Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 255: Hot Potato

Lu Yang put the ribbon on his shoulders and slowly walked down the tower.

All the bows, arrows, swords and axemen downstairs were gone, walking as cleanly as they appeared.

There was no sound. The soldiers guarding the forbidden city were naturally trained soldiers.

Although their martial arts are not high, but the bow is strong, fast and sharp, plus the military deployment, can not be ignored.

Even if the martial arts masters met them, they might not be able to deal with them with confidence.

More importantly, besides Wei Ziyun and the others, there must be a lot of good players among the guards in Da Nei.

"Except for the six people you choose, no matter who they are, you will be treacherous and killed."

Lu Yang asked suddenly: "Does the monk believe what they say?"

The honest monk originally walked in front of him. Hearing what Lu Yang said, he turned his head and said, "What is it?"

Lu Yang said: "If the monk does not have a ribbon, will he dare to enter the forbidden city tomorrow night?"

The honest monk smiled and said, "Although the monk has no courage, the monk has a ribbon."

Lu Yang asked, "Do you have a ribbon? Where is your ribbon?"

The honest monk said: "On your body."

Lu Yang smiled, "Why do I have to give you a ribbon?"

The honest monk said: "Because I am a monk, and an honest monk."

Lu Yang nodded with a smile, and said, "This reason seems to be enough."

The honest monk said: "Of course enough."

Lu Yang pulled out a ribbon, threw it on him, and said, "You better change your clothes."

The honest monk said: "Why?"

Lu Yang said, "This ribbon does not match the color of your clothes."

The honest monk said: "It doesn't matter, the monk doesn't pay attention to these things, let alone this strap will change color!"

Lu Yang said lightly: "I just want to remind you that you can change your clothes, but you can't change the straps."

The honest monk laughed again, and suddenly said, "Vote for peaches and plums, and repay Qiongyao. You gave the monk this ribbon, and the monk has something for you.

Lu Yang said, "What?"

The honest monk said: "A word."

Lu Yang said, "I'm listening."

The honest monk looked at him and said, "Look at your Yintang darkening and your face is earthy. It's best to find a place to sleep and sleep until tomorrow night, otherwise..."

Lu Yang said: "Otherwise what?"

The honest monk sighed and said, "Even if a dead person has five straps on his body, he cannot enter the forbidden city."

Lu Yang said, "Is this a threat? Or a warning?"

The honest monk said: "This is just an honest statement. The monk is telling the truth."

The honest monk left first, and Lu Yang suddenly found that his walking posture was strange, and he looked like an eunuch.

Is the monk almost like the eunuch?

But the monk can go to the girl secretly. If the **** can have a wife, why can't the monk go to the girl?

Lu Yang sighed and decided not to think about such things anymore. He still had a lot to think about.

Lu Xiaofeng, Mu Taoist, Gu Qingfeng, Gu Songju, Li Yanbei, Huamanlou, Yan Renying, Tang Brothers, Tantric Lama, the mysterious swordsman of the Water Peak of Our Lady, and the masters of the Seven Great Sword Schools.

The most important thing is that weird girl Xue Bing, who is born to like to be busy, will she miss such a lively situation?

These people must not want to miss the battle tomorrow night.

There are only five ribbons, how should I distribute them? Maybe the allocation is wrong.

Lu Yang couldn't help sighing again, and murmured: "People who can't get the ribbon are indeed likely to come and kill me. It seems that I should really sleep until tomorrow night."

At this moment, he suddenly found a figure, a very familiar figure, that figure was all white.

He hurried forward.

Lu Xiaofeng feels uncomfortable now. To put it bluntly, he finally coaxed Xue Bing's little ancestor to the Skywalk Escort.

He is now back to the thirteen mansion. Ouyang Qing has been in a coma for a day and a night, even though Lu Yang has detoxified her and promised her that there will be no accidents.

But Lu Xiaofeng's worries were still beyond words.

Sure enough, the poison was extraordinary, and she still needed to be tortured.

Lu Xiaofeng only hoped that she could get well busy, even if she got up and scolded herself a few words.

Seeing Ouyang Qing's expression, Lu Xiaofeng could not go to sleep.

Aunt Thirteen also looked very worried, she said softly: "From last night to now, she only woke up once. She only said a word."

Lu Xiaofeng asked: "What are you talking about?"

Aunt Thirteen reluctantly smiled and said: "She asked me, have you eaten her buttered snails? I also want to ask you whether she does it well or not?"

Lu Xiaofeng's heart was about to bleed, and seeing the plate of buttered snails still on the table, he felt like a **** who didn't know what to do.

"It will be delicious." Lu Xiaofeng reluctantly made a smile and said, "What she makes must be delicious, and I will definitely eat it up."

Aunt Thirteen said: "This kind of thing won't be crispy when it's cold, and the taste won't be so good. Otherwise, I will blow it up for you.

Lu Xiaofeng said: "No, she fried it by herself, so I will just eat it."

Aunt Thirteen sighed and said: "You still have some conscience at last. It seems that Ouyang Qing did not misunderstand you, and there is no wrong feeling."

Lu Xiaofeng sat up, ate two snails in butter, and asked, "Where is Li Yanbei?"

Aunt Thirteen said: "He has already left."

Lu Yang asked: "Where did he go?"

"I don't know." Aunt Thirteen smiled reluctantly, her face so ugly, "He has more than one home."

Aunt Thirteen’s words were full of misery. Who would say no? If a woman in her position, who would not complain?

Listening to the desolate words of Aunt Thirteen, Lu Xiaofeng could only put a buttered snail in her mouth.

At this time, he felt how many tears were hidden under the precious powder on that Thirteenth Aunt's face? ..


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