We are now immortal cultivators, and some of our methods have long been beyond the ordinary. "

"Although spirit stones are precious, if you use spirit stones to cultivate Blood Bodhi, the point reward obtained will definitely exceed the value of spirit stones. "

"We can't get more points for ourselves, we can let other group members get more points, and then get a certain percentage!"

"Some treasures cannot be regenerated, but some treasures can be regenerated, we can completely cultivate more regenerated treasures!"

The chatting masses felt stupid to cry by themselves.

He happily thought that he had completed the group task perfectly, and also wanted to seek the praise of the great immortal.

As a result, only the surface is completed.

Especially Zhang Sanfeng, his whole face was black, and his heart was hurting.

Because, whether it is cultivating immortal jade Jian or spring wind and rain technique, he will all of them.

Even Ning Yuandan, he had it.

This time, he earned too many points.

"Our vision still hasn't jumped out of the martial arts level!"

The chatter crowd was extremely frustrated.

If the Great Immortal used what 08 anti-heavenly divine power to regenerate the blood bodhi, they could still not care.

However, the means used by the Great Immortals, the methods they said, it is clear that they can do it.

"Think a lot and think outside the original framework, I hope you can come up with new ways to get more points before the end of the group mission." "

After Ye Hao finished speaking, the figure disappeared in place and appeared in front of the tomb of the Yellow Emperor.

Although the dragon vein was temporarily taken away by Ying Zheng, it did not go too far, and the suppressed Kyushu qi luck still gathered near the tomb of the Yellow Emperor.

"I don't take much either!"

"I'll take away the luck that drifted to the West, and the luck that collapsed." "

"If I don't take it anyway, it will flow to other places." "

Ye Hao directly used the Heavenly Mechanic Technique to intercept Kyushu's qi luck that was about to shift and collapse.

The departure of these lucks from Kyushu will only make the civilization outside Kyushu stronger.

Now this part of the luck has been intercepted by him, and although Kyushu's luck has decreased, the luck of other civilizations has not increased.

Kyushu originally occupied the most prosperous area in the Fengyun World, with rich treasures, outstanding people, and the most luck.

Although there is now less luck, other civilizations have not received the blessing of this part of luck, and luck is still not as good as the luck of Kyushu, which has declined.


Ye Hao suddenly found that Dongying, which was relatively close to Kyushu, was devouring Kyushu's escaping qi luck, and the two were becoming one.

"Then you're welcome!"

Ye Hao's transfer technique in the Heavenly Machine Technique, using Kyushu Qi Luck as the traction, in turn, sucked Dongying's Qi Luck over.


At this moment, a thunder suddenly resounded in the sky, and even exploded in the Lingyun Cave, making the entire Lingyun Cave shake.

"What's going on?"

Everyone in the chat group was startled and looked shocked.

This thunder is too weird!

Lingyun Grotto is under the Leshan Buddha, not to mention thunder, it is thunder in the sky, and it can't be heard in Lingyun Grotto.

"Of course, it is the immortals who are collecting the luck of Kyushu to be deflected and collapsed. "

The mud bodhisattva walked in with a feverish face, and his eyes looked reverently at the direction where the tomb of the Yellow Emperor was located.

"But why do I feel frightened?"

Donghuang Taiyi wanted to use the Yin-Yang Technique to peep into the heavenly machine, and as soon as he had this thought, he had a feeling that a catastrophe was imminent, and he might die at any time.

"What do you think this thunder is?

"When I revealed to the Xiong Gang Lord the heavenly machine of his first half of life, I was countered by the heavenly machine, my face was covered with poisonous sores, and my face was completely destroyed. "

The mud bodhisattva was excited, and said.

Compared with him revealing the heavenly machine to the hero, the immortal talent is truly against the sky.

"Now the immortals are collecting the luck that Shenzhou is about to lose, do you know how much?

"These fortunes would have shifted to the West, and they will flourish for hundreds of years, and they will become the center of the world." "

"Dongying is only devouring a part of Kyushu's escaping qi luck, and they will all be able to suppress Kyushu for one or two hundred years in the future. "

The mud bodhisattva was afraid that others would not know Ye Hao's greatness, and explained the cause and effect clearly.

"Now that all these lucks have been taken away by the immortals, the West and East Ying have lost the opportunity to prosper. "

"It's not a reversal of the fortunes of one or two people, it's a shift that turns the center of the world around. "

The mud bodhisattva couldn't wait to tell everyone what was happening in front of him, and his eyes were filled with longing.

This method is too bizarre and amazing, it is simply competing with heaven and earth.

"Let's go over and take a look. "

Huan Zheng, Xiongba, Zhang Sanfeng and the others glanced at each other and let the mud bodhisattva lead the way in front.


"The immortals are in turn absorbing Dongying's qi luck, which I am afraid will attract the wrath of heaven and earth. "

When everyone rushed to the tomb of the Yellow Emperor, they happened to see Ye Hao collecting Dongying's luck, and the mud bodhisattva directly gasped.

Huan Zheng, Xiongba, Zhang Sanfeng and others let the chat group temporarily let go of the cover of their heavenly breath, and also felt the terrifying environment of Lingyun Cave.

"Is this the power of heaven?"

The closer they got to the tomb of the Yellow Emperor, the more pale they were, and every cell in their bodies couldn't help but be afraid and trembling.

It was an incomparably vast, indifferent huge energy that was constantly suppressing towards Ye Hao. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Boom!", "Boom!", "Boom!"

There were even blood-colored thunders that bombarded Ye Hao's body, which was extremely terrifying.

"Daimmortal won't have an accident, right?"

The scalp of the chatting masses was numb, this is to anger the heavens, and personally suppress the immortal.

"Good stuff!"

"It's all good stuff!"

Ye Hao looked at it again and again, not in vain he deliberately exposed his position and breath.

"Upgrade the First Rank Talisman Master!"

Ye Hao hurriedly communicated with the chat group.

"Ding-dong, deduct 1000 points and 270, congratulations on becoming a pint master. "

[Fu Shi: Yipin (0/10,000. )】

"This is the heavenly punishment of the Heavenly Dao of the Fengyun World, if I make a Heavenly Thunder Talisman and throw it into the Immortal World, I don't know what terrifying movement it will cause?"

If any sect or family in the Immortal World dared to provoke him, he would directly throw the Heavenly Thunder Talisman into their sect or family.

At the moment when the Fengyun World's Heavenly Punishment aura was exposed, the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal World would definitely react.

Maybe it will directly drop the terrifying heavenly punishment and destroy all the existence contaminated with the breath of another world.

Then, Ye Hao collected Dongying's qi luck with one hand, and received the heavenly punishment with the other hand to make the heavenly thunder talisman.

"Great Immortal, is this using the power of Heavenly Punishment to make talisman seals?"

The chatting masses were stunned, not knowing what to say, and could only look at everything in front of them blankly.

"Don't go, you took the initiative to enter the Lingyun Cave, and it is also a treasure of the Lingyun Cave. "

After finding that he could not hurt Ye Hao, his own strength was constantly deprived by Ye Hao, and the Heavenly Dao of the Fengyun World wanted to retreat.

"Instantaneous Killing Dafa!"

A golden sword qi directly cut off the part of the Fengyun World Heavenly Dao that descended into the Lingyun Cave.

Chat masses: ".

Do you cut it when you say it?

How do you feel like chopping heaven and cutting watermelon?

When will they also be able to bully and hang handsome like Daxian?

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