Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 184: Atu

The smelly beggar ran wildly, but Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng ran around like wild dogs on the road like him, that would be too decent.

But if you prefer to follow him well, even if you are treated like a lunatic, there is no way.

The most important thing is that Ah Tu doesn't run slowly. It looks like a bit of kung fu!

They should have not followed the wrong person.

When there are no passers-by, he walks more slowly than a tortoise, but when there are people on the road, he runs like a sentence that only hits an arrow to run away.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were surprised to find that the person in their eyes was not easy to deal with.

It is not easy to keep a close eye on such a person.

But Lucky Atu did not look back, and he seemed very tired. After all, he ran all night.

He suddenly jumped into a mule cart carrying pig food and leaned on the chaff, as if he was ready to have a good sleep there.

The driver turned his head and glared at Atu, but he didn't seem to want to drive him out of the car.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng sighed, and suddenly felt that a beggar walking on the road was unexpectedly convenient.

Could it be that someone said that after three years of food, the emperor would not change it.

Begging is so easy.

The sun slowly rose, and Na Atu seemed to enjoy the comfort of basking in the sun, and he seemed to fall asleep.

However, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng could only smile bitterly, exerting light work, and closely following the mule cart.

They now feel hot, tired, hungry, and thirsty.

What they want most now is to find a place, eat a lot of things, drink a big jar of wine, take a hot bath, and get a good sleep.

However, they couldn't stop, and if they wanted to find Aunt Gongsun, they had to keep an eye on this person.

If you are lucky, you will definitely meet some hawkers selling alcohol and beef on the road, and eat a little bit to fill your stomach.

However, their luck seemed to be bad. On this road, they didn't even encounter a flatbread seller.

They now think of the honest monk again.

There is nothing wrong with what the monk said. When going out to meet the monk, everything is not going well.

It turns out that Lingnan people are very particular about eating and drinking. If you want to eat, you must find a place comfortably, sit down and enjoy it slowly.

If there are such small merchants and hawkers beside the road, very few people will visit them.

Therefore, the hawkers who can often see on the road can't survive here.

So now Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng can only admit that they are unlucky and hungry, and continue to follow closely.

On both sides of the road, there was originally a fertile field, and the scenery was extremely beautiful, but they were not in the mood to appreciate it.

After arriving here, he walked around a green hill, and Atu suddenly jumped out of the car and ran up the hillside.

The trees on the mountain were lush and green. At this time, I finally felt cooler. Ah Tu took a nap in the car for a while, looking more energetic.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng had to cheer up and follow suit.

At this time, they suddenly discovered that the stinky beggar not only had such a strong waist and legs, but also seemed to have light energy on his body.

Fortunately, the mountain is not too high. Since Atu is walking up the mountain, he may have reached the ground.

Aunt Gongsun’s secret cave is most likely on a mountain.

Unexpectedly, this is a barren mountain. There are no houses on the road, and the mountain road is very rugged. It seems that there is no place to stay.

When I arrived at the mountain, there was a smell of scent drifting down with the wind, like the smell of lamb stew.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng’s faces shined, and their throats kept swallowing. They now feel that seeing a bunch of delicious food but not being able to taste it is the most painful thing in the world.

Of course there must be someone above, and of course someone is the home of Aunt Gongsun.

But this time Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng guessed wrong again, there is still no house on it!

There is only a group of beggars eating meat and drinking!

When they saw Ah Tu coming up, someone smiled and said, "Fortunately, we just stole a fat sheep from the bottom of the mountain and we are here for a tooth sacrifice. Now that you have met, come and have a meal."

Atu laughed and walked over. Said: "It seems that I have a very good taste these days. No matter where I go, I will encounter delicious foods, and I can feast on them."

But Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng could only stare at them.

Of course they can't mix in this group of beggars and eat fat sheep stolen from others, and of course they can't let Atu find them.

So now they can only hide behind a rock, so hungry that their stomach hurts, drooling and watching the group of beggars eating and drinking.

Lu Yangqizhi started to regret it a bit, and he should have picked up the half of the roast chicken last night.

Lu Yang looked at Lu Xiaofeng's face and estimated that the two of them had the same idea.

Ash became acquainted with these beggars all at once. Everyone talked and laughed, ate and drank, and lived happily like gods.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng seemed to be in eighteen levels of hell. They had never been so uncomfortable in their lives, and the uncomfortableness was caused by starvation.

But they can't leave to eat and drink.

Among these beggars, there must be aunt Gongsun's men. Maybe they are waiting here to meet Atu.

Therefore, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng didn't even dare to relax for a moment, so they must keep an eye on them.

If Atu secretly handed the yellow cloth baggage to someone else, and that person sent it to Aunt Gongsun, they would have suffered these crimes in vain.

After finally waiting for these people to finish eating and drinking, Ah Tu said to them, and actually walked down the mountain again.

So what did he do on this mountain? Is it really just for food and drink?

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng really didn't understand: "Did he really secretly hand over the yellow cloth to someone else? Why didn't those two people see it?"

They followed along the way, and absolutely no one had contact with Atu.

Even on the chariot cart, Lu Yang searched for it later, absolutely not. ..


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