Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1381: ; Early Wushu

My tone was cold, the diameter of the clock came to the side, and the other wine tables cast curious eyes.

"Is that me?"

At another table, three people were drinking wine and wearing blue disciples' clothes.

"Well, I am very popular at the Tang family these days!"

Many people began to whisper. There were disciples in every family, and along with the scattered practice, there were also the sons and masters of some big merchants. People or people gathered on the second floor.

"Now there is a lively watch. The Zhong family and the Tang family have always disagreed. In addition, I don't know how to irritate the Zhong family. I heard the news, who can kill me, the family will repay Xuan Dan one day!"

There was news from another table that, in order to kill Death Senme, the Zhong family was willing to take out the medicine like Tian Xuan Pill.


Tianxuan Pill I also heard that this is a rare pill, and it is very cumbersome to refine. The level of Shenwu triple level and below is unconditionally improved. If it is the Shenwu Three Peaks, it is most likely to break through the Shenwu Quartet, and no one wants to do this. Say,.

The Shenwu Quartet is equivalent to a master in Fire City, and entering the house is almost certain, so the Zhong family disciples heard this news and wanted to kill Sen Me one by one.

There was only one Profound Sky Pill in the entire Ling family, or a disciple came out of the Fire City and made a great contribution to the family, and finally received a reward from the Profound Sky Pill. The disciple himself was useless, but he gave it to the Fitton family, and that family nurtured him.

Now the Huocheng Zhongsheng family is willing to take out Tianxuandan as a price and kill me. After all, how could the Sen, me and the Bell family have such a big hatred, many people are speculating.

Seeing me coming to them, the four doorbell disciples laughed one by one, thinking that I could know the difficulties and retreat, so they really had no choice. Now I take the initiative to step forward, which is exactly what they need.

"You are not stupid, yes, this is our masterpiece. Just like you, eating by the toilet is the best choice. This is where you should go."

One of them smiled and said that this man was the only person named Zhong Jiao in the early days of martial arts. He was also a piece of meat in the family. He smiled secretly, as if he saw Tianxuandan as him. Just kill me, Tianxuan. Dan belongs to him. With the help of Tianxuan Dan's power, he successfully broke through the three mid-term sacred martial arts.

"You are right. We are not as good as you, but to me, you are not as good as pigs and dogs. They are just a pile of rubbish."

In terms of status, the three selves must be inferior to their own status, but in their eyes, they are a bunch of rubbish.

"What are you talking about, calling us garbage and death!"

The four people patted the table and stood up one by one. A fierce gas spurted out and looked at me angrily.

"What, are you going to kill me? I'm afraid you won't do it!"

Looking at the eyes of the four murderers, I smiled, seeing through their thoughts a long time ago.

"Yes, let us see you today, I, this is our luck, now is the time for you to die, hurry up and die!"

The four people took out their weapons and prepared to unite in the tree me.

"I really thought we were afraid of you!"

The king's long sword came out of its sheath, and the depth of the child's whip appeared. ..


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