Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 182: False official position

Meng Wei naturally understood what Lu Yang meant and nodded and said, "Yes."

Lu Yang then ordered: "Put this box back to its original place."

Meng Wei nodded and said, "Yes."

Lu Yang said: "Song Hong also hurry up and leave there and let other inconspicuous people guard the alley. It is best to leave a person in the yard next door. If you find any suspicious movement, send someone to tell immediately. mine."

Meng Wei said: "Yes."

Lu Yang smiled and said: "You are catching fast, are there any hidden weapon masters?"

Lu Wei said: "Yes."

Lu Yang smiled: "Well, let him restore the box to the state that no one has touched before, and then put some gadgets in it."

Lu Wei's eyes lit up: "Yes, we have such a person here."

"That's good, then I can rest assured." Lu Yang said.

Meng Wei stayed there like that, looking at Lu Yang, as if he wanted to say something, but stopped.

But when he walked to the door, he finally couldn't help turning his head and looking at Lu Yang with a smile and said: "If Daxia Lu joins the six doors, we will only go home and hold our children."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "If our brother Lu is willing, maybe even the emperor will have to call him eldest brother."

Lu Wei's expression changed a bit, but he quickly returned to normal. "Everyone knows the skills of Daxia Lu. No one can doubt that there is nothing Daxia Lu cannot do in this world."

From his words, you can still hear the tone of admiration.

After staying in public for a long time, there are still many things to avoid.

Lu Yang was also very satisfied with his arrangement, and it was absolutely appropriate to deal with this matter.

If Jin Jiuling is sober, she might not handle it better than him.

Lu Xiaofeng also looked at Lu Yang with admiration. He was completely impressed. It seemed that there was still a lot of things in Lu Yang that he didn't understand.

Lu Yang is indeed a talent, not only martial arts, but also wisdom is definitely extraordinary.

However, Lu Yang is not a god, and has he calculated that is that Shi Jingmo is not there!

Everyone here knows that the shelf of this famous doctor is not so big.

He rarely visits doctors to see people, but the owner of Hua Yuxuan is an exception.

Ye Yifan's eye injury is not completely healed, and he has also contracted a disease.

That kind of illness is always talking about his stolen famous paintings.

Why is it that the richer the person, the less able to let go of things like this? Are these external objects more important than fate?

Huo Xiu used to be like this, so was Hua Yifan, and so were too many people.

Is it because they can't let go, that's why they are so rich.

Now there is no way to contact Meng Wei and the others, and Jin Jiuling can't wake up.

Meng Wei's subordinates also don't know who they are, they seem to be very blind now.

Lu Yang regretted it a little. He should have moved the people of the Skywalk Escort. It seemed that the scope would have to be expanded in the future.

They can only wait in the living room of the Shi family.

Shi Jingmo's servant served some food and drinks, and Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng waited while drinking and eating, which was also a little fun.

Now, the more confused, the more sober.

Seeing Lu Xiaofeng's optimistic look, Lu Yang suddenly remembered many things, many things that he hadn't thought about before.

I didn't want to think about those things, but now I have to think about them.

Especially the previous deficiencies and future plans.

At this moment, Meng Wei personally came and said: "Atu did not go anywhere, he has stayed at home."

It can be seen that he did his best and worked so well, and completed the task in no time.

Such a person will have a bright future in the future.

"The beggar also has a family?" Lu Yang asked.

"The beggar is also a human, even cats and dogs have nests, let alone humans?" Meng Wei said.

However, Ah Tu's home is really just a nest.

The broken brick kiln that was abandoned by other people has a few holes in the surrounding area and it is regarded as a window.

The weather is still a bit hot now, so naturally the broken wooden boards on the windows will not be nailed up, and there is still light from the broken kiln.

"Atu's people are still here?" Lu Yang asked.

"Yes, he didn't know where he stole a jug of wine, and he poured himself into it and enjoyed himself." Lu Wei said.

"Then has anyone come to him?" Lu Yang asked.

"I haven't seen it yet, but pedestrians have already been there." Lu Wei said.

"What kind of person is that?" Lu Yang asked.

Lu Wei replied: "It's a young guy, wearing a red cherry hat on his head, dressed up as an official."

Before Lu Wei's words fell, he saw an official in a red cherry hat approaching slowly from a distance.

As soon as Lu Yang waved his hand, Lu Xiaofeng, Lu Wei, and several of his arresters quickly hid them.

Everyone saw that the officer, holding a yellow cloth in his hand, swaggered down from the slope.

Judging from his expression, he seemed to be very relieved, almost without any pretense.

After walking down the dirt slope, he looked around a few times, as if anyone was peeping at him.

After seeing no suspicious track, the officer stooped and got into the broken brick kiln.

Of course he didn't find Lu Yang, Lu Xiaofeng and Meng Wei's, they were all hidden in a big tree.

The big branches are very big, and the leaves are very lush, completely hiding their bodies.

Meng Wei quietly said in Lu Yang's ear: "Lu Daxia, should we go in and catch them now."

Lu Yang immediately shook his head and said, "The person we are going to arrest is not theirs."

Lu Xiaofeng also whispered: "Everything listens to Brother Lu's instructions. Without his words, no one can act rashly."

Meng Wei immediately understood Lu Yang's plan: "Are you going to follow the vines and find the embroidery thieves from them?"..


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