Da Qin Zulong: "Thanks to the Xiong Gang Lord, thanks to the Xiong Gang Lord, the chat group once again triggers the group task." Funny JPG"

Ying Zheng's face showed ecstasy.

Tyrants sacrifice themselves as men, good people!

Obviously, there is such a big chance place as Lingyun Grotto, if you don't explore it, you must wait for the chatting masses to get up ~ .

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Look! Everyone take a look! I just said, people who have not triggered group tasks are more likely to trigger group tasks, and the male gang master does not trigger a group task?

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Hahaha thank you Xiong Gang Master, this is my first treasure hunt since I was born, this is looking for such a top-notch treasure land." Funny-funny JPG. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "The leader of the Xiong gang wants to do something! If you want to trigger a group task, you really trigger a group task yourself." Funny JPG"

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Blood Bodhi, Snow Drinking Mad Dao, Dragon Vein, Xuanyuan Sword and other treasures, I drool when I think about it, thank you to the Lord of the Gang for giving me this opportunity! "

Chen Jinnan's whole person was stunned by the prompt of the chat group.

Everyone only felt joy descending from heaven.

Not only can you enter the Lingyun Cave to hunt for treasures, but you can also get point rewards.

The world will help the Lord: ".

Xiongba's face is green!

He really wants to trigger the group mission!

However, swarm tasks are definitely not triggered in this way.

In his opinion, all the treasures in the Lingyun Cave were his.

It's his!

Now the rest of the chat group actually wants to explore the Lingyun Cave with him, which is completely digging meat in his heart!

He lost too much!

The world will help the master: "Xiao Li Feidao, don't help the rest of the chat group to transfer people this time." "

The world will help the master: "This time is a treasure hunt, all treasures are one ah! One person finds it, others can't find it, which is completely different from the previous group mission." "

The world will help the master: "If you really let some people bring thousands of troops into the Lingyun Cave, everyone else will not gain." "

"I'm uncomfortable, don't think about it!"

Xiongba gritted his teeth and said.

Great Qin Zulong: "Chef Gao of the canteen, with your strength, you can't participate in the Lingyun Cave treasure hunting mission, help me receive a few red envelopes, and when the time comes, I will share a few blood bodhi for you." "

Ying Zheng sneered and looked disdainful.

If he enters the Lingyun Cave with thousands of troops to hunt for treasures, it will indeed threaten the rest of the chat group to gain points.

However, there are also people in the chat group who do not have the ability to participate in the treasure hunt of Lingyun Cave.

That gave him a chance.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Thank you Your Majesty, I will definitely help you receive the soldiers and horses." "

Gao Yao looked beaming and agreed without any hesitation.

Doing so will not only ease the relationship with the government.

Moreover, it can also be white to get a few blood bodhi, which is a completely worthless transaction.

[Da Qin Zulong sent an exclusive red envelope to Chef Gao in the cafeteria!]

Ying Zheng did not teleport all the soldiers and horses of Daqin in one breath, but chose to teleport the experts of Luo Net first.

If Gao wants to repent, he can also afford to lose.



Xiongba's face was ugly, he cursed angrily, and turned around to return to the World Society.

Since he couldn't stop Ying Zheng from leading thousands of troops to explore the Lingyun Cave, then he also had to open the hanging!

He hasn't forgotten!

Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng are the children of destiny in this world, and if you take the two of them to hunt for treasures, the efficiency of searching will definitely be far beyond the others.

"Ding-dong, Xiao Li flying knife into the mission world!"

"Ding-dong, Chef Gao of the canteen enters the mission world!"

"Ding-dong, Princess Changping enters the mission world!"

Those group members who do not need to prepare manpower choose to enter the mission world at the first time.

Xiao Li Feidao: "This time, I won't be polite with everyone, I'll enter the Lingyun Cave first." Laughing JPG"

In front of the Leshan Great Buddha, Li Xunhuan did not hesitate and flew towards the Lingyun Cave.

