Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 262: Really troublesome

Of course, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng originally had some doubts, but now they fully understand.

They first inferred that Zhang Yingfeng had found Ximen Chuuxue, and if Zhang Yingfeng had found Ximen Chuuxue, he would definitely draw his sword.

When Zhang Yingfeng draws his sword, he will definitely die in the hands of Ximen Chuuxue.

This is what everyone thinks.

Even Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng originally thought so.

"Died yesterday." Lu Yang repeated again, "It's quite strange to die."

"Who killed him?" Ximen Chuuxue asked.

"It should have been you." Lu Yang sighed.

"Should it be me?" Ximen Chuuxue frowned, "I should have killed him?"

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "This is what everyone thinks after we saw his body."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Because, this time they came to the capital, they were originally looking for your revenge and looking for the whereabouts of Sun Xiuqing."

Ximen Chuuxue sneered: "So, I have a complete reason to kill him."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "At least, before we saw you, we thought so."

"What about now?" Ximen Chuuxue said.

"It seems that it is absolutely impossible now." Lu Xiaofeng said.

"Why?" Ximen Chuuxue asked coldly.

"Because Sun Xiuqing is Mrs. Ximen." Lu Yang said.

"Mrs. Simon's husband will definitely not kill her senior brother." Lu Xiaofeng said.

"That's not necessarily. If he draws his sword." Ximen Chuuxue said.

"However, before he draws the sword, he will definitely ask a word first." Lu Yang said.

Ximen Chuuxue asked, "What are you talking about?"

Lu Yang said, "Where is Sun Xiuqing and how is she?"

Ximen Chuuxue's face became milder: "So, I will definitely take him to see Sun Xiuqing to resolve the enmity between him, and never draw the sword first."

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng nodded.

"But how do you think he died under my sword." Ximen Chuuxue said.

Lu Yang said, "Because, there is only a little blood on his throat, and that is a deadly place."

Ximen Chuuxue certainly understood Lu Yang's meaning, and suddenly understood why they thought so.

Only an extremely sharp, terrifying, and extremely fast sword can have such scars, a sword that is fatal.

People in the arena think that besides Ximen Chuuxue, who else has such a fast sword.

If he was not Ximen Chuuxue himself, he would think that Ximen Chuuxue started.

Ximen Chuuxue's face changed.

At this time, Lu Yang sighed and said: "Now, your appearance has completely overturned our previous judgment. We now know that the person who killed Zhang Yingfeng was not yours."

"Then you know who it is now?" Ximen Chuuxue said.

Lu Yang said: "Now, there are two people who are most suspected, one **** and one pockmark. They are probably behind the scenes, or they may join forces behind the scenes. At least, his death cannot be separated from them."

"It is quite rare to be able to die in the hands of such two people." Occasionally, Ximen Chuuxue is not necessarily completely without a sense of humor.

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "However, Zhang Yingfeng will never die in their hands, because I haven't thought that they killed Zhang Yingfeng for their reasons. The most important point is that the two of them will definitely not be Zhang Yingfeng's opponents."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "So, you think the murderer should be someone else."

"So, I have a headache now." Lu Yang said.

"In other words, if you are in the Forbidden City, there is no gain." Lu Xiaofeng said.

Lu Yang said: "Now, I also want to find out who the murderer is. I always think that Zhang Yingfeng's death must have a complete relationship with this matter, and there must be something that can be connected."

"Who is the murderer?" Lu Xiaofeng asked.

"Because the eunuchs can also be called monks, and they also wear white socks." Dao.

Ximen Chuuxue thought for a while and said, "Is Yan Renying the one who collected Zhang Yingfeng's body?"

Lu Yang said: "Yes."

Ximen Chuuxue asked, "Where is Yan Renying?"

Lu Yang asked: "Do you want to find him?"

Ximen Chuuxue said, "I want to see the fatal wound on Zhang Yingfeng's throat. I may be able to see whose sword it is."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "We've already seen it, and we've seen it carefully. Brother Lu has seen it many times, but it didn't get any results."

Ximen Chuuxue said coldly: "I know your martial arts are very good, and your eyesight is also very good, but about swords, you don't know much more than an old woman."

Lu Xiaofeng only smiled bitterly. He could not argue, no one could argue about the sword in front of Ximen Chuuxue.

Perhaps even Brother Lu did not have much to argue with.

"If you must go, I will take you there." Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "It's just that you had better be careful."

He knew that Ximen Chuuxue was also concerned about Zhang Yingfeng.

"Why?" Ximen Chuuxue said.

"Yan Renying has found someone to deal with you. Among them are two tantric lamas, and two are said to be masters of a mysterious sword sect on the water peak of the Bianji Our Lady." Lu Yang said.

"They also use swords?" No matter how mysterious the sword school is, of course they use swords. Ximen Chuuxue said coldly, "As long as you use swords, you should be careful when you meet me."

Lu Yang smiled, "So it is them who should be careful, not you."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Of course."

Lu Yang said, "Where are the two lamas?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "The Lama belongs to you and Lu Xiaofeng."

The problem of the monk and the Taoist priest is enough for Lu Yang to have a headache, and now the lama is also in his possession.

However, he also understood what Ximen Chuuxue meant.

Ximen Chuuxue's envoy is a sword, and the sword is related to his life.

If someone with a sword wants to deal with him, his sword will naturally be eager to try.

As for the other people, he is also very generous and will not let Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng watch the excitement. ..


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