Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 214: Insider

Aunt Gongsun said: "However, you don't have to do this, because I already know who the sixth lover is."

"You don't need to ask me who he is. Anyway, I know that it is not Jin Jiuling. I know that the sixth child is a lover. Since she already has a lover, she will never hook up with Jin Jiuling anymore. problem."

The Tsing Yi female nun lowered her head, tears in her eyes.

Aunt Gongsun’s gaze suddenly stared at Sanniang’s face like a blade: “You didn’t have any suspicion, but you shouldn’t have to attack Lu Yang when Old Qi is threatened, forcing Lu Yang to only follow us. In a decisive battle, you shouldn't kill when Lu Yang is chasing Jin Jiuling! Jin Jiuling almost escaped!"

Aunt Gongsun suddenly lowered her face and said sternly, "Er Niang, now that you know who the spy is, you still don't take action?"

Erniang still sat without moving, but the silver knife was already in her hand, and suddenly the knife backhand stabbed Sanniang's waist.

This was a fatal blow, but Sanniang didn't evade at all, and seemed to be willing to take it.

At that moment, the chopsticks in the hand of Aunt Gongsun flew out, one chopstick shot down Erniang's knife, and one chopstick hit her acupuncture point.

Erniang's body was stiff, as if she suddenly became a stone man, motionless.

Aunt Gongsun looked at her and slowly said: "Actually, I already knew that it was you. You have squandered a lot to supply Jin Jiuling. You know I will find out sooner or later, so you must kill me and I will die. After that, only you can take over for me and sit in this position. Moreover, Jin Jiuling has robbed so much wealth and also embezzled so much wealth from Huo Xiu, which is enough for you to enjoy the whole life."

On Erniang's stiff face like a stone statue, shiny beads of perspiration have been oozing out.

Aunt Gongsun said: "But we are still sisters after all. As long as you have a little regret, as long as you are willing to admit your faults, I am ready to forget your past."

She sighed and continued: "But you shouldn't behave like that to the third child. It can be seen that not only do you have no repentance, you are also ready to take your sin and die for you, you...".

She did not go on, but waved away Erniang's acupuncture point and said: "Go ahead, I will let you go. I only hope that after you go, you can give me a break and you will shame our sisters."

Erniang didn't leave. She looked at Aunt Gongsun, her eyes filled with despair and fear.

She knew she had nowhere to go.

The silver knife was still on the table, she picked it up, and suddenly stabbed her throat with a backhand.

But her knife was shot down again. It was shot down by Lu Yang.

Lu Yang seemed to be drunk, but not drunk. He waved down her knife and murmured: "Why are you killing people at such a good time and a happy meeting? The embroidered thieves are over, why are they so bloody? What?"

Erniang bit her lip and said, "I...I didn't want to kill, I wanted to kill myself."

Lu Yang smiled, and said with a foolish smile: "Aren't you a human being yourself?"

Erniang was stunned.

Lu Yang murmured: "Since you have been wrong, why should you be wrong again? The heart is dead, why should people die again? There are enough old hatreds, so why add new sorrows? Flow? Is it that only bloodshed is the end to solve all these things?"

Erniang was stunned for a long time, and suddenly fell on the table, crying bitterly.

Sanniang patted Erniang on the shoulder: "Second sister, Jin Jiuling is dead, why should you bury him, we are still good sisters, no one wants you to die." Lu Xiaofeng also muttered: "Jianghu, rivers and lakes, is it true that you must kill me to die?"

Lu Yang smiled sadly: "However, we saw so many people and fell in front of us."

Aunt Gongsun stared at Lu Yang and smiled: "Well, I'll rely on you again, just this time, but."

Lu Yang interrupted her, "I have said so much, so why bother to say it again? People are drunk, so why bother to stay."

He stood up staggeringly, and Lu Xiaofeng supported him.

"I'm fine, I'm not drunk." Lu Yang said.

Aunt Gongsun stopped them: "Are you leaving now? Are you really leaving?"

Lu Yang smiled and said: "There are no banquets in the world that never leave. Right now is the time to be happy. It is best to leave. Those who should go will always leave. Why not?"

Aunt Gongsun said: "Then where are you going?"

Lu Yang said: "The world is so big that you can go everywhere, let alone we are leaving, so why bother to ask."

Aunt Gongsun stared at him and said, "Since I have asked, why don't you say it?"

Lu Yang laughed: "We also have our place."

"Then what do you do with Jin Jiuling?" Aunt Gongsun said.

In fact, she also felt that Jin Jiuling was very sad, and she did not want Lu Yang to be ruthless to Jin Jiuling.

She was also a proud person. She knew what the proud people meant, and she sighed deeply.

"I don't know either." Lu Yang's eyes were blurred.

Jin Jiuling, this character, is also full of legends, full of stories, and such an end makes people uneasy.

Lu Yang smiled suddenly: "Lu Xiaofeng, it seems that we have not eaten Master Bitter Gourd's vegetarian feast for a while."

Lu Xiaofeng's eyes lit up: "Yes, we haven't tasted it for a long time, so I miss his taste."

Lu Yang smiled: "Yes, no one in the world doesn't yearn for the vegetarian feast of Master Bittergourd, let alone our foodies."

Lu Xiaofeng laughed loudly: "I don't know, this time, we are going to have a vegetarian feast or a closed door."

Lu Yang said: "I think it must be more abundant than usual."

Lu Xiaofeng clapped his hands and smiled: "Okay, then let's go and eat for three days and three nights. It's not a joy or a break!"

Aunt Gongsun looked at Lu Yang, and she was finally convinced.

Lu Yang is indeed a character, and in such a situation, he can think of many things. ..


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