Xiao Li Feidao: "Is the fight over?"

Li Xunhuan was very surprised.

This is really not in line with the momentum of the Great Immortal's shot!

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Of course, it didn't end like this, although the mud bodhisattva was scared and stupid at that time, but he was still a little unconvinced." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "The mud bodhisattva pushed Kyushu's luck to the west, and it will be suppressed by the civilization of another continent in the next few hundred years." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Then Daxian deduced that the world of the hero has seven continents, and the whole world is similar to the earth, and it is also a huge sphere. "

Gao Yao spat and told everyone excitedly.

Chef Gao: "But the next thing is the most exciting." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "With the ability of the mud bodhisattva to deduce the heavenly machine, how can he know that the great immortal said the truth of the heavenly machine." "

Chef Gao of the canteen: "Then Daxian used a very simple method to verify the correctness of the heavenly machine. "

When Gao Yao thought of the appearance of the mud bodhisattva, he wanted to laugh.

The ability to deduce the heavenly machine in this ancient world is indeed extraordinary, no matter which side of the martial arts world, I am afraid that he will be regarded as a living immortal.

Unfortunately, he met a real immortal.

Great Qin Zulong: "What simple method?"

Huan Zheng, Li Xunhuan, Chen Jinnan and other people from the ancient world were all very curious.

Although they already know that the world they live in may be a giant sphere by communicating with other people in the chat group.

However, they still have some "957" that cannot be accepted.

Whether it was Ip Man or Gao Yao, neither of them had the ability to explain why people living on huge spheres did not fall.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "This simple confirmation method, in fact, many people in the chat group can do it." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "What way?"

Suddenly, the chattering masses became more and more interested.

If it turns out that the world they live in is a giant sphere, and they can do it, they will definitely want to try it.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "You fly with your sword, fly around the world, fly forward, if you fly to the original position, doesn't this prove that the world is round?"

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Daxian flew around the world with the mud bodhisattva, and also visited seven continents by the way, which is only a few minutes. "

The world will help the Lord: ".

Great Qin Zulong:".

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: ".

Fly around the world?

Let them go?

Are you sure you let a group of cultivators from the early stage of the Qi Refining Realm fly around the world?

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "I seem to have discovered something, I went offline first." "

There is nothing to say, just change the topic!

Great Qin Zulong: "The shadow secret guard informed me that it seems that something has been found, and I will go over and take a look." "

The world will help the Lord: "I seem to sense a special breath, maybe something will be discovered." "

The entire chat group was instantly busy.

There was no way to talk about it on this day.

They were already able to imagine the collapse of the mud bodhisattva.

For a while, everyone in the chat was once again concentrating on exploring the Lingyun Grotto.

The environment of Lingyun Grotto is much more complicated than everyone expected, extending in all directions, like a huge labyrinth.

Except for Li Xunhuan who found the Fire Lin Sword before, the others did not find the treasures mentioned by Ye Hao.

Just found some unknown bones, as well as the weapons they left behind.

These weapons may be called divine weapons in other worlds of the chat group, but they have not reached the level of being able to refine magic weapons.

Fortunately, the fire unicorn was captured by Xiongba, and everyone can search with confidence.

Otherwise, there is a fire unicorn with a familiar environment in it, even if thousands of troops enter it, they will lose their lives.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Old Dao is lucky, find a few blood bodhi." "

In a dark stone cave, Zhang Sanfeng looked at the strange fruits that were bright red as blood, flashing with red light, and growing on the dense vines, and his face couldn't help but show a strong smile.

"One! Two! Three! Seven!"

Zhang Sanfeng finished picking it in an instant and carefully put it into a storage bag.

This is the first time he has found the heavenly treasure by himself, which has important commemorative significance.

Moreover, the energy contained in it was very amazing, and it could definitely help him speed up his immortal cultivation.

"There should still be!"

Without any hesitation, Zhang Sanfeng quickly walked in one direction along the vine.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Hahaha, I also found a few blood bodhi." "

Li Xunhuan quickly put the five blood bodhi into the storage bag with a smile on his face.

Daisen mentioned a total of six types of treasures, and he had obtained two of them.

"Is this the luck of the children of destiny?"

Ying Zheng was a little impatient.

Although there were many troops under his command, he had only recently entered the Lingyun Cave and did not go deep into the Lingyun Cave at all.

There hasn't been any good news yet.

In addition to the great immortals, there are also Gao Zhi who are just ordinary people, and a total of nine people entered the Lingyun Cave to hunt for treasures.

Now only two people have harvested.

Li Xunhuan, who has gained the most, is the son of destiny in this era of Xiao Li's flying knife world.

Zhang Sanfeng is the son of Destiny of an era in the world of Yitian.

"Fortunately, Xuan Qi was one high, and let the four people of Donghuang Taiyi, Bei Yuzi, Ghost Guzi, and Xunzi secretly follow Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng. "

Others may forget the identities of Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng, but Ying Zheng will not forget.

This was the concept that Daixian mentioned when he had communicated with Daxian alone.

Later, in the chat group, he clearly mentioned the identities of Guo Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng, both of whom are the children of destiny in the Fengyun world.

"I wonder if there is a discovery now?"

Donghuang Taiyi and Bei Yuzi are not members of the chat group, and Ying Zheng can't know the news at the first time.

"Senior Brother Yun, over here!"

In the depths of the Lingyun Cave, Nie Feng and Bu Jianyun kept looking in the Lingyun Cave, Nie Feng suddenly stopped, and he found a special induction in his mind.

"Junior Brother Feng, have you found anything?"

Bu Jiaoyun hurriedly asked.


At this moment, a treasure knife that exuded a cold aura and flashed with a cold light directly pierced through the stone wall and actively fell in front of Nie Feng.

