

Great Qin Zulong: "Do you have any ideas for triggering group missions?"

Ying Zheng's mood is very low, and he doesn't even have too high emotions to pretend.

Not only has Daxian not been online for ten days, but the chat group has not triggered a group task for ten days after triggering the group task to revive the Daming National Movement.

After Daisen joined the chat group, they had never triggered a group task for so long.

The world will help the lord: "Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist, hurry up and rebel! Overthrow the tyranny of the Yuan Dynasty." "

The world will help the master: "Chef Gao in the cafeteria, you are in your thirties, are you embarrassed not to get married? "

The 173 gang master of the World Society: "Princess Changping, do you have a man you like? "

The rest of the chat group is just anxious, while the boss is just panicking.

The longer it passes, the more likely it is that Emperor Shitian will appear.

He is now only a Great Grandmaster Seventh Heaven, and the Qi Refining Realm is only one layer of refining qi, and it is impossible to be the opponent of Emperor Shitian who has lived for nearly two thousand years.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Xionggang master, the person who really grasps it is you! "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "There are a total of eleven people in the chat group now, and in addition to the great immortal, there are five group friends who have never triggered the group mission. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "You should try more, maybe it will be easier to trigger group missions." "

Zhang Sanfeng was very dissatisfied, he was the person who triggered the group task the most in the chat group, and now he even urged him to trigger the group task.

It doesn't make any sense!

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Lord: "The Heaven and Earth Society Gang Lord, Great Qin Zulong, Shifting Flower Palace Lord, Huashan Pai Yue Head, Canteen High Chef, Zhang Zhenren said that you have never triggered a group mission." "

Tianxia Association Chief Helmsman Chen: "You guys hurry up and find a way to trigger the group mission." "

Chen Jinnan felt that what Zhang Sanfeng said was very reasonable, and it was very necessary to help Zhang Sanfeng clearly inform these words to those group friends urged by Zhang Sanfeng.

Otherwise, these group members have no consciousness at all.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: ".

Immortal cultivator: "The chat group seems to be very lively!"

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "???."

Wudang hundred-year-old teacher: "Welcome back from the Great Immortal Adventure!"

Huashan Paiyue is in charge: "Daxian is online! Daxian is back, it's really good! "

The world will help the master: "Welcome back from the Great Immortal Expedition!"

Great Qin Zulong: "Congratulations on the return of the Great Immortal Expedition!"

The chatting masses were first slightly stunned, and then their expressions were all ecstatic.

Daisen is online again, indicating that the expedition has ended and returned safely.

This is the best news for the chattering masses.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Great Immortal, is this expedition still going well?"

Since cultivating immortals, Zhang Sanfeng is still very curious and yearning for the real immortal cultivation world.

Immortal Cultivator: "It's pretty smooth. "

It was expected that the Yuan Infant Realm cultivators might appear, the Transformation God Realm cultivators did not make a move, and there was no danger in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

Princess Changping: "Did the Great Immortal find an opportunity?"

Immortal cultivator: "Finding some opportunities is not a trip for nothing." "

The elixir harvested in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range allowed Ye Hao to achieve wealth freedom for a period of time.

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "Congratulations to the Great Immortal, the Great Immortal is indeed invincible." "

In the world of smiling rivers and lakes, Yue Buqun was directly in the temple, worshiping Ye Hao.

The stronger the Great Immortal is, the more benefits he gets, and the more at ease he is.

In the recent period, he also lost sleep, for fear that Ye Hao would have a little accident.

The world will help the lord: "Daxian, I sent you a red envelope the day before yesterday, is there a reminder in the chat group?"

When Xiongba saw Yue Buqun patting the horse, he also suddenly remembered the gift he gave to Daxian.

The world will help the Lord: "I caught a fire unicorn in my world, and I hereby offer it to the Great Immortal!"

The hegemony is incomparably apprehensive.

Although the fire unicorn is a rui beast, its strength is too weak.

Da Qin Zulong: "You sent a red envelope to the Great Immortal the day before yesterday, the god is mysterious, ask you, you don't say, it turned out to be a fire unicorn." "

A trace of envy flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes.

No matter how strong or weak the fire unicorn is, it is at least a rui beast.

With their identity, they can take out such a treasure and offer it to the Great Immortal, even if the Great Immortal can't see it, they still understand their intentions.

"I wonder if there are any similar beasts in the world?"

Yingzheng felt that he should also act.

"I rely on! really let this dog bully catch the fire unicorn, the fire unicorn is really a waste!"

Yue Buqun's face was slightly sluggish, and he scolded a tyrant angrily, a little helpless.

