Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1380: :waste


The moment my body disappeared, a crisp applause came from the void, and the ferocious aura immediately disappeared. Yang Xin's body looked like a broken kite and rolled out backwards.

"how can that be?"

Yang Xin touched his left cheek, showing five clear fingerprints. He shot first and was slapped by me on the other side. He couldn't believe it and even showed a little panic.

"There is nothing impossible in the world. I told you that you look too tall."

I walked towards Yang Xin, facing more and more gloomy, a trace of poisonous gas came out. This Yang Xin colluded organization would commit suicide. If it were not for my own life, I am afraid it would have died.

The eyes of a distant black man shrank, and he could clearly see a scene. I like a gust of wind, from a small space to a shuttle, Yang Xin's boxing match to me, because it is not me, but wind.

"I don't believe it, I'm going to kill you!"

Yang Xincai didn't believe me, thinking that I was a coincidence. He had three martial arts skills. How could he be slapped by me? It must be a coincidence.

I have only one cynicism, and I don't want to explain too much. In the face of real power, everything is so superfluous and pale.

It was a crisp applause, the surrounding atmosphere disappeared, and Yang Xin's body expanded again, this time leaving five clear fingerprints on the right.

Yang Xin fixed his body, stretched out his right cheek, staring at me with fear. If one is a coincidence, then twice.

Both of his attacks were completely awakened by two slaps from my book hero. My book hero wanted to kill him as simple as pinching ants all the time.

The eyes of the man in black showed a strange and fierce light in the distance. I should be able to defeat Shenwu three times at once. This thing is too strange.

Walk towards Yang Xin one step, today, no matter what, my book hero will kill them, otherwise there will be endless pursuit. The doorbell in the distance moved and stopped in front of Sen.

"Zhong Kui, this boy is very strange, you have to be careful."

It turned out that this man in black was called Zhong Kui, Yang Xin knew him, and now he thinks of him again.

"Waste, not even an ant like a mole can kill."

Zhong Kui angrily called Yang Xin a waste.

Facing Zhong Kui's insult, Yang Xin remained silent, not daring to resist, staring at me viciously, if it weren't for me, how could he scold him? This task would have been completed long ago.

"One thing I don't understand is that I didn't offend you. Why did you hire someone from the death organization to kill me?"

I did not ask Yang Xin just now because I knew Yang Xin was just a puppet, and the role being used by others is correct.

"You want to know, go to hell, ask!"

Zhong Kui is not Yang Xin, he didn't want to mention a word to me, kill me, everything is over.

"It seems we have to wash your souls."

I sighed, the dual breath of Shenwu burst out, which was also the peak of Shenwu's double breathing.

Yang Xin's face changed, he hid the kingdom, but I did not expect that I also hid the kingdom.

If he were to believe that I was promoted three times in a row in such a short period of time, he would definitely not believe it. From the beginning, I had hidden my realm.



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