Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 98: The strange Shangguan Feiyan

Xueer smiled and said: "I know now that these three methods are really effective against men."

"What are the other two ways?" Lu Yang asked.

"How can I tell you now, I still have to keep those two methods to deal with you. How can I let you know." Xueer smiled.

What else can Lu Yang say besides sighing?

Shangguan Xueer stood up and said, "I'll go find a hoe. You are waiting here obediently. Tonight I will catch a few pigeons and burn them for you."

"Dove?" Lu Yang said.

Xueer said: "Yes, my sister raises a lot of pigeons on weekdays, but she usually doesn't even allow people to touch those pigeons."

She sadly said: "But now that I think about it, she shouldn't care about it anymore."

There was such a sad look on her face.

She Lu Yang watched her beautiful braids dancing, with a strange expression in her eyes: "I will go find a **** with you."

Xueer asked: "Why?"

Lu Yang laughed: "I'm afraid you will be taken away by the pigeon."

However, his smile was so strange.

Xueer looked at Lu Yang and said with a smile: "Are you afraid that I will be like my sister and disappear suddenly?"

A gust of wind blew, and a few swallows flew away from the flowers, and the sky was gradually darkening.

Lu Yangning looked at the swallow that had gradually disappeared, and sighed, "Even swallows don't want to stay here, let alone people?"

Has Shangguan Feiyan also flew out like that swallow? Or has it been buried in loess?

Where's Shangguan Danfeng, why is she missing too?

King Great Jinpeng probably already knew where she was going, so there was no need to ask Lu Xiaofeng about her.

Are there really sixth toes on the cut off legs of King Big Jinpeng?

These answers, maybe only God knows now.

Huamanlou wanted to take a walk in the garden and chat with Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

It was already dusk, and after dusk, the day was even more silent.

Only the cold wind blew in from the window, and when the wind blew on Huamanlou's body, he knew it was dark.

The most convincing thing about Huamanlou is the skin, nose and ears, which always have the feeling that is far better than ordinary people.

But now he doesn't want to come to enjoy the breeze, enjoy the silence, his heart is so chaotic.

He didn't know what he was thinking, maybe he was just thinking about it, but he didn't know anything.

In fact, ever since he saw Shangguan Feiyan, he felt that his heart was always chaotic.

Now when a person is alone, he feels even more empty.

Since he came back here, he always felt that something was wrong, and always couldn't figure it out.

But what is it, he has always felt very sensitive, and he who can deal with changes, but he doesn't know how to deal with it.

It was already time for dinner, but Lu Yang did not come back, and Lu Xiaofeng did not know where he went.

King Great Jinpeng seemed to have completely forgotten the three of them, and simply ignored them. Things may have been completely different from the previous understanding, and it has become much unexpected.

Huamanlou can't tell what it is.

At this moment, Huamanlou suddenly noticed that there was a strange fragrance in the wind.

And this scent has always been the scent that bothers Huamanlou, and the scent that makes his mind restless.

Could it be that Shangguan Feiyan is back?

Huamanlou pressed the window sill, Ren flew out of the window, he had always had full confidence in his own feelings.

But he couldn't see anything. In his world, there is never light, no color, only boundless darkness.

The scent just now mixed with the floral scent, and he couldn't tell where it came from.

Suddenly he heard the voice of a person talking from the strongest part of the flower scent, "I'm back."

It was indeed Shangguan Feiyan's voice. He was absolutely correct.

Huamanlou barely controlled his excitement. After a long time, he sighed and said, "You really came back."

Shangguan Feiyan said: "How do you know I will come back?"

Huamanlou said: "I don't know, I just want you to come back."

Shangguan Feiyan said: "Are you thinking of me?"

Hua Manlou smiled, but there was an indescribable emotion in his smile, and there were more surprises in it.

Shangguan Feiyan approached him, took his hand, and said, "I'm back, why do you think you are not happy?"

Huamanlou stuttered: "I...I just couldn't figure out something."

Shangguan Feiyan said, "What's the matter?"

Huamanlou said, "When I saw you these two times, I thought of another person."

Shangguan Feiyan said: "Who do you think of?"

Huamanlou said: "Shangguan Danfeng."

Hearing Huamanlou's words, Huamanlou felt Shangguan Feiyan's hands trembling.

But she held her hand tighter, and said with a bit of affection, "How did you think of her when you saw me?"

Huamanlou said, "Yes, I suddenly thought of her."

Shangguan Feiyan said: "Why?"

Huamanlou said, "Because...because I always feel you and her are the same person sometimes."

Shangguan Feiyan smiled and said, "Why do you feel this way?"

Huamanlou said, "I don't know, so... I also find it very strange."

Shangguan Feiyan said, "Do you also believe Shangguan Xueer's words, that Shangguan Feiyan is dead, and Shangguan Feiyan is just pretending to be Shangguan Danfeng?"

In her words, although there are still some jealous questions, there is a feeling of indescribable in them.

Huamanlou didn't know what it was. He felt that he felt very confused now.

He couldn't feel the truth anymore, he just felt that everything had become so confused.

After listening to Shangguan Feiyan's words, Huamanlou didn't speak, and he had already begun to doubt this way. ..


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