Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 213: Strategy

The sword shot, and the sword light flashed, the sword had been firmly nailed to Jin Jiuling's leg, and his leg was firmly nailed to the ground!

While fleeing, Jin Jiuling heard a strange sound, the sound was so strange, he had never heard such a sound.

Then he felt that his leg was so painful that he had lost the strength of his entire body and fell to the ground.

The more painful thing is the heart.

Jin Jiuling couldn't move anymore, as if he didn't even have the strength to pull out the sword, staring blankly at the sword's edge with fear on his face.

At this time, he saw that Lu Yang had recently arrived, and that Sanniang's whip was also clipped by Lu Yang and cut into two pieces.

At that moment, Lu Yang, who was like a flashlight, broke through the attacks of two people and caught up with Jin Jiuling.

Lu Yang caught Jin Jiuling: "Where is Xue Bing, now you wait, I will make you die better than death!"

Jin Jiuling's eyes widened, but she didn't know what to say.

"If you and I fight fairly and lose fairly, then I might still be able to open the net, but if you actually did this, don't blame the promise I made before!" Lu Yang said coldly.

"Hahaha." Jin Jiuling laughed, laughing so desolately, as if he had been several decades old.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng are already drunk, because they want to get drunk, everything is over.

This matter almost exhausted their energy.

However, Jin Jiuling seemed to refuse to tell the whereabouts of Xue Bing, nor her life or death.

Shangguan Xue'er is dead, Shangguan Feiyan is dead, and the two women who made Lu Yang's heart are dead.

Now there is one Xue Bing left, but he did not expect that even her whereabouts are unknown.

And now, if Jin Jiuling is not allowed to admit defeat, he will definitely not hand over Xue Bing's whereabouts.

At this time, in the dimness, he could still hear the grandmother Gongsun explaining to the sisters.

Originally, Aunt Gongsun was going to punish Erniang and Sanniang harshly, and it was Lu Yang who interceded for them.

After all, they were also deceived, and the cause of the incident should be attributed to Jin Jiuling.

Jin Jiuling couldn't wake up within ten and a half months. This time, Lu Yang abolished his martial arts and gave him a severe drunk for seven days.

He has to suffer some crimes. Now he is hidden in a special secret place, no one knows except Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

Even Aunt Gongsun didn't know.

The news has not leaked out. Jin Jiuling's comrades are still there, and there are many disciples and grandchildren.

In order to avoid unprovoked incidents, they have to be careful.

Aunt Gongsun's voice was so clear and sweet.

"Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng are not fools. I always know that he is not fools. I believe he can also see Jin Jiuling's conspiracy."

"None of us are idiots. Since Jin Jiuling is going to push on me, then I will try my best to tear off his true face."

"Obviously I am not sure. I must also expose Jin Jiuling's conspiracy. No one can frame me like him!

"I also have to find out who is his complicity. I can't let this kind of person stay in my sister. It's like I can't let a grain of sand in my eyes."

"So I deliberately took Lu Xiaofeng to our meeting place, because I hope to have the opportunity to tell him my opinion, and hope that he can join hands with me to catch the real embroiderer."

"I was struggling to find a chance, but Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng gave me a chance."

"He wants to drink with me."

"I suddenly understood what he meant, so I immediately did what he meant"

"When he was almost drunk, he really found an opportunity and said a few words to me, but none of you found it."

"What he said was,'Follow me, I know you are not an embroiderer!'"

"So I went with him."

"But in order to hide the spy, we still have to continue the play, so we competed two more times, compared to the last one. I secretly signaled to ask the fourth and seventh to follow me in. I know only The two of them are not suspect at all because only the two of them are still virgins!

Ouyang Qing in the brothel. Actually still a virgin. Lu Yang suddenly raised his head, gave Ouyang Qing a surprised look, and then fell on the table.

Aunt Gongsun has continued, "I want them and Lan Er to separate immediately to find Jiang Chongwei, Hua Yifan and Chang Mantian"

"The spy must think that it was my deliberate suspicion of Lu Xiaofeng, of course, I still won't doubt it!"

"After Lu Xiaofeng and I left, we immediately found a secret place to confirm what we doubted in our hearts."

"Then we made the plan to put it to death and live thereafter."

Everyone listened quietly, no one spoke. No one dared to speak

Aunt Gongsun said again: "When Jin Jiuling escaped at the end, she obviously knew that you were in Yangcheng, so she deliberately went that way."

That garden was originally their meeting place in Yangcheng.

Aunt Gongsun's eyes were like a knife, and she swept across the faces of Erniang, Sanniang, Qingyi Nun and Jiang Qingxia coldly and continued: "So that spy must be one of the four of you."

Erniang, Sanniang, and the female nuns in Tsing Yi were completely expressionless, but Jiang Qingxia's face was pale and full of fear.

Aunt Gongsun said: "The suspicion of Wumei Jiang is the heaviest, because only she knows the movements of the palace best. Only she can approach Jiang Chongwei and get Jiang Chongwei's key."

But she smiled and said, "But Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng overthrew my idea, because they knew that Jin Jiuling was Jiang Chongwei’s good friend, and they could also get close to Jiang Chongwei. More importantly, if Wumei is really his accomplice He would never ask Sikong to pick up the stars to send the piece of satin to Qixia Temple."

Jiang Qingxia looked at Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng who had fallen drunk on the table, her eyes grateful.

Aunt Gongsun said: "The sixth child is also very suspicious, because although she is in the empty door, recently I know that she can no longer defend herself like a jade!"

The face of the Tsing Yi nun turned red and turned from red to white again.

Her face is so ugly.

Everyone's eyes have focused on her. ..


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