Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1593: Get angry

The Wang Chu returned to the inn happily. Since then, his goal has been achieved. The living masters have gathered in Zhongnanshan, and that dare to say that Quanzhen Sect has fallen in the martial arts?

What he always cared about was Wang Chongyang's martial arts status, and he didn't care much about Taoism. So I was naturally happy.

When he returned to the inn, he was happy for a while, and then thought of his junior sister.

This is because the younger sister has a hot temper. In a few days, Guo Jing and Yang Kang are competing against each other. In case he did something wrong on the impulse, Lu Yangqi is not angry. It doesn't matter if he is angry. If this matter fails, he will not be happy.

Thinking of this, he felt it necessary to mention his junior sister. So early the next morning, he found Sun Buer.

Sun Buer had just got up and was a little surprised to see him here. When the two met each other, Sun Buer said, "Senior Brother, what's the matter for looking for me so early?"

Chief Wang thought for a while before he smiled and said, "Actually, there is nothing wrong. I spoke a little bit hard to Junior Sister that day, so I specially apologized to Junior Sister!"

After hearing this, Sun Buer smiled slightly and said: "I still think why matters are important. You and my senior brothers and sisters have been so long, and you still don't understand the tempers of junior sisters? How can you get angry with senior brothers because of this little thing!"

Upon hearing this, Chief Wang smiled and said, "Junior sister is not angry," he paused and sighed suddenly.

Sun Buer was surprised: "Senior brother, why sigh?"

The Wang Chu smiled and said, "It's not because of anything else, but because it will be a martial arts competition in a few days. I am worried that you will see Yang Kang impulsively!"

After hearing this, Sun Buer was taken aback, and instantly understood what he meant.

He finally knew why Senior Brother had looked for himself so early. Thinking of what happened that day, he was still a little unhappy and his face was a little ugly.

But she really didn't want to get angry again because of this incident, but impatiently said: "I have my own measure of this, brother, don't have to say much!"

When Wang Chu heard this, he was a little depressed, but he still said with a gentle expression: "Junior sister, please think about it. Even if Kang is hateful, he is the crown prince of the Kingdom of Jin after all. Why should we find Quanzhen Sect because of such a person? Trouble? Besides, it's not good to kill him as a junior. The world has a reputation for bullying the weak!"

Sun Buer felt better when he heard him speak ill of Yang Kang. Later, I heard that he cared about his reputation, which made me more comfortable.

Therefore, facing Wang Chuyi, his face improved a lot, he chuckled and said, "Senior brother, don't worry, I failed to kill once, so I won't bother him again when I put down my worth!"

Only then did Wang Chuyi nod his head in peace, hoping that this matter would be over soon, and leave with the junior sister as soon as possible, so that he won't get into trouble again!

Here Lu Yang also got up early. Mei Chaofeng saw him wake up early, worried that he hadn’t had enough rest last night, so when he saw that he was about to get up, he immediately said with concern: "You were so tired last night, and you have to go out in the middle of the night. Don’t get up early!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "How about that, I stayed in your room too late, you are not afraid of sisters laughing?"

Mei Chaofeng smiled slightly when she heard it, and said with no anger: "Just a joke, when those dead girls don't laugh at me! Your health matters, so what do you do!"

Lu Yang's heart warmed, smiled slightly, and comforted him: "Don't worry, my body is fine. There are other things this morning, it's not convenient for me to sleep in bed!"

Mei Chaofeng was taken aback after hearing this, and said in surprise: "What else is going on!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Where are we going to Donghai to wait for my father-in-law and them today!"

Mei Chaofeng was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Master and they are coming, then you should get up and get ready!"

Seeing him, Lu Yang changed his face all at once, and couldn't help being jealous and said: "It's still the master who is important! What is your mate!"

Seeing that he was jealous, Mei Chaofeng smiled and said, "Bah! You can also eat my master's jealousy. His old man is your father-in-law."

Lu Yang felt even more unhappy after hearing this, and said with a rogue face: "Huh! I love Chaofeng so much, but Chaofeng doesn't care about me at all!"

Seeing him like this, Mei Chaofeng was finally a little scared in her heart. She hurriedly said with a flattering expression: "It's a good friend, others are wrong. Master and his old man is your father-in-law, didn't they think you can behave better in front of him? ?"

Seeing her nervousness, Lu Yang laughed and jumped up from the bed and said, "It's almost the same!"

Seeing him like this, Mei Chaofeng curled his lips and said, "How old is it, he's like a kid!"

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Madam wants me to deal with you in a man's way?" As he said, Chao Feng was approaching!

Mei Chaofeng was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Just get up and just be crazy, don't you worry..."

Lu Yang was knocked down without finishing a sentence.

On the east coast, Huang Yaoshi fell down early. Originally, I set off from Taohua Island yesterday morning. I remembered that I encountered a storm halfway and had to hide on the island for a day.

I came here before dawn today, so I arrived earlier.

When a few people got off the boat, Ke Zhen said evilly: "The Lord Huangdao came a day earlier, Gu Ji Jing'er and the others didn't prepare. Should we take a day off?"

Yaoshi Huang laughed, he was used to coming and going freely, and he never had any rules. So he didn't bother to worry about these things. He smiled and said, "Since we are here, why should we let them run more, just go directly to Jiangnan to find them."

Ke Zhen listened wickedly and smiled and said, "I'm afraid that the two sides will go wrong by then!"

Yaoshi Huang shook his head and said: "They will come to pick us up tomorrow. Jiaxing is only half a day away and it is impossible to turn the road. They may not leave when we arrive!"

He didn't know that Lu Yang had left early in order to perform well. He and Guo Jing left early and came here.

Yaoshi Huang and the Seven Devils of Jiangnan also left at the same time, so the two really turned a corner.

Wherever the inn was, as soon as Lu Yang left, Yang Kang didn't mean anything, so he took the princess and a few sister-in-laws to play.

At noon, they fell into an inn, just ordered two small dishes to eat, and suddenly heard a stern voice.

"Yao family, why are you with this little thief!"..


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