Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 245: Worry and decision

Lu Yang knew that no matter who he was, when he took his 19 sons, there was really not much he could think and do.

Li Yanbei said: "I knew after I met Ye Gucheng, I have absolutely no chance of winning."

Lu Yang said: "It's not that you don't have it, it's Ximen Chuuxue."

Li Yanbei said: "If he loses, I will lose even worse than him."

Lu Yang said: "I understand."

Li Yanbei said: "Then you shouldn't blame me."

"We didn't blame you." Lu Yang said, "I just feel sorry for you."

"What a pity? What is a pity?" This time it was Li Yanbei's turn to not understand.

Lu Yang did not directly answer his question, but instead asked: "Who did you sell the site to?"

North Li Yan said: "Gu Qingfeng."

Lu Yang frowned and thought a lot, but he didn't know who Gu Qingfeng was: "Who is Gu Qingfeng?"

Lu Xiaofeng is also very strange to this name.

Li Yanbei said: "Gu Qingfeng, is a Taoist priest."

Lu Yang said in surprise: "Taoist?"

Li Yanbei said: "There are also many Taoist priests."

Lu Yang said: "Then what kind of he is?"

Li Yanbei said: "He is the rich and powerful one."

Li Yanbei went on to explain: "Taoism has two sects in the north and south. The master of the Nan sect is Zhang Zhenren of Longhu Mountain, and the master of the Northern sect is Baiyun Guanzhu."

Lu Yang understood: "Gu Qingfeng is the subject of Baiyun Guan."

Li Yanbei nodded and said, "Baiyun Temple is just outside the city. Many of the great public figures of the dynasty, many of them are regular visitors of Baiyun Temple, and many people even worshipped him."

Lu Yang sneered: "It seems that he is a Taoist priest on the surface, but in fact he is the vicious and powerful here."

Li Yanbei smiled bitterly: "If he is not such a person, how could he ask me to give him the land."

Lu Yang said: "Is this thing irretrievable?"

Li Yanbei said: "I have accepted his terms, and also transferred all the properties under my name to him."

Lu Yang said, "Could it be that all of your disciples were bought by him?"

Li Yanbei said: "It's not my helper who really controls this area."

Lu Yang said: "You are no longer the leader of this gang?"

Li Yanbei sighed for a long time and said: "Now the leader of this gang is already him. I have already handed over the Dragon Banner Talisman that I received from the former leader ten years ago to him in front of a witness. ."

Lu Yang said: "Who found the witness?"

Li Yanbei said: "Although he found the witnesses, they have always been the elders whom I longed to respect."

Lu Yang asked: "Who?" Li Yanbei Dao: "One is a wooden Taoist from Wudang, another is an ancient lay layman from Huangshan, and an honest monk."

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were completely stunned. They stopped in surprise, their expressions completely changed.

Lu Yang said, "No wonder we couldn't find them. It turned out that after I left, they came instead."

Li Yanbei said: "I didn't want to save it, because it was originally decided by myself and has nothing to do with others."

He looked at the expression on Lu Yang's face and said, "It seems that you have something to say."

Lu Yang was silent for a while, and finally nodded slowly and said, "I do have one thing to warn you."

Li Yanbei said: "What's the matter?"

Lu Yang said, "Jiangnan is not only a good place, but also a beauty den. After you arrive in Jiangnan, you must be honest." He smiled and continued, "There are only thirty days a month. If you marry thirty more wives, then It's weird if the head is not broken.

Li Yanbei laughed: "Don't worry, you don't need to say, I will also leave all the beauties there for you."

Lu Yang laughed: "That's great, I will definitely go to you soon, lest you change your mind."

Lu Yang wanted to say something about Ye Gucheng. He wanted to say it several times, but he kept it up.

Li Yanbei is also their friend, why not let them leave happily when the friend is leaving?

When you can make your friends laugh, you must not make your friends angry or sad.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng are both like this.

However, they must distinguish between friends and enemies.

"When are you going to leave?" Lu Yang asked.

"Maybe tomorrow." Li Yanbei looked at this ancient and kind city, his eyes could not help showing an indescribable nostalgia and sadness.

"Although I am already an outsider, I still want to know what the outcome of this battle will be."

Lu Yang nodded slowly, he also understood Li Yanbei's emotions at this time.

"When you leave, maybe I won't send you off, but if you come again, no matter how much wind or rain, I will definitely pick you up." Lu Yang smiled reluctantly, "I I never like to see off."

Parting always makes people feel sad, although he takes his life and death, but parting is very important.

"I understand." Li Yanbei smiled reluctantly: "I may never come back this time, but if you get to Jiangnan, I will definitely pick you up."

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng didn't say anything anymore, they just walked with him for a while.

Lu Yang asked: "Mu Daoists, did they leave with Gu Qingfeng?"

"Guess where they will go?" Lu Xiaofeng also asked.

"Baiyunguan." Li Yanbei said, "Baiyunguan's Su Zhai and wine have always been very famous."

The Baiyun View seems to be in the white clouds, magnificent and magnificent.

The fog hasn't completely dissipated. Looking from a distance, the Taoist temple is indeed like misty clouds among the white clouds.

The black lacquer door with a brass beast ring was opened, but no one could be seen.

There was a faint sound of chanting in the morning breeze, and it seemed that they were doing morning class.

At this time, it should be the most lively time of Taoism. It seems that this Taoism is so rigorous. ..


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