In the world of smiling rivers and lakes, let alone the level of the fire qilin, even the spirit peach tree in Zhang Sanfeng world, I am afraid that there is no one.

[The immortal cultivator received the red envelope. 】

"Be nice!"

In the peerless double proud world, Ye Hao looked at the red all over his body, burning with flames, and looked like an aegic unicorn, and directly gave the fire qilin a look that he experienced.

Kirin meat, he wants to taste!


The fire unicorn only felt a terrifying will that descended on it, and it shivered and its limbs went soft.

It knelt directly on the ground and made a low barking sound similar to that of a dog to show its submission.

It's not that this kind of thing has never been done.

Thousands of years ago, he also expressed his submission in front of the Yandi Shennong clan.

It's just that the figure in front of him is much more terrifying than the Yan Emperor, like a god, making it dare not have any thoughts of resisting. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)


Ye Hao flicked his fingers, and a spirit fruit flew out.


The fire unicorn leaped up very skillfully, biting the spirit fruit and swallowing it without hesitation.

It only felt the endless aura pouring into its limbs, extremely comfortable, and looked at Ye Hao again.

This new master was much more generous than Emperor Yan.

Immortal cultivator: "The fire unicorn is quite good and very obedient." "

"Very obedient?"

Fengyun World, the first floor of the world, the corner of Xiongba's mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

In order to capture the Fire Qilin, Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng were seriously injured, and he also suffered internal injuries, and his beard was half burned by the Fire Qilin's flames.

In the end, he still relied on Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng to temporarily contain the fire qilin, and sneak attack himself before knocking the fire qilin unconscious.

After knocking the fire qilin unconscious, he immediately sent it to Ye Hao in the form of a red envelope, just because he was afraid that the fire qilin would wake up halfway.

He alone was not the slightest sure of suppressing the Fire Qilin again.

Immortal Cultivator: "Your harvest in the Lingyun Cave should be good, right?"

Ye Hao knew that Lingyun Grotto was the biggest treasure place in the Fengyun World.

The World Association will help the master: "Great Immortal, after I caught the Fire Qilin, I returned to the World Society, is there anything in the Lingyun Cave?"

Xiongba looked confused.

Did he miss something?

Immortal cultivators: "There are blood bodhisattva that can increase their strength and treat injuries, and there are quite a few of them, which can assist immortal cultivators." "

Immortal cultivator: "The material of the Snow Drinking Mad Knife is the heaven and earth spiritual material of your world, which can be used to refine magic weapons. "

Immortal cultivator: "Although the fire unicorn inside is not as good as the snow drinking mad knife, but because of the influence of the fire unicorn scale armor, plus the material of the fire unicorn is also relatively special, it can also be refined into a magic weapon." "

Immortal cultivator: "Wu Invincible has left the inheritance of Xuanwu True Gong in Lingyun Cave, although it is a martial art, but it is a martial art of the heavenly and human level, for you, if you understand it, there are still certain benefits." "

Immortal cultivator: "There is also the tomb of the Yellow Emperor inside, the dragon vein can suppress the heart demon and increase the speed of cultivation, and the Xuanyuan sword is also the ultimate refining material in your world." "

The world will help the Lord: "???."

Great Qin Zulong: "???."

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "???."

Xiao Li Feidao: "There are too many treasures in this Lingyun Cave, right?"

Don't say that the boss is stunned, even the rest of the chat group is also stunned.

For people in the martial arts world, falling off a cliff and obtaining a book of divine skill secrets from their predecessors is already a great opportunity that countless martial arts people dream of.

However, these opportunities are too ordinary compared to Lingyun Cave.

They didn't expect that in the martial arts world, there was such a top-notch place of opportunity.

"Helpmaster, why are you going?"

On the first floor of the world, Wen Ugly, who was delivering lunch to Xiongba, only felt a fierce wind blowing, and saw Xiongba like a sharp arrow flying out.

That looks like losing a million taels of gold!

"I'm a pig!"

"How could I be so stupid?"

"Since you caught the fire qilin, why don't you go in and take a look?"

"The fire unicorn caught the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, yesterday plus today, no one else will have already entered the Lingyun Cave, right?"

Xiongba's face turned dark, and his face was annoyed.

How could he have missed so many treasures?

"If no one enters, then all treasures are mine, mine!"

The heart of the hero is hot and excited.

His dominance may be able to get a wave of fat!

"Ding-dong! Trigger group missions, treasure hunting Lingyun cave, people who practice martial arts also need chance to grow. "

"Every group member of this mission can participate, according to the bonus points obtained in the Lingyun Cave, the more you get, the more points you reward. "

At this moment, the prompt tone of the group system sounded in everyone's ears.

Xiongba: ""...

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