Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1364: : Wanshanhe

It's like crushing an ant!

So the full range of road rollers proves a bit.

Today's event is no longer a battle, but a killing!

Yan Long, it's easy to be killed by me!

I didn't show much emotion on stage. For him, killing this Yan Long was really a small thing, and he was not interested in his spots at all.

He played with Yan Long in this way, mainly because Yan Long was too arrogant. First of all, he was qualified to participate in World War I, and then provoked him. This would be a good shame for Yan Long, which is appropriate. This is also an opportunity to build prestige again.

This kind of prestige is not for the disciples' future foresight, but for the virtual martial arts master.

This is telling the strength of vanity in silence, don't mess with me, or end like him.

"There are many babies here, the king has more than 20 weapons, and hundreds of high-level spiritual stones." A storage ring appeared in my hand. This is Yan Long's ring. Now Yan Long is dead. , Naturally belongs to him.

After a while, I threw the ring into my own space jade, looked at the disciples below, and looked at the Shenwu Pavilion.

"No one came from the beginning to the end. This seems to be determined by the high-level unity, ah, abandoning Yanlong."

On the dark road, I finally looked at the silent dragon on the ground with a sneer.

"You are a fool. Obviously you are already a member of the Dragon Club. Now you dare to compete with Shenwumen alone, even if I don't kill you, do you think you will let Shenwumen go?"

Shenwumen is a gate school set up by Mr. Yutianzong's Association, with the purpose of adding talents to his husband. Now Shenwumen has turned to Longhui once, which is a naked betrayal.

If it is good for Yan Long to be honest, he must come and fight for this tone. It is naturally the end of death. Even if I don't kill him, he doesn't want to live out of the martial arts.

I looked at Yanlong's body on the high platform sarcastically. As soon as he turned around, he left here, leaving only the disciples who remained in place.

All the disciples began to talk when they saw me leaving. "Oh my God, I am me, as long as he dares to say, he dares to do it, in the end he can do it!"

"Where is this game? It's like an adult hitting a child. Me, it's terrible."

The voice kept ringing, everyone, for my powerful miracle, Xiang Yanlong did not even mention it.

In this world, the losers and the weak are the least noticed.

"You said it was me or Wanshanhe?"

Suddenly, a question sounded from the crowd, and I don't know who asked it. Only this sentence came out, and the whole audience was quiet.

Everyone's eyebrows wrinkled, obviously in thought.

My performance was very direct and shocking, and it was such a direct shock to Wan Shanhe and my performance.

But these two people want to make a comparison, and people don't know what to do.

"Well, me? What about me?"

In the silence of the people, suddenly a word rang, and then a shadow flew out of the night sky and suddenly fell into the crowd.

Hearing this sound, all eyes froze. I immediately looked at the person, and immediately found that this person was wearing burlap and shawl. It was Wanshanhe!

"Huh? Too bloody"

After arriving here, Wan Shanhe frowned on his forehead, and the figure flashed, and he immediately came to the peak of life and death.

After seeing the humanized Yanlong corpse on the stage, Wan Shanhe began to laugh.


When these words came out, the people below the stage didn't know what to say. Even if they think Wan Shanhe has a little disrespect for the dead, they dare not say more. ..


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