Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1592: Night

In the woods late at night, a slender figure stood quietly.

He lifted his head slightly, looking at the bright moon, his face was full of loneliness. Although the night is quiet, people cannot be calm.

When he followed the master, he never expected that he would be so troubled when he became the head teacher.

A breeze blew, he sighed imperceptibly, and whispered to the night sky, "Since the son is here, why hide it!"

As soon as his voice fell, a white figure walked out of the darkness not far behind him: "Haha, the Taoist commander really has a lot of skills, and you have noticed it!"

The man turned around, the sadness on his face disappeared, but instead was a modest smile. He arched his hands and respectfully said: "The son is too modest, and it is easy to prevent the poor from being aware of it with the son's kilometers. It's just the son. I don't want to disturb the poor road, just wait intentionally!"

Lu Yang laughed, he actually fell down a long time ago, but he really didn't want to disturb him when he saw the king meditating for a month. He had to wait quietly, but he couldn't hide himself. He wanted the Chief King to realize his existence when he came to God.

Unexpectedly, the Crown Prince would come back so quickly.

Hearing what he said, Lu Yang smiled and said: "The Daoist came to Jiangnan and did not meet with me, but asked to meet in the middle of the night. What is the purpose?"

When Chu Wang heard this slightly, he asked back: "Since the son intends to come with me, why didn't he speak in person, instead letting someone send a secret letter?"

Lu Yang laughed at this, and said in his heart, this is all, it is really interesting.

He smiled and said: "The Daoist knows my heart, but I don't know the Daoist's heart, so I asked!"

As soon as Wang Chu heard what he said, he sighed quietly, turned around and slowly said, "Since the son wants to know, I just want to talk about it. That day, the poor sister and son's brother-in-law had a feast. The matter from the day before. Junior sister did not discuss this matter with me, so the poor Dao only learned about it later!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around, but his eyes shone in the dark night.

Lu Yang didn't seem to see his eyes, but smiled slightly: "That's easy, I will kill her alone, Quanzhen teaches other people not to be involved!"

When the king heard this, his whole body was shaken, and he blurted out: "You must not, son!"

He knew that Lu Yang would be angry, but he didn't expect that he would be so angry. When he killed Sun Bu'er, he was not only the enemy of Quanzhen Sect, but also that many people in the martial arts of Northland regarded him as a deadly enemy!

He was about to dissuade him, but he was unconsciously relieved when he saw Lu Yang looking at him with a smile. Lu Yang's words are to remind him that he is not a fool, and it is impossible to kill Sun Buer because of this, not to mention that Yang Kang is not dead yet. Wanting to understand this, he knew that Junior Sister was fine, and then he secretly sighed, "Why do you bother to tease the poor Dao, son!"

Lu Yang laughed and said, "I respect the Daoist Chief, so I send a letter to the Daoist Chief, but this does not mean that I can tolerate Quanzheng teaching other people. If Kandy died that day, what I said will become reality. Since Kandy is fine, I can only get angry in my heart. In big matters, I still have a sense of measure!"

When Chu Wang heard this, he relieved his heart, and said cheerfully: "You can have this kind of tolerance, and I admire Poor Dao very much!" Lv Yang smiled slightly. He did not humbly or directly admit, but said: "The Daoist will not be looking for me tonight because of this!"

When Wang Chuyi heard this, he smiled and said, "Naturally, he won't come to the son because of this, mainly because of what the son has done recently!"

Lu Yang heard this a little impatiently and said: "The Taoist master is an expert in Taoism, why does the film want to learn from those monks and play a good front?"

When the king heard this, he was taken aback, and then he became big and small.

He laughed and said: "The son is really an interesting person!" He paused and continued: "It is true that I have been teaching the doctrine of incompetence since the founder, Wang Chongyang. So this matter is poor. It’s not too enthusiastic, especially since my Quanzheng disciples like to interfere in the affairs of the arena, and I have let down the ancestor in Dao Fa, but after all, where the ancestor’s hard work is, the poor Dao asked the master to discuss this matter!"

Lu Yang knew a little bit after hearing this. The Quanzhen Sect was the only one who really studied Taoism, Wang Chongyang, and his several apprentices were all half-hearted, so he said that they were a Daoist and everyone was a martial artist.

Therefore, Quanzhen Sect is now full of smoke, and there is no smell of cleansing. This is why Sun Bu'er has a hot temper and does not look like Taoism calmly.

But they are always Taoists, Wang Chongyang's hard work is Quanzhen Sect, and they don't want to be in their own hands. That's why I found Lu Yang's troubles and solved the matter with the method of quack.

But Lu Yang didn't want to get entangled with them, so he kept dragging on this matter. If it weren't for Wang Chuyi to find him today, he still wanted to drag on.

After listening to Wang Chuyi's words, Lu Yang smiled and said, "I have already said about the Dao Sect in my letter. Do you have any doubts about the Dao Sect?"

Chu Wang smiled and said, "This poor Dao doesn't have any doubts, but I don't know the son is going to do this?"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and sighed: "It will be Huashan's swordsmanship soon. After the swordsmanship, a martial arts master will inevitably appear in the world. After thinking about the swordsmanship, the martial arts passage boys will pay homage to Senior Wang Chongyang in Zhongnanshan! "

As soon as the king heard this, he was slightly taken aback, and then he was overjoyed.

As a master of the arena, Zhongnanshan, Quanzhen Sect's position in the arena is naturally stable.

Lu Yang felt sad when he saw him looking happy.

Master Yideng is the Southern Emperor, but once he enters Buddhism, he doesn't care about the affairs of the world. There are few things in the martial arts. He is just saving the world and saving people in the Buddhist hall, and he doesn't participate too much.

However, the Taoists of Quanzhen Sect did not stick to their duties as Taoism. One of them participated in martial arts events, and even the Seven Scholars of Quanzhen attached great importance to the status of Wuxin.

The decline of Quanzhen Sect is a matter of time, even if they don't have themselves, they will gradually lose their original direction.

So he deliberately started from the martial arts status this time, and Wang Chu was really happy when he heard it.

Lu Yang hopes that he is not happy! ..


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