Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1594: Thousand feet shot

This voice sounded stern, because it smelled like Xiao Sha. Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and asked, who is this person? Why are you so angry with yourself.

Cheng Yaojia paled when she heard that, and she was completely stunned. Yang Kang's face was also ugly, he was not angry at the woman's tone, but at his words.

When everyone looked over, they saw a lady in Daopao with an angry face, her eyes were like two sharp swords, as if to penetrate her.

Cheng Yaojia's entire face has no color. Just as she was about to speak, she heard a cold voice: "Smelly lady, who are you, who are you tantrums with!"

The voice is very pleasant, even if it sounds angry, but it is also very pleasant to hear.

The angry man looked over and saw a fiery red woman facing coldly, looking at herself.

She is one of the seven sons of the whole truth, and the disrespect of the rivers and lakes, this woman is so unreasonable to herself, how can she not be angry. But when she was about to get angry, she saw several women standing beside this woman, especially the woman in white, who were not weak in driving. She didn't dare to get angry at her, so she had to vent her anger on Cheng Yaojia.

She looked at Cheng Yaojia coldly and said, "Yao family, I ask you why you are with this little beast who recognizes the thief as the father! Could it be that you have followed him too!"

Cheng Yaojia's face paled after hearing this. Sun Bu'er had been her master for more than ten years, and was usually very strict with her, so she didn't dare to make her resist him. With this level of thought in her heart, it is not surprising that she would be afraid!

Therefore, Sun Buer's words caused her to be shocked. He wanted to explain, but he didn't know where to start. When he was anxious, the circles of his eyes were red and he would cry.

Seeing her aggrieved, Qiu Qianchi would not be angry, because she was not a good temper. Seeing that Sun Buer was so rampant, he couldn't help but angrily said: "Sick lady, I'm talking to you, what are you, why are you talking to my Yao sister!"

"Sister!" When Sun Buer heard him call so intimate, her heart became more angry. She looked at Cheng Yaojia coldly and said coldly: "Yao family, you really followed this little beast!"

Qiu Qianchi heard the anger, and when she felt infuriated, she wanted to make a move, but before she made her move, a white figure flashed past him in a search.

Qiu Qianchi was stunned for a moment. Sister Chaofeng hadn't spoken yet, but she heard Mei Chaofeng say behind her: "Be careful, girl Duan!"

Qiu Qianchi was stunned for a moment, but saw that it was the princess who rushed out to fight Sun Buer!

The prince is a little girl who sits in dreams every day, but she is only seventeen or eighteen years old. The little girl is not big, but her heart is not small. As a princess, she wants to be a heroine every day.

Yang Kang is his husband, and his face is ugly when Sun Buer comes, especially after hearing Sun Buer's words, his face is even more ugly.

Can she tolerate this? She is a princess of Dali, and she was taught martial arts when she was a child. Naturally, I worked hard. As soon as he shot, a sharp sword aura hit Sun Buer immediately.

When Sun Buer saw him suddenly make a move, he couldn't help but feel angry and shocked. Nowadays, there are not many people who dare to do it directly with him. Not to mention a woman of seventeen or eighteen.

With a cold snort, the long sword in her hand immediately went out of its body. However, without a move, she suddenly decided.

It turned out that although the princess didn't have a long sword in her hand, but with a flick of her finger, there was a rush of sword aura directed at her. He is not afraid of this sword aura, but this person's martial arts is really amazing. "Six-Medition Excalibur!" Sun Buerfu touched his mind and immediately blurted out!

"Count you knowing the goods!" The prince concubine scolded, and the sword qi had been delivered to Sun Buer's door.

Sun Bu'er frowned slightly, and with a lightly raised long sword in his hand, he released the prince's sword aura. At the same time, with his left palm, an internal force pushed the prince to one side.

As soon as the prince landed, she looked at her hands badly, and said in surprise: "Huh? Why doesn't it work anymore!"

Several women were shocked when they saw her dumbfounded. The princess looked brave and had such low martial arts.

Qiu Qianchi chuckled and said to the princess: "Girl, your skill is too weak, look at me!"

He said that his five fingers were close together, his palms stood like a knife, and he flew towards Sun Bu'er with an overwhelming momentum.

Sun Buer had just repelled the princess, and seeing Qiu Qianchi's palm seemingly simple, but with a very surprising aura, he couldn't help but be shocked, wondering which girl this is from, her skill is so powerful!

In shock, she didn't dare to fight hard, raising the long sword in her hand and piercing Qiu Qianchi to the waist.

Qiu Qianchi sneered. He was still in the air and suddenly changed his posture. He tilted slightly and flew sideways to Sun Buer.

The change of her body and physique was also a matter of a moment, even Sun Buer was surprised, and immediately changed her moves.

She snorted coldly. Although the air-to-air enemy was powerful, it would be harder to dodge.

She leaped forward, suddenly turned around as she fell, with Qiu Qianchi lowered in the front, and the long sword in her hand stood up.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Qiu Qianchi horizontally in the air, and Sun Buer horizontally underneath. If the long sword really bayoneted Qiu Qianchi, she would definitely split her whole body in half!

Seeing a fairy-like beauty was about to be separated from the middle. Not only Yang Kang and others, but even the passersby watching the excitement sighed from a distance. Secretly complained about this woman.

A Taoist priest, or a woman, his moves are so vicious!

Qiu Qianchi let out a cold snort, and his body suddenly twisted. He curled up like a long snake, his whole body seemed to have no bones, and he changed a posture in an amazing way, which was worthy of escape. One sword. In his spare time, he did not forget to pat Sun Buer.

Everyone was amazed when they saw it. Many people were amazed and couldn't help but clap their hands in applause!

With a palm in the air, Sun Bu'er, no matter how high in martial arts, can't hide, he just feels that the sharp palm wind hits his chest, like a huge boulder falling, and his body is full of blood and blood. He can't help but feel sweet in his chest. Fell to the ground.

Qiu Qianchi landed safely, posed a cool pose with a bright smile.

Everyone was amazed, but the prince concubine's eyes glowed even more, and she jumped up to her with a look of admiration: "Sister, what martial arts is this, teach me! teach me!"..


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