Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 246: Break the line

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng walked in, but there was no one in the hall, only a few yellow leaves that had just fallen, dancing with the wind in the courtyard.

Lu Yang walked through the courtyard, past the cigarette-filled hall, and walked out through a narrow door at the back.

At this moment, I saw a Taoist man with a yellow crown in Tsing Yi, standing under the plane tree, looking at them coldly.

The phoenix tree has no leaves, but the autumn colors in the backyard are thicker.

Lu Yang tentatively asked, "Is Gu Qingfeng here?"

The Taoist didn't reply, his bright eyes looked like a blade of cold light in the white mist.

When a gust of wind blew, Lu Yang suddenly noticed that the yellow spike flying on his sword was carrying a black sheath long sword.

"Is it true that the chief is Gu Zhenren?" Lu Yang asked.

The Taoist still did not speak, and his face was completely expressionless.

Lu Xiaofeng also smiled and murmured: "It seems that this old way is a deaf, we asked the wrong person."

The man was not deaf, and suddenly sneered: "You didn't ask the wrong person, but you came to the wrong place."

"Isn't this Baiyun View?" Lu Yang asked.

"Yes." That humanity.

"Why can't Baiyun Guan come?" Lu Yang asked puzzledly.

The man said coldly: "Others can come, but you can't come."

Lu Yang couldn't help asking: "You know who we are, and, don't you welcome us?"

The man sneered and flashed past his body. The sycamore bark was cut off, and it was written in cinnabar: "Lu Lufei came and died under the tree."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "You really already know who we are."

The Taoist sneered: "Fengqi phoenix tree, this phoenix tree is your burial place."

Lu Yang smiled, "What about me?"

That humanity: "Because you are Lu Xiaofeng's friend."

Lu Xiaofeng suddenly said: "Have you seen us?"

Taoist: "No."

Lu Xiaofeng asked: "Do we have old hatred?"

Taoist: "No."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Have a new hatred?"

Taoist: "Neither."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Since we don't know you, and you don't know me, and we don't have any new hatreds and old hatreds, then why should we die?"

Taoist: "Because you are the best of both worlds."

Lu Yang smiled bitterly. It seems that reasoning is no longer useful: "This reason seems to be enough."

Taoist: "It is indeed enough."

He backhanded a sword, and the long sword was out of its sheath.

"Good sword." Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help sighing when they saw that sword.

The light of the sword was like a water of autumn, the Taoist used his finger-flick sword, and the sword was like a dragon's roar. In the sound of the dragon's roar, six Huangguan Taoists appeared on all sides in exactly the same costume.

Six people, six swords, all Qingfeng long swords made of 100 refined steel. In addition to this Taoist person, seven people, the yellow spikes of the sword hilt are flying in the wind, it is the authentic Northern School.

Together, these seven people are the secret of the Quanzhen School, the Big Dipper array.

And that Taoist with a face like a dead tree was obviously the hub of this sword formation.

"You stand aside first." Lu Yang looked indifferently, he could see that these seven old ways are not good.

Lu Xiaofeng worried and said, "Brother Lu, two people in the formation should be able to take care of them."

Lu Yang smiled relaxedly: "You swept the formation, the little Big Dipper formation, to me, it was just a small matter."

"Presumptuous." The Taoist leader roared, and the seven sword hilts shot at the same time.

The yellow spike of the sword hilt was flying in the wind.

His swordsmanship is so exquisite and flowing, although his swordsmanship can't be compared with peerless swordsmen like Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue.

However, the sword is light and fire, and the intention is to be the first of the swords. He is already a first-class master in the world.

The most important thing is that the structure of the Big Dipper array is so sophisticated and perfectly coordinated.

The seven-handed sword actually seems to have the power of seventy-handed swords, and the strength of seventy first-class masters.

It seemed that Lu Yang didn't even have a chance to fight back. His sword shines like a net, and it looks like he is like the big fish caught in the net.

He seems to be fluttering in the net, but he can't escape the net. The sword net is getting tighter.

Lu Xiaofeng actually laughed. He had already seen that Lu Yang had already seen the essence of the Big Dipper array through this short period of time.

Lu Yang sighed suddenly: "The sword is a good sword, the sword is a good sword, the formation is a good formation, but you people are wrong."

Of course no one asked him where he was wrong.

Even if someone came to ask, it was too late.

At that moment, Lu Yang suddenly made a move and saw that his body turned, his palm supported the right elbow of the Taoist Tsing Yi, gently.

Just watched the sound of a piece of gold and iron interlacing, seven long swords colliding with each other, sparks splashing everywhere.

Lu Yang had already slid out, like a fish, but not a fish trapped in the net.

At that moment, I suddenly heard a sneer, and a cold light flew like a rainbow.

The speed and power of that sword is far above the Taoist Huangguan.

Lu Yang just got out of the sword formation, and the sword light had reached a square inch of his throat.

Such a cold sword energy has forced Lu Yang's skin pores.

Lu Yang smiled, and suddenly, he stretched out **** to pinch!

The opponent could not hear his laugh, but the sword was already caught by him.

His shot is faster than his voice!

The Jian Qi had disappeared, Lu Yang clamped Jian Feng with two fingers, smiled, and looked at the person in front of him.

This man was dressed in brocade clothes, white face and slightly beard, and was a middle-aged man. The man was staring at Lu Yang in surprise.

No one can believe that there will be such a quick shot in the world, and that person obviously does not believe it either.

The surface of his face was incredibly surprised, incredibly unexpected.

With that expression, he was confident that his swordsmanship was so high that he was no longer under the people of Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue.

He was confident, that one shot would never fail.

Now he knew that he had completely wrong. ..


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