Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 263: Weird crematorium

Lu Yang murmured: "Some people like fame, and some like profit. Therefore, they are busy all day long, but what am I looking for?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Trouble."

Lu Yang sighed, "It's not bad indeed. I was busy, but all I found was trouble."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Because we are the troublemakers."

Ximen Chuuxue said, "Where are you going to find it now?"

Lu Yang said: "Quanfu Inn."

Quanfu Inn is located on Gulou East Street. It is said to be the oldest and most magnificent inn in the capital.

When they arrived, it was late at night, but Yan Renying and them were not there.

"Young Master Yan is going to bury his senior brother." The guy in the shop said, "I walked with the two lamas. It hasn't been long since I left!"

Lu Yang asked, "Where did they go?"

The guy said, "They are going to the Tiancan Temple."

The Celestial Silkworm Altar is outside Andingmen.

The emperor values ​​the people, and the people are mulberry-based. The emperor sacrifices the first agriculture in the southern suburbs, and the queen sacrifices the silkworm in the northern suburbs.

Ximen Chuuxue asked, "Why did they want Zhang Yingfeng to be buried in the Tiancantan?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Because this Celestial Silkworm Altar has been abandoned, it has become a cremation place for lamas."

Ximen Chuuxue asked: "Cremation?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "The dead bodies of herdsmen outside the border are cremated by lamas. The customs have not changed after entering the customs, and even the grass used for cremation is specially transported by camels from outside the customs."

Ximen Chuuxue asked, "That grass is very special?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "It's really special. Not only is it soft, but it's still green after drying."

Ximen Chuuxue asked, "What's the use of this kind of grass?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Used to cushion it in a box."

Ximen Chuuxue asked, "What box?"

"I think it should be a box for the dead." Lu Yang said, "The dead must be put in a box before cremation."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Why?"

"Because lamas want money, those who don't have money have to wait." Lu Xiaofeng said: "I once went to see it once, and the hall was almost full of boxes of two feet wide and three feet high."

Ximen Chuuxue said, "The box is only two feet wide and three feet high?"

Lu Xiaofeng nodded, the expression on his face seemed to be vomiting: "So the dead can neither stand nor lie down, only squat in the box."

Ximen Chuuxue couldn't help frowning, he could imagine such a situation.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Not only are there many boxes of this kind in the main hall, but also yellow cloth bags."

Ximen Chuuxue asked, "What's in the bag?"

"The ashes of the dead." Lu Xiaofeng said, "They transport the ashes back every year, and they hang them in the hall before they are transported away."

Lu Yang said: "Then we must not let them put Zhang Yingfeng into the bag.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "So if you want to go, you have to go quickly."

The night is deeper. The lights in the main hall were dim, and the husband hall itself looked like a tomb.

The evening breeze in September was originally cool, but here it was full of an indescribable stench.

The smell in the eunuch's den was already disgusting, but this place was another kind of smell, which was strange and terrible.

Because this is the stench of carrion. There is still blood on some boxes, dark red blood, slowly flowing out of the cracks in the wooden boards.

Suddenly, with the sound of the "wave", a wooden board cracked.

It seemed that someone was struggling to get out of the box. Could it be that the dead inside came back to life again?

Even Ximen Chuuxue, who didn't have a feeling for death, couldn't help feeling that his back was chilling.

Lu Yang patted him on the shoulder and smiled reluctantly, "Don't worry, the dead will not be resurrected.

Ximen Chuuxue sneered.

Lu Yang said: "But the dead will rot, and when they rot, they will swell, and the box will burst!"

Ximen Chuuxue said, "I also understand this. Brother Lu doesn't need to explain."

Lu Yang said: "I am afraid you are afraid."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "I'm only afraid of one kind of person."

Lu Yang said: "What kind of person?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Words."

Lu Yang smiled, of course not a very pleasant sentence.

"Strange, why aren't even one of those people here." Lu Yang muttered to himself again, and kept walking among the wooden boxes.

He would rather be said to be wordy than shut up.

It is not easy for a person to stay in such a place without moving his mouth.

Talking can not only relax people's spirits, but also make people temporarily forget this terrible smell.

"They might be incinerating Zhang Yingfeng's body behind. The only furnace here is behind the main hall." Lu Xiaofeng thought for a moment.

"The only stove?" Lu Yang asked.

"There is only one stove here, and there is no chimney yet." Lu Xiaofeng said.

"You know a lot." Lu Yang smiled.

"It's a pity that he doesn't know something." Suddenly someone behind the hall was sneering. "That stove can burn five people at the same time and burn all five of you to fly ashes."

Such a weird voice, weird accent. Weird people.

Not all lamas are weird, but two lamas are not only weird, but also ugly.

No one can describe their faces, it seems they are like masks of two evil spirits. It looks like a devil.

They wore yellow robes, but they only wore half of them, exposing their left shoulders, with nine bronze rings on their left arms, and one on their ears.

The weapon they used was also a bronze ring, with spikes on all sides except for the handshake.

No matter who suddenly sees such two people in such a place, they will be scared into a cold sweat.

Lu Yang laughed.

"It turns out that lamas can't count." Lu Yang smiled and said, "We only have three, not five."

"Three in the front and two in the back." A lama opened his mouth and grinned, revealing his white teeth.

The other's face looked like a dead man's face.

The two of them looked like death descending, so ugly, it also made people feel weird. ..


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