Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 120: punishment

Lu Yang nodded and smiled and said, "Do you know, why do people who do bad things always fail at the last moment, just a little bit worse?"

Huamanlou shook his head: "I don't know."

"That's because of the arrangement of the script." Lu Yang said with a smile.

"Script?" Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou said at the same time.

"Life is like a script. It's all arranged. God has prepared the last one for them long ago and is waiting for them there. Therefore, no matter how clever and perfect their plan is, it is useless." Lu Yang smiled.

Huamanlou said: "In other words, this last move was not made by you, but by providence, which was arranged long ago."

Lu Yang nodded: "Indeed."

Huamanlou laughed.

"What are you laughing at? Don't you believe it?" Lu Yang asked.

Huamanlou smiled: "Do you think I really believe what you say? And even if you tell it to others, who will believe it?"

Lu Yang sighed and smiled bitterly: "Why don't others believe when I tell the truth?

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "That's because we are usually the biggest **** in the world. Therefore, people don't know which sentence is true and which sentence is false, so they just listen to it as a lie."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "But I still have a truth, will you take it seriously?"

"What are you talking about?" Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou asked at the same time.

"That is, even if that mechanism is not broken, Huo Xiu can't run away." Lu Yang smiled faintly.

"Why?" Lu Xiaofeng said in a puzzled manner: "Could it be that Brother Lu has anything to do with it?"

Lu Yang smiled calmly and looked at Huo Xiu in the cage: "Because, he will find that when he is about to disappear, mine has already caught him."

Lu Yang's words are so plain, but that plain has incomparable majesty.

"I believe it." Lu Xiaofeng sighed and sighed.

"I believe it too." Hua Manlou smiled.

With Lu Yang's skill, this iron cage is like tofu, Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou are convinced of this.

What's ridiculous, Huo Xiu still treats this game like a cat catching a mouse.He is a cat, and the three of Lu Yang are mice.

As everyone knows, he is the mouse and Lu Yang is the cat.

The door in the belly of the mountain opened. Zhu Ting opened it.Someone can do this kind of door that cannot be opened, and someone can definitely open it.

This person is definitely Zhu Ting.

In fact, many things in this world are so contradictory.

Even if you can really make a door that cannot be opened, someone must be able to make the key to open the door.

There is absolutely no absolute thing in this world. Lu Yang sat on the stone steps and looked at Huo Xiu in the cage. At this moment, he felt that the cage was indeed a prison.

Huo Xiu was crazy, and he could only say a word: "Haha, cage, haha ​​cage."

No matter who it is, as long as he does something wrong, he will be punished, and the more wrong he is, the heavier the punishment will be.

Huo Xiu is like this now.He is completely an old man, his hair is all white, and this is how thin and thin.

He couldn't recognize Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng anymore, he just smiled stupidly.

Lu Yang sighed heavily.He felt quite satisfied that this matter could end in this way.

This matter has come to a perfect end.

"Brother Lu, since Huo Xiu is crazy, King Great Jinpeng is dead, Princess Danfeng has disappeared, Huo Xiu's wealth, look at it," Lu Xiaofeng said.

"Isn't there still Shangguan Xueer here? She is also from Shangguan clan, Jinpeng Dynasty clan, it should be returned to her." Lu Yang smiled.

Huamanlou quietly listened to Lu Yang's words, he did not express his position, but he could see that his respect for Lu Yang was written on his face.

Who can do this? Faced with the wealth of Huo Xiufu's enemy, he was not tempted.

I'm afraid there is only Lu Yang.

Shangguan Xueer shook her hand in fear, "I don't want it, I don't want it!"

"Why? Is it okay to have money?" The lady boss approached her with a smile and put her arms around her shoulders.

"For this wealth, Uncle Shangguan died, Sister Danfeng died, Duguhe, Yan Tieshan, Huo Tianqing, and many people died. Huo Xiu was also crazy about this wealth. This is unlucky wealth. No." Shangguan Xueer pouted.

"Hey." Lu Yang said with a sigh.

"So, I don't want this hot potato. Whoever likes it, whoever takes it." Shangguan Xueer said, "I don't want to be dragged down by a pile of wealth at a young age. I think, if I have this wealth , I am afraid that what I think every day is not to enjoy it, but to put it in safety, will anyone come to grab it, will I want someone to poison me while eating, and want to cut me to get this property, and I will be afraid of anyone kidnapping and extortion . Such days are terrible."

"You finally called Xiaofeng." Lu Xiaofeng smiled, "Unexpectedly, my cousin is really thoughtful."

The lady boss also laughed: "I don't want it either. I am already the lady boss. I am very happy to guard my boss and my wealth. I don't even dare to think about these ominous wealth."

"What about you?" Lu Yang asked Lu Xiaofeng and Huamanlou.

They waved their hands again and again, lest it might fall on their heads.

"I think, since you have earned this wealth through hard work, I think I will give you this wealth." Shangguan Xueer smiled at Lu Yang and said, "When I want money in the future, I will ask you for it. It's easier."

"Me?" Lu Yang was startled.

The people present had no opinion.

"Well, then, but I also like to be free and independent. I don't like to live with this wealth, but there is a best candidate." Lu Yang thought for a moment.

"Who?" Shangguan Xueer asked curiously.

"Zhang Fang," Lu Yang said with a smile.

"Who is Zhang Fang?" Shangguan Xueer asked in surprise...


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