Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 291: More accidents

The Taoist Mu smiled slightly: "Sikong picks the stars, he is a monkey spirit. I have heard those children sing in the afternoon."

Sikong Picking up the stars sighed and said, "It seems that my disguise technique is useless anymore."

Mu Dao Humanity: "You shouldn't have performed this kind of light gong, besides Sikong picking the stars, who else has such a high light gong?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Me."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Me."

Sikong Zhanxing smiled and said, "When a lot of **** is eaten, bed bugs will fly when they eat it."

Lu Yang deliberately pretended not to hear, and stared at the ribbon on his body: "You stole one of me, but you gave me two more."

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "I am the most loyal and friend, knowing that you forgot to leave one for yourself and Lu Xiaofeng, so I specially found two for you."

Lu Yang asked: "Where did you find the ribbon?"

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Did you forget that I am the king of stealing the king."

Lu Yang said: "Did you stole Tang Tianzong and Sima Ziyi?"

Sikong Zengxing smiled, and suddenly, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the front: "Look, who is the person in front?"

In the distance, two more figures approached.

The man on the left shrugged his shoulders when he stood upright, as if he was always preparing to dig out a hidden weapon, using the unique light skill of the Tang family.

The person on the right seemed clumsy. It seemed that because of hard work for too long, if Tang Tianzong hadn't waited for him, he would have been far behind.

The honest monk said: "Bu Ju."

The person who came was really Bu Ju.

Na Bu Ju looked at Lu Yang with an ironic smile on his face, as if demonstrating to Lu Yang. If you don't give Lao Tzu a ribbon, Lao Tzu is still here.

Bu Ju actually wore a ribbon on his body!

The color of the satin ribbon was so peculiar, it looked suddenly purple and silvery gray under the moonlight.

At first glance, it is known that it is also made of color-changing silk.

Originally there were only seven ribbons of this kind, one on Lu Yang, one for Lu Xiaofeng, one for Honest Monk, Taoist Mu, and one for Sikong Picking the Stars, plus two of them, it was already seven.

However, Sima Ziyi still had one on his body, which was specially given to him by Lu Yang.

How did the seven become eight?

Where did the extra ribbon come from?

Bu Ju walked onto the bridge head triumphantly.

Tang Tianzong's face was so blue that he didn't even look at Lu Yang from the corner of his eyes. Lu Yang knew that even if they asked them, they would not say.

The most important thing is that now he has no time to ask.

Everyone, you looked at me and I looked at you, obviously stunned.

In the Gate of Supreme Harmony, a figure has appeared. He has a long sword slanted on his back, and he wears the costume of a guard with a sword, which is slightly smaller on his body.

It seems that he is blessed again, but his body style is still very flexible and light, which is exactly the envy of one of the four great masters in Ouchi.

His face was so blue, and he said with a calm face: "I know, you are all top figures in the martial arts, but you should also take a look at what this place is? This is not a teahouse. If you want to chat and joke, you are wrong. Place."

As soon as he came, he acted in an official tone.

This is where his duty lies. This is a matter of the method, and everyone can only listen.

This matter is really too much for them to bear, the mood must be very nervous in the world, and the temper must be more grumpy.

Besides, this really shouldn't be a place for chatting and laughing.

Yin Xian's face became calmer and looked at the six human beings in front of him: "Since everyone has arrived, please go in. After passing the big platform, there is a large hall inside, that is, the Hall of Supreme Harmony. "

The Taoist Mu asked: "That is the Jinluan Temple?"

Yin Xian nodded: "The tallest in the imperial city is the Hall of Supreme Harmony. Since Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng must fight on the top of the Forbidden City, you might as well go up and wait."

He looked at Bu Ju, and then at the old white-haired man who couldn’t even straighten his waist. He said coldly: "Since you dare to come, you must have two tricks, but I still remind you that this place is not It’s not a simple matter for people’s roofs to go up. The roofs are covered with glazed tiles that are slippery. Please pay attention to the bottom of your feet. If anyone falls from the top, then everyone’s not the same. Small."

Bu Ju's face was very student, he couldn't smile anymore.

Sagong Picking the Stars seemed to be secretly sighing.

Lu Yang hasn't even had a chance to speak up until now. He was about to speak.

Yin Xian said suddenly: "You don't want to go up now, there is still someone waiting for you?"

Lu Yang asked, "Whose is it?"

Yin Xian said: "If you want to see him, then follow me."

Yin Xian waved his arms, pulled up his body, and jumped out obliquely. It seemed that he was going to show his light work in front of these people.

His light power is indeed not weak, and he swept out three or four feet in one jump.

Lu Yang followed him at a distance, but did not surpass him. He didn't want to overwhelm Yin Xian's limelight.

Lu Xiaofeng also closely followed Lu Yang.

Yin Xian deliberately showed off, and turned over again, and even displayed the supreme light work of the swallow flying cloud, and swept forward.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Yin Xian's figure unfolded, he heard a whirr, and a figure fluttered past him.

The man surpassed him effortlessly. It was the old white-haired man who couldn't even straighten his waist.

As soon as he entered the Gate of Supreme Harmony, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng's moods were different. Not only could they not laugh, but they also breathed lighter.

The majesty of the sky is unpredictable, and they still dare not easily offend the majesty of the nine-fold emperor.

Even Lu Yang had to take care of some things.

The two high-grade platforms under Na Danfu seemed to be just dozens of ordinary stones.

However, that witnessed the majesty of the civil and military officials and the emperor during the dynasty.

Thinking of that situation, Lu Yang felt that the blood in his body was boiling. ..


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