"Snow Drinking Mad Knife?"

Nie Feng looked ecstatic.

This is his family heirloom knife, and now it has finally been recovered.

Nie Feng did not have any hesitation, and picked up the snow drinking mad knife at the first time.

He knew that there were many strong people coming in the Lingyun Cave, and if he slowed down, he might be snatched away by others.

"Is this the Child of Destiny?"

The four silent figures followed behind Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng, with a look of amazement.

Because, after discovering the Snow Drinking Mad Knife, Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng also discovered the Blood Bodhi, and a grandmaster-level sword technique Proud Cold Six Tips.

"Let's understand the six tips together. "

Ghost Guzi and Donghuang Taiyi couldn't bear it anymore, and directly appeared, first grabbing a few blood bodhi, and then they also stood on the stone wall that recorded the six exercises of Aohan, recording this exercise.

"Your Majesty should be satisfied now. "

When Nie Feng sensed the Snow Drinking Crazy Dao, Meng Yi, the new leader of Luowang, led a group of Luowang masters to find the tomb of the Yellow Emperor.

Therefore, the Dragon Vein and Xuanyuan Sword were sent to Huan Zheng at the first time.

Great Qin Zulong: "Find the Dragon Vein and the Xuanyuan Sword." "

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "I just saw someone get the Snow Drinking Mad Knife, and now only the inheritance of Wu Invincible has not been found. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Old Dao is lucky to find the inheritance of Wu Invincible." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Zhang Sanfeng knocked on a fragile stone wall, shattered it, and successfully entered a secret room.

Then I saw a unicorn mural on the stone wall of the secret room, and the whole person was immersed in it, and I saw a blurry figure practicing the top ten martial arts.

Princess Changping: "This has all been found, isn't it a trip for nothing?"

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "I send a positioning, everyone can come together to see the inheritance of Wu Invincible 0........"

Anyway, other people's participation in the invincible inheritance of Wuwu will not affect his earning point rewards.

So, the chatting masses rushed over according to Zhang Sanfengfa's positioning.

However, everyone's martial arts talent is different, the content of enlightenment is also different, and the benefits obtained are naturally different.

"Great Immortal, they found all the treasures, everyone can participate in the inheritance of Wu Invincible, I also want to go over and take a look. "

Outside the Lingyun Cave, Gao Yao couldn't sit still when he saw that he had the opportunity to comprehend the inheritance of the Heavenly and Human Realm of the Top Ten Martial Dao.

This is much more advanced than the Fengshen legs promised by the hero before.

"It's time for me to strike too!"

Ye Hao also set his gaze on Lingyun Cave, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

The system task is to gain more in the Lingyun Cave, the more points will be rewarded.

"Meet Daisen!"

In front of the Qilin mural, everyone who was chatting was here, and when they saw Ye Hao's figure appear, they quickly bowed and worshiped.

"Daxian, we have found all the treasures you mentioned. "

Yue Buqun looked excited and said.

Many previous group missions required Daxian to make a perfect solution to the group task.

They finally completed the group task perfectly on their own.

The other chat group members couldn't help but smile and look happy.

"Are you sure you've completed the group mission perfectly?"

"Not only do you have to learn to actively trigger group tasks, but you also have to learn to tap the potential of group tasks. "

Ye Hao shook his head slightly.


Ye Hao didn't say anything more, but glanced at it with his divine sense, and instantly saw the entire content of the top ten martial arts.

Then a Immortal Cultivation Jade Jane appeared in his hand, recording all the contents of the Ten Strong Martial Dao.

"There is also the content of the six tips of Aohan. "

Ye Hao's heart moved, and he recorded another inheritance of Lingyun Cave on the Immortal Jade Jian.

"This Immortal Cultivation Jade Jane records all the contents of the top ten martial arts, as well as the content of the six tips of Proud Cold. "

"Zhang Sanfeng, you have now refined Qi in the third layer, and you can also make a similar Immortal Cultivation Jade Jane. "

"If you let those who have not fully comprehended the top ten martial arts to watch the cultivation of immortal jade Jian for 1,000 points, are they willing?"

Ye Hao asked.

Zhang Sanfeng: ".


Those people must be willing!

Damn it!

The old way lost at least several thousand points and accumulated 0.6 points.

"Daxian, we do!"

Huan Zheng, Yue Buqun, Chen Jinnan and the others all drooled, and the complete top ten martial arts inheritance was definitely one of the top treasures in Lingyun Cave.

The system rewards absolutely no less than 1000 points.

"Spring Wind and Rain Technique!"

Ye Hao handed over the cultivation of immortal jade to Ying Zheng, and then cast the Spring Wind and Rain Technique, gathering the endless spiritual energy of the Wind and Cloud World.


At the same time, thousands of spirit stones were shattered by Ye Hao, turning into endless spiritual energy and dispersing into the Lingyun Cave.


After a while, a rumbling spiritual rain fell in the Lingyun Cave, all poured on the blood bodhi.

Under the nourishment of the spiritual rain, the blood bodhi that had already been plucked grew again one by one, far exceeding the number that everyone had picked before.

Over and over again!

Under the stunned expressions of the chatting masses, Ye Hao's number of blood bodhi picks has exceeded ten times.

More than a hundred each time.

"Some of you can use the Spring Wind and Rain Technique, and you also have spirit stones. "

"Each person finds a root of the blood bodhi and keeps nourishing, and before the end of the group mission, he should be able to harvest one or two waves. "

"You don't know the Spring Wind and Rain Technique, you also have Ning Yuan Dan!

Ye Hao looked dissatisfied.

Group tasks are dead, people are alive.

Learn to brush points and brush tasks!

Chat masses: "???".

Can you still do this?.

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