Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 199: Jin Jiuling's harvest

Moreover, Jin Jiuling knew that Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng definitely did not come empty-handed.

If they came empty-handed, they would never make any noise, and with their skill, they would never be noticed.

That can only explain one thing. One of them must be carrying something on his back, so there is a strange sound.

Just as Jin Jiuling put down the wine glass, she heard Lu Yang sigh outside the window: "Mr. Jin is indeed Mr. Jin. We are very busy, but Mr. Jin is here enjoying the wine comfortably."

Lu Xiaofeng's voice also followed: "And I, I still have to carry such a heavy box. I drove hard all night, and I didn't have any time to rest. You are a person of good wine and food. You are really born with a good life. , Born to enjoy."

The window opened. Jin Jiuling opened it from the inside.

Before Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng came in, the box had already come in. They first brought in a large rattan box.

Jin Jiuling smiled slightly and said: "I don't have such a natural life. If I insist that my life is good, I can only say that I have made good friends like Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, and I have better luck than others."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Yang had already come to him.

Lu Yang sullenly said: "Your luck is indeed better than ours. You made the right friends, but we were crossed."

Lu Xiaofeng stood beside Lu Yang, the expression on his face also extremely serious.

Jin Jiuling smiled: "I know that your mission is definitely not easy. I also know that you two will be quite angry. Therefore, I was ready to give a bottle of Persian grape wine to suppress the anger."

The golden bottle was on the table, and the glass was filled with wine.

Jin Jiuling brought a glass of wine to Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, and said with a smile: "This is what I have just chilled by myself. It is guaranteed to cool and relieve the anger. It is suitable for you now."

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng took the cups and took a sip.

Lu Yang couldn't help but smiled and shook his head and said: "Wine is indeed good wine. It seems that you are really good at serving people. If I were a woman, I would definitely be infatuated by you."

Lu Xiaofeng picked up the rattan box and placed it on the stool: "Guess what will be in that box?"

Jin Jiuling's eyes lit up and said, "Is that someone who can embroider?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "This person can not only embroider, but also embroider blind people."

Jin Jiuling's eyes were already shining, and he gave a thumbs up: "Lv Yang and Lu Xiaofeng are really amazing, and they deserve to be unique."

Lu Yang smiled bitterly and said: "Because I like to hear this sentence, I often hear this sentence, we don't know how many times we have been so busy in our life, how many times we have been fooled."

Lu Xiaofeng also laughed: "However, we still like to hear this sentence, so we are fooled by you."

Jin Jiuling laughed and said: "Thousands of things to wear, but you can't go wrong with flattering. You can't go wrong with more flattery." Jiu Jinling laughed, and wanted to open the box.

Lu Yang stopped him: "Wait a while."

Jin Jiuling feels very strange, what are you waiting for?

Lu Yang blinked his eyes and said, "Don't you know who the embroidery thieves are?"

Jin Jiuling said: "It's hard to say that it's Aunt Gongsun?"

Lu Yang nodded and asked him again: "Do you know what kind of person Gongsun Auntie is?"

Jin Jiuling said: "I don't know."

Lu Yang said: "Then you have a guess."

Jin Jiuling thought for a moment and said, "Is it an old woman?"

Lu Yang said: "You guess again."

Jin Jiuling said: "Even if she is not an old woman, she is definitely not young. If she is a young woman, she will never be as old as that."

Lu Yang said: "Oh, is it?"

Jin Jiuling said: "I thought, she must not be very beautiful. If she is a beautiful woman, she would never want to dress up as an old woman."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Others say that you know everything like a god, but this time, you know everything like a pig."

Jin Jiuling said: "Is it because I guessed wrong?"

Lu Yang said: "It is quite wrong to guess!"

Jin Jiuling said: "Then what kind of person is she?"

Lu Yang said: "Definitely a man who can fascinate men alive and feel extremely happy, especially a man like you."

Jin Jiuling smiled bitterly: "What kind of man am I?"

Lu Yang said: "You are a big slumber, so I hope you will not be obsessed with her after seeing her."

Jin Jiuling smiled: "There are many different kinds of perverts, but at least I am not the kind of big perverts who have never seen a woman, let alone a perverted one."

Jin Jiuling opened the box and only glanced at the box, Jin Jiuling was startled.

The woman in that box is so beautiful! It is as beautiful as a begonia sleeping in spring.

Her age is obviously no longer young, but her beauty makes people forget her age.

Jin Jiuling sighed for a long time and said, "It seems that your mission this time cannot be said to be too bad."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled coldly and said, "Where are the flowers?"

Jin Jiuling said: "He has gone."

Lu Yang frowned and said, "Why doesn't he wait for us together?"

Jin Jiuling said: "He was in a hurry to get to Zijin Mountain, so he didn't have time to say hello to you. He just asked me to say hello to you so that you can also go to Zijin Mountain to find him."

Lu Yang said: "What is he doing in Zijin Mountain?"

Jin Jiuling sighed and said, "Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City, has made an appointment to fight in Zijin Mountain early next month."

Finally, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng's faces turned pale.

Jin Jiuling said: "Now that a lot of people know the news, many people have rushed to Zijin Mountain to bet. There have been some good betting stalls, and the three bets and two bets on Ye Gucheng won."


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