Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1363: : Yanlong begged

Yan Long's face twisted. What I said was not a shame, but a fact.

The truth is the most unacceptable!

"I do not believe!"

Yan Long roared, rushing towards me regardless of the virulence in his body.

A crisp voice sounded, rushing to Yanlong, his body stopped.

Unbelievably, he put his hand on his cheek, his flesh and blood fell from the ground.

"You, dare you slap me in the face!"

A tyrannical blue light burst out from the strict dragon, but it filled the sky and the earth for a moment, making the dark sky become like daylight at this moment.

At the same time, as the cyan glow broke out, the green on the surface of his body gradually faded, and the flesh and blood of his cheeks returned to normal.

All the disciples stared at the wonders between the heaven and the earth, looking at the Yanlong that controls the heaven and the earth, with a trace of admiration in their eyes.

After all, the once, the second now, are not so useless.


Just when everyone felt that Yanlong was not that wasteful, a word suddenly rang, only to see me standing on that high stage, sneered.

"Is this the only power that dares to lose face?"

A dark door suddenly appeared on my body. As soon as it appeared, a terrible attraction appeared. In an instant, the infinite cyan was absorbed into a clean piece.

At the same time, the suction force rolled onto Yanlong's body, causing Yan Long's body to approach me involuntarily.

At the moment of violence, my slap was sucked out again.

The creaking sound came out again, Yanlong's body hit a dozen times in the air, and finally hit the ground, bleeding!

Everyone is stuck!

No one had thought about it. It was majestic just now, as if controlling a heaven and earth swallow dragon, and it suddenly became this feeling. "What happened when I slapped you in the face? What can you do?"

At this time, I walked up to Yanlong and carried Yanlong with one hand.

"Ah! It's impossible, it's impossible."

That slap rang, and I slapped him again.

"The fact has happened, why do you deny it again and again?" I shook my head. "Forget it, there is nothing fun to play with you, go to hell."

Between the lines, my fist exploded directly into Yanlong's stomach, flesh and blood, and punched through!

Yan Long's body was trembling, and the blue light on his body was trembling constantly, trying to heal the wound, but seeing my smile, the palm of the black light flashed, the green light disappeared.

"my power!"

"Wrong, this precious vitality shouldn't belong to you." I shook my head. "You will waste it."

During the conversation, my fist took a cigarette, and with countless flesh and blood, Yanlong's body trembled and kept walking towards me.

Every time he takes a step, his flesh and blood will fall off. When he reached three steps, his leg deformed and fell in front of me.

"Please give it back to me"

Looking at the blue light on my palm, Yanlong begged.

"Haha" I smiled and suddenly squeezed his hand.

The blue blob of light was twisted several times, and finally burst into my palm, turning into countless particles, disappearing into the sky without a trace.

Yanlong roared, but the sound only passed for a moment, and then there was no sound at all.

Once one of ten geniuses, now two of ten geniuses, even Yan Long, who was famous in the city center, died like this!

Everyone looked at the corpse on the high stage and looked at me with a color of fear.

They knew I was terrible and knew that Yan Long would not defeat me.

Only they did not expect that I, or even just a casual punch, would kill Yanlong! ..


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