Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 256: unexpected

How many tears and sorrow does a woman, a woman like the Thirteenth Aunt, smile with a strong face?

If a woman spends twenty-nine nights alone in the dark in a month, how many people can bear this kind of loneliness?

However, she couldn't help but endure it, because she had to endure it, and this was her destiny.

Most women know how to accept their destiny.

In this regard, their adaptability is much stronger than that of men.

Lu Xiaofeng knew that she knew women like Aunt Thirteen, but didn't understand Ouyang Qing. They seemed to belong to two groups.

"There is a saying that I shouldn't ask, but I can't help but not ask." Lu Xiaofeng hesitated for a moment.

"You can ask, if I know, I will answer truthfully." Aunt Thirteen said.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "You and Ouyang Qing are good friends. Generally, there are no secrets between good friends, and more importantly."

The Thirteenth Aunt continued his words: "More importantly, we are women. There is no secret between women."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled reluctantly and said, "So, you should know a lot about her personal affairs."

Aunt Thirteen said: "What exactly do you want to ask?"

Lu Yang finally summoned his courage and said: "I heard Aunt Gongsun say that she is still a virgin, is it true?"

Aunt Thirteen didn't even have to think about it, and immediately said: "Yes." So sure.

Lu Xiaofeng said: "She did that kind of thing, how could she still be a virgin?"

Aunt Thirteen sneered: "Of course there will be good women who do that kind of thing, and she is not only a good woman, but also a very special one."

Lu Xiaofeng had to continue to plug her mouth with buttered snails.

Now of course he could see that Aunt Thirteen must have been the same as Ouyang Qing before, so they would be good friends.

It must be difficult for women like them to make friends with other women.

In fact, this is not because they look down on others, but because they are afraid of being looked down on by others.

A dish of buttered snails had been completely eaten by Lu Xiaofeng. Lu Xiaofeng ate it very quickly. It seemed that as long as he kept one, he couldn't help the sleepy Ouyang Qing.

Aunt Thirteen saw that Lu Xiaofeng had eaten completely, and suddenly asked, "Why are you so concerned about this kind of thing? Does this have anything to do with others?"

Lu Xiaofeng nodded and said slowly: "Four or five months ago, Brother Lu and I met the honest monk. He actually said that he was with Ouyang the first day."

Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly fell down, unaware of personnel.

The Thirteenth Aunt actually watched Lu Xiaofeng fall down so coldly, and there was a vicious snake-like smile on his face.

Lu Xiaofeng really didn't understand women, let alone women like Shisanyi and Ouyang Qing.

If a man feels that he knows women very well, no matter who it is, he will be out of luck.

The same is true for Lu Xiaofeng.

However, the difference is that many people are born extremely lucky, even if it is unlucky, it will not be unlucky for long. Lu Xiaofeng is obviously this kind of person, he hasn't died yet.

When Lu Xiaofeng woke up, he found that not only did he have all four limbs and his facial features were unchanged, but he was also lying on a clean and comfortable bed.

The room was so clean and exquisite, full of chrysanthemum and cinnamon fragrance.

There was a lamp on the table, but the moonlight was like water outside the window.

A person stood quietly in front of the unprecedented, facing Qiuyue outside the window, dressed in white like snow.

"Ximen Xue Chuan?" How could Xi Men Chuan Xue, who couldn't be found after breaking through his iron shoes, suddenly appeared here?

"And me." Another person opened the door and walked in, but it was Lu Yang.

Lu Xiaofeng jumped up, he could actually jump up, but his legs were as light as they were filled with cotton.

It seems that his strength has not fully recovered.

"Smelly boy, where have you been hiding for so many days?" Lu Xiaofeng yelled, standing barefoot on the ground, "Where did you come out? How come you and Brother Lu are together?"

Ximen Chuuxue said coldly: "A person shouldn't have said this to his lifesaver."

"Savior?" Lu Xiaofeng shouted again, "Are you my savior?"

Ximen Chuuxue said, "If it weren't for me, you would end up like Li Yanbei. You were burned to ashes."

Lu Yang also smiled bitterly: "If it were not for Ximen Chuuxue, your life would not be saved."

All this happened so suddenly that Lu Xiaofeng didn't know how to react.

He really couldn't think of what happened.

Why is Brother Lu and Ximen Chuuxue together?

Why do they say that Ximen Chuuxue saved him? How did this happen?

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Originally, Ximen Chuuxue and I met by chance and wanted to talk to him, but he insisted on seeing you first, and the three of us would talk together. When we found you, you had fallen down. ."

Lu Xiaofeng sighed. He also understood that the person Ximen Chuuxue wanted to meet the most during this period of time would definitely have him.

Ximen Chuuxue stared at Lu Xiaofeng, his face was still pale and indifferent, and his voice was so cold.

However, Lu Xiaofeng could see that there was already some warmth in his eyes.

That is the kind of warmth that can only be found in the eyes of friends who have reunited after a long time.

Only as a true friend can you have such a look.

Lu Xiaofeng also stared at Ximen Chuuxue: "It seems that your recent luck is not too bad."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "The luck is really bad, it seems that only Li Yanbei is the only one."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Do you know how he died?"

Lu Yang sighed: "His death was really unexpected for us."

Yes, no one would have thought that Li Yanbei and other influential figures would die silently like this. ..


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