Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 97: crazy girl

Lu Yang sighed: "You really look like an adult."

Shangguan Xueer curled her lips and said, "I am already an adult, okay?"

Lu Yang looked at her up and down: "Where are you like an adult?"

Shangguan Xueer stood up and asked, "Where am I not like an adult?"

It's not enough to deal with such a weird girl.

Lu Yang asked, "Then how is your uncle treating your sister?"

Xueer said: "No, he likes to scold my sister, saying that she has corrupted Shangguan's style, but my sister ignored him at all."

Lu Yang said: "Oh."

Shangguan Xueer bitterly said: "For this reason, I suspect that he killed my sister."

Lu Yang said, "But your sister may not be dead."

Xueer said: "Who said that, has he seen her?"

Lu Yang said: "If someone else said it, I don't necessarily believe it, but Huamanlou has seen her recently."

Xueer said coldly: "He has seen my sister? He is a blind man who can't see anything. How can he see my sister?"

Lu Yang said: "He can tell the voice of your sister."

Xue'er's face suddenly changed, and said: "That must be Shangguan Danfeng posing as her."

Xueer said affirmatively: "The two of them look a bit like each other. When they were young, they often imitated each other's voices. Once they hid them and lied to me by learning from my sister's voice. I actually believed them and fell on her. That's right."

Rao was an extremely smart Lu Yang, and his face couldn't help showing a strange expression.

This thing is really getting more and more weird, more convoluted, and more interesting.

Xueer sighed and said: "If you say that, I understand that it must be Shangguan Danfeng that little **** who killed my sister."

Lu Yang said, "You said it was Shangguan Danfeng?"

Xueer nodded and said: "Although she is very good to my sister on the surface, my sister often says that she is completely fake, because she has always been jealous of my sister, that my sister is smarter, more beautiful and capable than her. "

Lu Yang just sighed, not knowing what to say or whether to believe her.

Xueer continued: "She must have killed my sister, and then deliberately appeared in front of Huamanlou, pretending to be my sister. Because he is a blind man and cannot see her."

Although what Xueer said is hard to believe, it doesn't sound impossible.

Xueer took Lu Yang's hand: "So, you must promise me and help me."

"How can I help you?" Lu Yang asked.

"Help me find my sister's body." Xueer said firmly.

Lu Yang could only smile wryly.

Xueer said firmly: "I know, she is definitely here."

Lu Yang wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh. He didn't know how to react at all.

But Xueer's expression was still so serious: "I always searched in the garden, but I couldn't find it. Now I found out that she must have killed my sister here, and then buried the body here. ."

In addition to sighing, Lu Xiaofeng sighed, "How did you find out?"

Xueer said, "When my grandfather was in his old age, he became like an old monk. He was very kind, and he would never live anymore. Not only did an ant refuse to trample them to death, he often fed them with broken rice. There were a lot of ants in this yard."

Her face was red with excitement, and she seemed to have discovered something: "But now I have been here for two hours, and I haven't even seen an ant."

Lu Yang said: "So you think it is..."

Xue'er nodded and said, "I think the ground must be poisonous, so there are no ants."

Lu Yang said in surprise: "Poisonous?"

Xueer said: "Yes, she must have killed my sister with poison. Now the poison has been emitted from my sister's body. The soil has been polluted, so even the ants here are poisoned to death."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "You think too much. You like crazy thinking so much now, and you will grow old quickly in the future."

Xueer glared at him and said, "Aren't you willing to help me?"

Lu Yang could only smile bitterly: "I have done enough stupid things today."

Xueer glared at Lu Yang, and suddenly shouted: "Help! Lu Yang indecent assault on me, here comes someone!"

Lu Yang jumped up anxiously: "I didn't even touch you with my finger, what are you shouting nonsense?"

Xueer sneered: "Not only do I want to scream now, any time I meet a friend of yours in the future, I will tell him that you will always behave me.

Lu Yang screamed and said, "I always insult you!"

Lu Yang widened his eyes and said, "Do you think someone will believe your nonsense?"

Xueer smiled and said: "If others don't believe me, I will take off my clothes and show him, let them see if I am really young."

Lu Yang was frightened. He knew what this crazy girl said, but he could not believe it, and he had to believe it if he didn't.

It's really painful to deal with such a crazy girl.

Lu Yang looked at Shangguan Xueer in surprise, shook his head and sighed: "You are crazy! You are really crazy!"

Cher smiled and said: "Well, if you are right, I'm crazy, so now I have to call."

Sure enough, she yelled again.

Lu Yang only felt that his head was three or four big.

But this time, Lu Yang didn't let her scream too much. As soon as she spoke, she asked Lu Xiaofeng to cover her mouth.

Lu Yang smiled evilly: "Do you really think about it now?"

Xueer shook her head, and when Lu Yang let go of her hand, she asked: "Have you already promised to help me find my sister."

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "I really think it's weird, how can you do such a trick? It's really terrible."

Cher smiled: "This is one of the three oldest and most effective ways for women to deal with men."

Lu Yang's face was like frosted eggplant. He didn't know how to react. ..


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