Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 121: Caged beast

Lu Xiaofeng said in amazement, "Is it true that the Zhang Fang mentioned by Big Brother Lu is the less proposition of the Tianxing Escort?"

"Do you know?" Lu Yang asked.

"Tianxing Escort is the largest **** in the world, and its influence spreads all over the country." Huamanlou Road.

"Oh, there is such a big power, I really don't know." Lu Yang smiled.

"It seems that Brother Lu is really popular. There are friends everywhere, all of them are subordinates. I think Zhang Fang should also be a loyal servant of Brother Lu." Lu Xiaofeng smiled.

Lu Yang briefly explained the ins and outs of the matter, and everyone suddenly realized it, and Lu Yang admired it even more.

It seems that with the power of the Tianxing Escort, Lu Yang is already the number one person in the world! I believe that his will spread all over the country soon.

The owner Zhu Ting is making a tripod out of wood, and then measuring the height of the cave.

His expression is very focused, as if thinking about something.

The lady boss looked at him, she knew that he must have some new and interesting idea.

Smart women are like this, no man would like a woman who likes to talk a lot when he thinks.

Therefore, the boss did not want to ask.

Zhu Ting suddenly asked her: "Are they going to leave?"

The lady boss said: "Yes."

Zhu Ting said: "Then you won't send them off?"

The lady boss said: "If you go, I will also go."

Zhu Ting said coldly: "They don't seem to welcome me."

Lady boss: "You don't want to go either"

Zhu Ting nodded and admitted.

The lady boss said: "He just sent someone to tell you so casually, you will be here right away."

Zhu stopped: "That's because I know that if I have something to find him, he will come immediately."

The lady boss said: "But, don't say hello or speak when you come?"

Zhu Ting said: "It's one thing to come or not, and it's another thing to say nothing."

The lady boss sighed and said: "Friends like you, I'm afraid I can't find a second pair in the world. What a freak."

Zhu Pao put down the wooden tripod in his hand and stared at the lady boss, "I have decided to stay here now."

The lady boss said: "I know your look."

Zhu Ting asked: "Can you really stay in this kind of place?"

The lady boss smiled and said, "If you can stay here, so can I."

Zhu stopped and said: "If you don't want to stay here, you can leave at any time, I don't blame you."

The lady boss stared at Zhu Ting and said: "You want to drive me away so that the little vixen can accompany you, huh, no way."

Zhu Ting laughed: "When did the lady boss become jealous?"

The lady boss said: "Just now."

"Just now?" Zhu Ting was surprised. The lady boss asked: "What did the little vixen secretly say in your ear just now?"

Zhu Ting smiled: "Since it is secretly speaking in the ear, it must be a secret."

The lady boss stared at him and said, "What's the secret?"

Zhu Ting said leisurely: "I will tell you about this in the future, but now, you can send them off."

The lady boss bit her lip and said: "No!"

Zhu Ting asked: "Why?"

The lady boss stared at Zhu Ting and said: "From today, from now on, I will stare at you, stare at you, no matter where I go, no matter who I am. Because"

"Because of what?" Zhu Ting asked.

The lady boss looked at him, her beautiful eyes full of tenderness and honey: "Because I only now know that you are a very amazing man, I am afraid you will be taken away by others."

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Zhu Ting and the boss from a distance, and suddenly sighed: "It seems that their crisis has been resolved."

Lu Yang said in surprise: "What crisis will they have?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "In the past two years or so, the lady boss seems to be a little disappointed with the boss. I am worried that they will become a bitter couple."

Lu Yang said, "Does the lady boss think that the boss is too lazy and useless?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "But now, she should always understand how great her husband is, what a genius."

Huamanlou said: "This is indeed true. If it were not for the boss, maybe we would really be trapped here."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said: "No, because Brother Lu is here, I just let Zhu stop the opportunity to express."

Every woman is always the same, and she hopes that she can be extremely proud of her husband.

Lu Xiaofeng sighed and said, "In fact, other people are not afraid, but I definitely don't want to feel hungry."

"Especially when there is no wine." Lu Yang smiled.

"Without eating and being hungry, let alone drinking, that seems particularly uncomfortable." Lu Xiaofeng smiled.

They looked at Huo Xiu in the iron cage, but Huo Xiu's eyes were not on Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

Huo Xiu's eyes followed Shangguan Xue'er.

Seeing Xueer's hands, there are two cakes, Huo Xiu's eyes shined.

It seems that he is already sober, but he will not tell where his wealth is hidden.

Lu Yang was not in a hurry, and if Huo Xiu's martial arts was abolished, he was not afraid that he would not say it.

Xueer took the two cakes and kept talking to Huo Xiu.

Huo Xiu blushed with anger, and his neck was particularly thick.Suddenly, he jumped up and slammed into the cage.

But now he has completely lost a bit of skill, and even if he has not lost his skill, he can't break it.

He was originally built specifically for Lu Xiaofeng, Lu Yang, Huamanlou and others, and no one can open it.

At this moment, he turned into a trapped beast in the cage, and he couldn't say a word.

The ghost girl Xue'er looked at Huo Xiu, as if she was leaving again, and Huo Xiu was going to keep her.

The two said many more things.

Huo Xiu sighed suddenly, drawing something on a piece of paper, and handing that piece of paper to Xueer...


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