Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 200: Behind Jin Jiuling

Lu Yang asked: "What day is today?"

Jin Jiuling said: "Twenty-four."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Then if we rush now, it may be too late."

Lu Yang said: "Okay, we have to speed up the journey."

Jin Jiuling said: "But the grandmother Gongsun."

Lu Yang said: "Now that we have made a job, she is yours, and of course it will be your business."

Jin Jiuling smiled bitterly and said: "I don't doubt that you are tempting me."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I think you are a person who can withstand temptation."

Jin Jiu said, "Are you really relieved?"

Lu Yang said: "I don't worry."

Jin Jiuling smiled: "This woman is a poisonous snake, and I have always been very courageous, at least I have to beware of her biting me."

Lu Yang said: "That's because even if she is a poisonous snake now, she is also a poisonous snake that has lost its fangs and cannot bite people."

Jin Jiuling said: "Does the poisonous snake sometimes do not bite?"

Lu Yang said: "We have forced her to take a big bottle of her own drug to get drunk for seven days. Now even if she can wake up, there will be at least one thing she can't move for two or three days."

Jin Jiuling listened, he seemed to have some impression of being drunk and drugged for seven days.

Lu Yang said: "So, in these two or three days, no matter what you do to her, she can't resist. But if you really do to her, then you are miserable and we are miserable."

Jin Jiuling said with a smile: "Then since you don't worry about me, why don't you stay?"

Lu Yang sighed: "Because we are even more worried about Ximen blowing snow."

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were worried about Ximen Chuuxue. Of course, Ximen Chuuxue was more important than all things.

They were going to go out through the window, but stopped again and said, "I have one more thing for you to ask her for me."

Jin Jiuling said, "Brother Lu ordered it."

Lu Yang said: "I hope you will ask me about Xue Bing's whereabouts. I know that you will force people to speak, but we will not."

Jin Jiuling admitted: "Even if she is a stone, I have a way to get her to speak."

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng had already moved: "Then Mr. Jin will have a period later."

Jin Jiuling said suddenly: "Then there are two horses outside, one of which I rode over, or one prepared for you."

Everyone in the arena knows that Jin Jiuling is the Bole of this world, and he is best at Xiangma.

If he rode it, it would be a good horse.

Lu Yang was overjoyed and said, "Are you willing to let us ride away?"

Jin Jiuling nodded and smiled: "However, I also have some concerns."

Lu Yang said: "Why don't you worry?"

Jin Jiuling said: "That's two mares." Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng flew out and took the bottle of Persian wine with them when they went out.

There was the sound of horse hooves outside, and a moment of effort was gone.

Those two horses are good horses.

Jin Jiuling opened the window and looked outside.

A man in the yard nodded to him when he saw Jin Jiuling's face.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng had gone one by one, leaving far away, and the sound of their horses' hoofs was no longer audible.

Jin Jiuling then carefully closed the window. He walked to the table and rolled up the sleeves of the woman in the box.

Aunt Gongsun's jade-white arms had a purple-red birthmark the size of a copper coin, which was shaped like a cloud.

Jin Jiuling looked carefully, a triumphant smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she murmured: "This is really auntie Gongsun."

How did he know that Aunt Gongsun had such a birthmark on her arm?

This little secret of a woman should only be understood by those closest to her.

Jin Jiuling closed the box, lifted the box, and hurried downstairs.

A green velvet sedan chair had already been prepared outside the front door. Jin Jiuling carried the rattan box and sat on the sedan chair.

The two big men who carried the sedan chair were the two most capable catchers in Yangcheng. They didn't wait for Jin Jiuling's instructions, they lifted the sedan chair and walked quickly.

Sitting in the sedan chair, Jin Jiuling showed an extremely proud look on his face. Now his plan has been completed nine times out of ten.

The sedan chair picked up a small alley and walked through seven or eight small alleys in a row before getting on the right road. A dark carriage stopped at the alley.

Jin Jiuling carried the box, got out of the sedan and got into the carriage. The carriage sprinted, and the people who drove the carriage vigorously whipped the horse and controlled it so naturally.

That coachman is actually Lu Shaohua, a famous catcher in Yangcheng!

No one can be seen on the street. Every time the carriage goes through a street, there will be people waving at the houses on both sides of the street.

"There are no suspicious night pedestrians nearby, and no one behind the carriage is following." They greeted Jin Jiuling and Lu Shaohua one after another.

They turned out to be Jin Jiuling's subordinates, and they were all the most effective catchers.

After the carriage turned seven or eight streets, there were no people watching the houses on the street.

Only the two of them know where they are going now, and they don't want the third person to know.

They are completely relieved that when they get here, no one will find their whereabouts.

There is a slanted street in the west corner. The street is short and narrow, with a total of seven shops.

The shops are all very old and shabby. Three of them sell antique calligraphy and paintings, but most of them are fakes.

There are also two pasting shops, a small engraving shop, and an umbrella shop.

Jin Jiuling and Lu Shaohua are already too familiar with this place. Even if it is a piece of grass, the actions of an ant cannot escape their eyes.

This was originally a deserted street, which seemed to be forgotten by the world. Only those poor people will patronize here.

However, the carriage stopped on this street, Jin Jiu got out of the carriage, and Lu Shaohua immediately drove the carriage away.

An old man who looked half-deaf and half-blind opened the door of the pasting shop, Jin Jiuling carried the rattan box, looked around, and stepped in. ..


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