Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 244: Such news

In the early morning of September 14, Li Yanbei walked out of the tenth mansion of his thirty mansions.

He strode forward along the misty streets in the morning mist. Although his steps were still so large, they looked so heavy.

His waist is still straight as usual, but his eyes are already obviously tired.

He never slept at all last night.

For more than ten years, he has been in the early morning, walking along this same route.

There will always be a large group of people following him, but today there is no one.

The sun has not yet risen, and autumn frost is still condensed on the leaves. Today is much colder than last night.

Winter in Northland always comes very early. For Li Yanbei now, winter has already arrived in his heart.

The morning mist is misty. On the opposite side, two people were walking along the side of the road in strides.

Although Li Yanbei hadn't seen their faces clearly, he had already seen the familiar figure.

"Lu Yang, Lu Xiaofeng?"

"Yes." Lu Yang said.

"It's us." Lu Xiaofeng stopped under a dead tree, waiting for Li Yanbei to come closer.

"If someone can walk outside every morning, they will live a long and relaxed life." Lu Yang smiled, but his smile was not very cheerful.

Li Yanbei said: "You have been walking outside for a long time?"

Lu Yang said: "It seems that it has been more than half an hour."

Li Yanbei said: "Why don't you go in?"

Lu Yang said: "We still need to be quiet, there are too many things to think about."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "I'm afraid."

Li Yanbei said: "What are you afraid of? Don't you dare to see Ouyang?"

Lu Xiaofeng nodded silently.

Li Yanbei patted him on the shoulder and said: "She is still alive. The poison in her is not as serious as that. Brother Lu also forced some poison out for her, so she should be fine."

Lu Xiaofeng sighed, "I hope she's all right. You are the only one today?"

Li Yanbei nodded, her eyes looked so tired: "Today they all have their own things to do."

Lu Yang said: "Then you shouldn't have come out."

Li Yanbei smiled, not happy, still very heavy.

Lu Yang said: "After yesterday's events, you should be more careful today."

Li Yanbei was silent and did not reply. He walked side by side with Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

After walking for a while, he suddenly said: "For more than ten years, I have been walking in these areas every morning. Whether it is wind, rain or snow, I have never stopped."

This area belongs to him.

He walked on these ancient and wide streets, and his heart was always full of pride and satisfaction, just like a general inspecting his soldiers, and an emperor inspecting his own land.

Lu Yang understood his feelings: "If I were you, I would probably go through this way every day."

Li Yanbei said: "You must be like this too."

Lu Yang said: "It's just that I will make an exception today."

Li Yanbei said: "You absolutely won't."

Lu Yang said: "But today."

Li Yanbei said: "Especially today, let alone make an exception."

Lu Yang said: "Why?"

Li Yanbei hesitated, his eyes followed the old and exquisite shops next to the street one by one.

His eyes seemed to be full of nostalgia and sadness.

After a long time, he slowly said: "Because today is my last time."

Lu Yang looked at him in surprise: "The last time?"

Li Yanbei did not directly answer Lu Yang's surprised question. He was silent for a while again: "Did you see my son?"

Lu Yang shook his head. He hadn't seen it before, but he didn't understand why Li Yanbei suddenly asked.

"I have nineteen sons, the youngest is only two years old, and the oldest is only in his twenties." Li Yanbei slowly said, "They are all my own, they are all my blood and flesh. Connected to my flesh and blood, inseparable."

Lu Yang seemed to have guessed the meaning of his words, but he didn't say anything, just listening to him quietly.

Li Yanbei said: "I am fifty today, but I still look so strong on the outside. But in fact, I am already an old man."

Lu Yang grinned reluctantly: "You are not old. Many people say that when a man is fifty, his life really begins."

"But, I can't afford to lose." Li Yanbei smiled reluctantly, but couldn't smile. "Because I can't watch so many wives and children turn their eyes off. From living a rich life to suffering from starvation and suffering. Days."

Lu Yang finally understood what he meant completely: "Could it be that you have sold this site to other people?"

Li Yanbei lowered her head and said sadly: "I didn't want to do this, but the conditions they offered me are really too generous."

Lu Yang asked: "What are the conditions?"

Li Yanbei said: "They are not only willing to admit the bet that Du Tongxuan and I have agreed upon, and are willing to help me resolve this matter, and at the same time, they also guarantee that my whole family will be safely sent to Jiangnan."

He finally laughed, but he laughed helplessly and sadly.

"I know that Jiangnan is a good place with outstanding talents. Every spring, the grass grows, the grass grows pink and willow green. If the children can grow up there, they will never grow up like me in the future. ."

Lu Yang looked at Li and couldn't help sighing, "You are indeed a big boss."

Li Yanbei smiled bitterly: "You have no women and no children. How can you understand how you feel when you become a father alone."

Lu Yang said: "We understand."

Li Yanbei said: "Since you understand, you should know why I did this."

Lu Yang said: "I know."

Li Yanbei smiled bitterly and said, "If Ximen Chuuxue loses in this battle, I will have nowhere to go, and the whole family will have nowhere to go."..


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