Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 254: Troublesome errand

Ding Ao closed his mouth when he heard Wei Ziyun's words.

Wei Ziyun said lightly: "Yin Xian said that he never lied, and he would definitely not be the one who killed."

Tu Fang originally wanted to say something, but at this time he also closed his mouth.

Wei Ziyun said: "Furthermore, even if people like Ma Liu die ten more, what does it have to do with us? Daxia Lu must also be able to see that we are not here for this."

Yin Xian smiled and said: "The crime of trespassing into the forbidden city can be avoided this time, because there will be a second time tomorrow night."

Wei Ziyun said: "City Lord Baiyun and Ximen Chuuxue are both swordsmen who are unparalleled in the world. Their battle tomorrow night will surely be enough to shake the sky and shake the prestige."

Yin Xian said: "As long as you are a member of the martial arts, no one will be willing to miss this battle."

Wei Ziyun said, "Even though we are in the royal family, we are also martial arts practitioners. We are the same. We want to see the style of the two famous swordsmen, and we want to see their swordsmanship unparalleled in the world. "

Yin Xian said: "Actually, since we already know about this, we should double defense and set up ambushes so that they can't come at all."

Wei Ziyun said: "However, we don't want to do this kind of thing. Then we will kill the scenery, let alone offend the heroes of the world."

He slowly continued: "Since I am also out of the world, I shouldn't forget the basics. Daxia Lu should also understand this."

Lu Yang said: "I understand naturally." His attitude became very serious at this time, because he suddenly discovered that this Xiaoxiang swordsman is really a gentleman who makes him like him.

Wei Ziyun said: "However, we have our own responsibilities. We must not neglect our duties. After all, the Forbidden City is not a place where people from the rivers and lakes can come and go."

Lu Yang said: "I understand this."

Wei Ziyun said: "It is true that we are doing this today to let Daxia Lu understand this."

Ding Ao finally couldn't help but sneered and said, "Now, Daxia Lu should see it. If you want to walk around in the Forbidden City at will, it is definitely not an easy task."

Lu Yang had to admit that the current city was flashing with swords and axes, with arrows on the strings, ready to go.

And these four people in the city have been famous for ten years ago. If they shot at the same time, absolutely no one in the world could stop them from joining forces.

Wei Ziyun said, "Speaking of which, we just hope Daxia Lu promises us one thing."

Lu Yang said, "Please tell me." Facing Wei Ziyun, he always couldn't help being gentle.

If it were Ding Ao, he would never have such a kind tone.

Wei Ziyun said, "We hope that there will not be too many people coming tomorrow, preferably not more than eight."

Lu Yang finally understood what they meant, they must have estimated it.

If only eight people come with the force of Ouchi, even if something goes wrong, they will have the strength to deal with it.

But Lu Yang didn't understand: "Why should I agree to this matter? I can't make the decision for others, let alone how many people will come."

Wei Ziyun said, "However, we hope that Daxia Lu will be the master!"

Lu Yang didn't understand even more.

Wei Ziyun didn't wait for Lu Yang to ask, and explained: "Except for Baiyun City Lord and Ximen Chuuxue, we hope that Lu Yang will be responsible for the selection of the other six people."

Lu Yang said: "You mean, tomorrow night, only the six people I designate can come here to watch the game?"

Wei Ziyun said, "That's what we mean."

Lu Yang smiled and smiled bitterly. Only then did he discover that although this Xiaoxiang swordsman was an honest gentleman, he was also a scheming old fox.

If the person was selected by him, then of course he would not be able to stay out of the incident if something happened.

Wei Ziyun said: "There are six ribbons here, and Daxia Lu thinks that whoever can come, give him one, and tie it to him when he is invited."

Yin Xian said: "This kind of ribbon comes from Persia. It is a collection of Ouchi. It changes color and glitters in the moonlight. It is absolutely difficult to forge on the market."

Wei Ziyun said: "We have managed to inform people in the martial arts everywhere to let them know about this."

Ding Ao said coldly: "Anyone who doesn't have this kind of ribbon on his body, no matter who he is, as long as he dares to step into the forbidden city without permission, he will definitely kill him!"

Wei Ziyun had already taken out a bunch of ribbons, held them in both hands, and handed them over: "Please ask Daxia Lu to take this thing."

Lu Yang looked at the glittering ribbons, but it was like looking at a pile of hot potatoes.

He knew that if he took these ribbons, he didn't know how much trouble he would cause.

Of course Wei Ziyun saw Lu Yang's thoughts and slowly said: "Lv Daxia is so unwilling, of course I would never dare to force it, it's just that."

Lu Yang asked: "Just how?"

Wei Ziyun said: "It's just that since we have the responsibility, in order to protect the safety of Ouchi, we have to close the forbidden city, and ask Baiyun City Lord and Ximen Chuuxue to choose another place to fight."

Lu Yang sighed, "Then, I have to bear the responsibility. If others complain, they can only blame me."

Wei Ziyun said calmly: "So, we still want to ask Daxia Lu to think about it."

Lu Yang sighed and smiled bitterly: "It seems that I don't have much choice."

Wei Ziyun smiled slightly and stopped speaking.

Lu Yang sighed again and said, "Why do people always throw this hot potato that makes people burn their hands to me?"

The honest monk suddenly laughed and said, "Because you are Lu Yang, and Lu Xiaofeng's martial artist, and Lu Xiaofeng's brother Lu Yang."

These reasons are sufficient.

Lu Yang suddenly felt a sense of being calculated, but he couldn't tell why.

Maybe this is just a feeling. ..


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