Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 201: Behind the scenes

There are some inferior calligraphy and paintings that are not mounted in the pasting shop, exuding a bad smell.

Jin Jiuling set off a fake landscape painting of Tang Bohu, and gently lifted a brick on the wall.

With a sound of clicking, a secret door appeared on the wall. Behind the door was a very narrow corridor.

After walking into the secret passage, the eyes suddenly opened up, and there was a small courtyard inside!

The small yard is not big, but there are many flowers and plants, and the flowers and plants seem to have been specially managed and look very original.

The flowers and trees are deep, there are a few small houses, very delicate.

In front of the small house, there were already two children smiling and greeted in front of the stairs.

Aunt Gongsun finally woke up, and when she woke up, she found that she had been in a particularly delicate woman's boudoir.

It was a very beautiful and comfortable bed, and the whole room was filled with an incomparable fragrance, but I don't know where the fragrance came from.

Aunt Gongsun lay quietly, without moving, because she could not move yet.

On the small window, the shadow of the sun was already slanted, and it was not yet dusk.

The surroundings are so quiet, I can only hear the fragrance of birds and flowers outside the window, but there is no voice.

Aunt Gongsun couldn't help it anymore, she yelled, "Is there anyone here? Is there anyone out there?"

No one responded to her call, and her call was also very small, because her strength has not recovered at all.

Aunt Gongsun gritted her teeth bitterly: "Lu Yang, you stinky boy, where did you die? One day, I will let you die in my hands."

No one responded to her, she could only lie there alone, waiting quietly.

Suddenly, her face flushed, and after being restrained for so long, a problem that everyone needs came.

But she tried her best, but still couldn't move half a minute, and no one came.

There is really no way to control it. It's terrible.

She could only lie there, she was so angry that she couldn't help crying.

"Lu Yang, there will be a day when I will make you want to die!" There was a hatred expression on her face.

Suddenly, something fell from the top of the tent, and it fell straight onto Aunt Gongsun's body.

That turned out to be a snake!

Aunt Gongsun is not afraid of heaven and not afraid of snakes! Her face was purple with fright, she wanted to move, but still couldn't move.

She watched the snake slowly crawling on her body, trying to scream, but she was so scared that she couldn't even make a sound.

Looking forward to it, the snake was about to crawl onto her face, and the cold sweat on Aunt Gongsun’s back was already soaking her clothes/

Suddenly, a figure flashed on the head of the bed, and gently clamped it, and threw the snake out of the window.

Aunt Gongsun was finally relieved, her face was already dripping with cold sweat. The man was still smiling, looking at Aunt Gongsun, and said softly: "Aunt Gongsun, I was shocked."

The man was obviously a middle-aged man, but he looked so handsome.

The clothes he wears can be seen by anyone. They are first-class materials and first-class craftsmanship.

The most terrible thing is that the smile on his face can touch a woman's heart more than his clothes.

Jin Jiuling!

Aunt Gongsun stared at him: "Are you the master of this place?"

Aunt Gongsun said: "Then how come there are snakes crawling in your house."

Jin Jiuling said: "I caught the snake specially."

Aunt Gongsun's face changed: "Why do you do this?"

Jin Jiuling said: "Because I must be sure, madam, are you really unable to move?"

Aunt Gongsun said bitterly: "The two stinky boys not only fed me the drug, but also ordered my face. You still ordered it again. Isn't that enough?"

Jin Jiuling smiled and said: "I have always been a very careful person, especially to you, you must be more careful. I will definitely not rest assured if I don't try it."

Aunt Gongsun finally understood: "So you are Jin Jiuling, the number one master of six doors."

Jin Jiuling smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, you didn't recognize me until now."

Aunt Gongsun gritted her teeth and said, "Where did Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, the two bastards, die?"

Jin Jiuling said: "They have already handed over your head to toe to me, and now you belong to me."

Aunt Gongsun said: "Where is this place, why did you get me here?"

Jin Jiuling said: "Although this place is not very good, at least it is much more comfortable than remembering."

Aunt Gongsun's eyes widened.

Jin Jiuling went on to say: "I know, you must have never been to remember. It is really like a pig's nest. There are bugs and mosquitoes everywhere, and the aunt is such a delicate person. After arriving there, she will definitely not spend a long time. You will be bitten and all swollen, and if you scream out, you will immediately be hit by a ferocious whip. If you are unlucky, you will encounter a fierce cell boss, and you may be **** on you. of."

Aunt Gongsun's face had turned green, full of fear.

Jin Jiuling looked at Aunt Gongsun's face and said calmly: "You don't want me to put you in that kind of cell."

Aunt Gongsun suddenly sneered: "Actually, you don't need to say anything, I already know what you want in your heart, and I have completely understood it."

Jin Jiuling said: "Oh? Really?"

Aunt Gongsun said: "You just want me to write a confession by myself, and draw it, and that's the end of this matter."

Jin Jiuling smiled slightly: "Aunt Gongsun is indeed the smartest person in the world. I didn't underestimate you."

Aunt Gongsun said: "Then, you let me admit that I am the embroidered thief, and take all those cases back."

Jin Jiuling said: "You are right. If you write down this confession, I will definitely not let you suffer and you can enjoy it comfortably. Otherwise..."..


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