Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 183: Not hurried

Lu Yang said: "Yes, if these little characters are caught, it will not help us, but it will make the people behind the scenes alert."

"Brother Lu is saying, keep quiet and don't startle the snake." Lu Xiaofeng said. ,

"Yes." Lu Yang said.

Meng Wei said: "The words left on the lid of the box mean that he is going back. Do you think that message means that he is going back to Aunt Gongsun?"

Lu Yang nodded: "The burden must be handed over to her, and now she must have returned to her den."

Even a beggar like Ah Tu has a kiln, let alone aunt Gongsun from Cunning Tu Sanku.

Although Meng Wei was extremely puzzled, he did not dare to violate Lu Yang's meaning, so he could only calm down and wait slowly.

In fact, it didn't take long to wait, but when I waited, I felt that the time was particularly long.

The officer wearing a red cherry hat walked out of the kiln swayingly.

He seemed to be in a happy mood, still humming a little tune, and walked down the hillside.

Obviously he had already made a difference, and he seemed extremely relaxed and comfortable.

Lu Wei wanted to go down, to keep up with the officer, but was stopped by Lu Yang again.

Lu Wei didn't understand this time, and stared at Lu Yang blankly.

Lu Yang just looked at him with a smile and said, "Don't worry, wait a while."

After a while, the light in the kiln suddenly went out, and Ah Tu came out of the kiln.

He actually remembered to close the door made of broken wooden boards, and he was carrying two torn sacks on his back.

It seems that the yellow cloth baggage must be a sack.

Lu Yang said: "Lu Xiaofeng, let's watch him, Lu Wei, you go back and take care of your boss Jin."

Meng Wei said: "Well, if you go, will it be a little too simple, or I will send some masters to join you."

Lu Xiaofeng patted him on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for the kindness of Lu head catching. Brother Lu is absolutely fine. If you send some catch catchers, it will become a burden."

Lu Wei also understands this.

Lu Yang also patted him on the shoulder and said: "Actually, I am more worried about Mr. Jin, but there is no way. Now that I have found a clue, it is impossible to leave it, otherwise I will definitely go with Mr. Jin."

"President Jin woke up, remember to say hello for us, everything is covered by us." Lu Xiaofeng said.

"Thank you Daxia Lu, I will definitely bring your heart to you." Lu Wei said gratefully.

The moon is still so round, the moonlight illuminates the earth, and there is a little autumn in the evening wind.

This is actually a good weather for traveling. Ah Tu did not ride in a car or ride a horse.

He walked slowly and gracefully in front of him, seemingly not in a hurry, like a tourist watching the night.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng also had to be patient, calm down, and slowly follow behind.

Fortunately, the night was already deep at this time, and there were no other pedestrians on the road.

A Tu walked slowly in front, and Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng followed closely behind. Both of them are masters, and their tracking is naturally not something like Atu can know.

The three people just walked on the road one after the other. Sometimes Atu hummed a minor tune, sometimes sang a big show, and seemed to be getting slower and slower.

Slowly and slowly, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng wanted to find a whip, and flicked him a few whips behind A Tu to make him go faster.

Just like this, I don't know how long it has been, the stars have gradually faded away.

The moon was dark, but Ah Tu's steps did not speed up. Instead, he found a tree and sat down under it!

He actually sat down! Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng glanced at each other, and the murderous heart in those eyes was gone.

Ah Tu opened the sack and took out half a roast chicken and a pot of wine from it, and he sat under the tree to eat and drink!

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng sighed, they had no choice but to find a tree, flew onto the tree, and stared at A Tu closely.

Their stomachs were groaning, and it was midnight now, it was time for supper.

What's more, the two drunkards were a little far apart, but the aroma of roast chicken and wine actually pierced their nostrils.

In the past few days, their moods are extremely tense, and they have never had a good meal.

At that time, I wanted to eat and couldn't eat, but now, I want to eat and can't eat.

Ah Tu tore a chicken leg, took a bite, and drank a sip of wine.

Suddenly he sighed a long sigh and murmured: "It's so boring to eat roast chicken and drink alone. It would be great if someone could come to eat chicken and drink with me now."

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng really wanted to go down to beg for chicken and wine, but they could only stare at the side.

Finally, Na Atu finished eating, wiped off the oil from his hands on the torn pants, and continued to walk forward.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng discovered that, except for one leg that was torn off, almost the whole chicken had not moved at all.

It was so, that whole roast chicken was thrown on the ground by him!

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng bite their teeth with hatred, which makes the hungry two people feel so embarrassed.

The beggar guy really didn't know how to save a little bit. Of course, it can be seen now that he is not really beggar.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were really hungry, and they almost picked up the roast chicken from the ground to fill their hunger.

But they all held back.

Thinking of Atu's scabies, even if he really starves to death, he can only starve to death.

The two followed closely again.

As I walked, I don't know how long I have been walking, but the sky is almost bright.

In the evening in July, the time is always shorter.

Suddenly, the sun has risen, and there are already some pedestrians on the road to catch the morning market.

Gradually, the bustling avenue became lively, and people began to talk.

Right here, Na Atu ran wildly on the road.

A stinky beggar, even if he is crazy, rolling, and messing on the road, absolutely no one will notice this, which is strange. ..


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