The world will help the Lord: "You go in alone, if you meet Emperor Shitian, I hope you can still be so excited." "

After Xiongba said it, he regretted it.


If he met Emperor Shitian, he would be the worst.

The rest of the chat group is a big deal to give up the group mission and escape back to their own world.

But what about him?

"Ding-dong, Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist priest enters the mission world. "

Xiongba's words did not affect the enthusiasm of the chattering crowd in the slightest.

When Ye Hao went to participate in the trial of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, everyone couldn't help but imagine and fantasize.

What is it like to explore the Immortal Cultivation World to find opportunities?

Now they finally have the opportunity to experience the low-end version of the martial arts version of the adventure to find opportunities.

Even if Emperor Shi Tian appeared, it would not be able to extinguish their enthusiasm for treasure hunting. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Hahaha Old Dao will not bring disciples this time, enter the Lingyun Cave first." "

Zhang Sanfeng thought about it, and also chose to enter the Fengyun World for the first time and began to explore the Lingyun Grotto.

Even if he mobilizes thousands of troops, he needs a certain amount of preparation time, and this time just allows him to seize the opportunity.

Otherwise, when the thousands of troops of the victorious government enter the Lingyun Cave, how can his treasure hunting speed alone compare with the thousands of troops?

Master Wing Chun enters the mission world!"

"Ding-dong, Heaven and Earth will Master Chen enter the mission world!"

The others also hurriedly entered the Fengyun World, entering it first before the army of Ying Zheng entered the Lingyun Cave.

The world will help the master: "Chef Gao of the canteen, help me teleport two people in a while, as a reward, I will give you a copy of the Grandmaster-level martial arts wind god legs, come without a shadow, go without a trace, the power is huge." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Thank you Xiong for helping the master." "

Under the Great Buddha of Leshan, Gao Yao, who was hiding behind a large rock, nodded with excitement on his face.

With the blood bodhi of Ying Zheng, coupled with the heroic wind god legs, he will be able to become a martial arts master immediately.

And in his world, although there are some fist and foot kung fu, how to compare with the divine skill cheats?

"Shocking clouds, Feng'er, how is your damage recovery?"

The world will meet, Xiongba forcibly endured the anxiety in his heart, and looked at Bu Jianyun and Nie Feng, who were active in the courtyard, with a gentle expression, and said in a concerned voice.

After the battle with the Fire Qilin, Xiongba no longer wanted to kill Stephen Yun and Nie Feng.

If he makes good use of it, he is simply invincible in the Fengyun world.

In the future, the two of them may still be able to help him deal with Emperor Shitian.


Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng hurriedly paid their respects.

"The Great Immortal just informed me that there is a blood bodhi in the Lingyun cave that can heal injuries and increase strength. "

"Before, Master Wei saw that your injuries were too serious, so he hurriedly brought you back for treatment, not knowing that there was a blood bodhi in Lingyun Cave that helped you recover your injuries faster. "

Xiongba said softly.

"This time, the master will take you to look for the blood bodhi. "

"With Blood Bodhi, you will not only be able to recover from your injuries, but also increase your strength. "

"There is also the Snow Drinking Mad Knife is also in the Lingyun Cave, Feng'er, you are going to find your heirloom knife this time. "

"This time is the same as the last time we attacked the Qing Dynasty, there are also people from other worlds involved, if the Snow Drinking Mad Dao is found by others, it will be difficult for the master to give you back. "

Xiongba looked worried, but a sense of pride surged in his heart.

He has two children of destiny in hand, and his luck is invincible!

Great Qin Zulong: "The world will help the master, can you do something else in addition to the treasure hunting Lingyun Cave?"

In the Great Qin World, Ying Zheng suddenly reacted, and he had another idea in his heart.

He has hundreds of thousands of troops and hundreds of masters, can Lingyun Cave enter so many people?

The world will help the Lord: "What do you want to do?"

The world will help the Lord: "Don't mess around!"

The world will help the Lord: "Please, be a person!"

The hero stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

At this moment, he had a very bad premonition! .

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